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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. Thanks! Thank god for renters insurance haha.
  2. Zoldar: Warrior Beast from Outer Space - 🍷🍷
  3. ^ It is coming. So the idiot who lives above me left their bathtub running and forgot about it. My apartment is floodedish and also I am leaving to be out of town this weekend. I have finished reading everything and I am just gonna post the ratings. I don't have time to get into what I liked and didn't like. Top 25 will be posted tonight. Sorry but shit happens. Also when we thinking we want to do the actuals 3 weeks from now? Sooner? Later? Reviews seem to be wrapping up and predictions are looking also over the 50% mark. Let me know
  4. I am sorry but Redeeming Love, RuPauls Bestfriend Race, and Ice Station are trash. Gentle Ben isn't.
  5. I posted by FYC for my films this year!! @Isle of Pasta @Xillix @4815162342 @YourMother the Edgelord @Ethan Hunt @cookie @Rorschach
  6. Also are you just reviewing my films? I have a gut feeling like it is gonna be a trash Hiccup session.
  7. It is suppose to make you laugh. It is suppose to be over the top in that moment.
  8. The violence in Island of the Blue Dolphins is bloodless fyi.
  9. Wow didn't see this coming. It is the first in a trilogy. Kind of more like a Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 set up. The book is messy and I tried to correct it with the film. I'll agree, the film focuses so much on world building that the story isn't drawn out well. I am still releasing the second and third film regardless of the mixed reviews this film got. I am 100% certain it will be leaps and bounds better than the first one. It gets very unique and involves commoners, magicians, and spirits in a very cool interconnected world. I am actually very excited for y'all to read the sequel (Year 5 because of filming). I think it will get better reviews
  10. Thanks for Chrysalids #5....but more shocked at Dark Side #25
  11. As a horror fanatic I am now interesting. I hated Silent Hill mostly thanks to the shitting movies but I am very interesting.
  12. @Xillix I am now excited! I hate Silent Hill (thanks Hollywood) but now I have a horror film besides my own to look forward too. I am kind of blind sided by this review. Maybe we will have a good horror movie this year (outside of my own )
  13. I am actually releasing an animated penguin move Year 4 November
  14. You are fine. All is forgiven. It is fairly close so I guess I can see the confusion. Notes for the sequel
  15. Well it isn't a Wiki copy and paste for the record.
  16. I am more nervous than I was in Avengers: Infinity War 30 minutes ago.
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