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Everything posted by Hiccup23

  1. May BioShock - A messy, disjointed, and overlongly film, Bioshock shouldn’t be a dull adventure but somehow it is. What a sad waste of good source material. BioShock is a shockingly weak video game adoption in a time of such strong ones. 🍷1/2 Under the Sea - This is your standard nature documentary. I enjoy these type of films 🍷🍷🍷 God of War - I am gonna admit this: I am a Zack Snyder fan. This film clearly has problems: overly long, pacing is not that good, and the script is weak but….I had a good time. The visuals (like most of Snyder’s films) were fantastic and you could tell every penny was used in the budget. The cast had a weak script but that didn’t stop them from putting effort into making their characters fleshed out. I also liked how it was R rated and really went with it. A fun summer popcorn blockbuster. I had fun and for that I have to give it props. 🍷🍷🍷1/2 He-Man II: The Revenge of Skeletor – I like the first He-Man and it was a solid super-hero flick. He-Man II is pretty much the same but again suffers from the notorious sequelitis. The film clearly struggles especially in the third act but altogether is an enjoyable (but forgettable) time. If you liked the first you will enjoy this...kind of feels like Thor 2: The Dark World.🍷🍷1/2
  2. I am actually super excited to do the actuals for the Holiday Season I can't wait to see your guys predictions and the reviews!
  3. The real wait for you is August. Notes from Outerspace is a big wildcard for me. I really hope it lands well.
  4. Avengers: Infinity War 1,779 2,610 68.2% Great number! Below are the Top 3 preview sellers at my theater Stars Wars: Last Jedi 2,371 2,710 87.5% Black Panther 1,357 2,398 56.6% Wonder Woman 1,270 1,984 64.0%
  5. April Battletoads - Battletoads is definitely a different type of animated film and that isn’t a bad thing. Boosted by an entertaining story and strong voice cast, Battletoads may not be the best animated film of the year but it still is very enjoyable. The animation is simple and the story needed some more work. Altogether, I highly recommend it for a good time at the cinema. 🍷🍷🍷 Cataclysmic – Stunning, gripping, and visually beautiful, Cataclysmic is a rare treat. Francis Lawrence does a fantastic job and proves himself to be an excellent director. Michelle Pfeiffer kills it. Jennifer Lawrence and Ben Affleck are also excellent. This film really caught be off guard and I like it. Excellent job @Xillix 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷 Unknown Sender - Dumb horror but harmless I guess. 🍷
  6. Yes, it is one of those "books" you see on the shelf at Walmart that you know is complete trash. The only reason I released it was because in CAYOM 1.0 it opens with $25 and ended up earning $180Mish. In CAYOM 2.0, it got decent reviews and made something like $74M.
  7. Oh I am not talking about Redeeming Love. Have at that film lol With the mean spirited reviews, I don't think it is intentional but I have noticed since starting CAYOM 3.0 people seem to almost compete for who can be the most aggressive or harsh reviewer. In Year 1 and Year 2, I tried not to do that but Year 3 is a different game fyi. If y'all wanna play, I'll play. Unfortunately, I lost Society and it will never see the CAYOM again I also think it would do poorly in CAYOM 3.0 especially since the cultural climate has changed so drastically. Also, I am not trying to come after anybody. I am just trying to say what I have been feeling about this game for a while. This was my opportunity to vent so I did.
  8. But when you "better writers" have films that get "trashed" its a 5/10 or 6/10. They are like "We see your vision but the execution was choppy." Mine are 0/10 or 1/10. They are like "Fuck this movie. Fuck your vision. This is utter trash." or "We are only gonna give a a star or half a star because we already have dragged so many of your films we feel bad." And its a little harder to try to correct yourself when basically your "brand" or say "genre" of film style is getting trashed and not coming across. I have literally no idea what I am doing wrong lol. At least that is how I see it.
  9. As I recall they weren't has prevalent as this year's though.
  10. The pre-reads just feels dirty to me and especially when people pre-read a film multiple times with multiple people. No, you are fine. You opinion is your opinion. I'm not offended at all. I go into every year thinking I am gonna kill it but then don't. I edit my films multiple times and don't see anything wrong. Idk...am I just delusional? lol
  11. Y'all are fine. I am clearly at the bottom of the list. My films are just too zany and out there for most people on here or the message I am trying to convey across isn't getting across. It honestly, is a little disheartening considering this is my 10th year (started in 2008) playing this game. I definitely saw a big jump from CAYOM 1.0 to CAYOM 2.0, but stuff that killed or would have killed in CAYOM 2.0 is getting railed this in 3.0. I am honestly baffled and unsure how to approach Year 4. I was super confident about We Are The Ants but now I am just not sure. I am starting to over analyze the film and I know I am gonna end up fucking it up so bad. It is just such a different type of film and I am not sure how digestible it is gonna be for y'all. I am not a video game, animated to live-action, or sci-fi epic guy that isn't my craft so I think that is really bringing me down in the game. Also like not to do shady or anything, but I am not a fan of this new thing of "pre-reads". Honestly, I might have a few films pre-read but I am not gonna go full out. It just isn't my style. I am not gonna lie: When the "good" writers (we know who I am talking about) freak out about their films I can't help but eye roll. Like you didn't get that 9/10 but instead got a 7/10 or 8/10? Really......You film is getting positive reviews, gonna kill in the box-office, and will be nominated and probably win at the Oscars. I am a little salty tonight.
  12. I am terrified for The Chrysalids....that is my 8 in the hole when everything else collapses.
  13. I am so worried about Cycle of the Werewolf, The Chrysalids, and Bartimaeus and the Amulet of Samarkand now. ahhhhhhhh
  14. Dark Side $600M.......opening day. You heard it first here ladies and gentlemen.
  15. My fillers (Redeeming Love and crew) are doing the same so I am there with you. I am waiting for one of my major films to kill it *praying*
  16. March Nerdy - About as bland as a piece of stale bread. 🥛 2 Lonely 2 Zookeepers - Didn’t like the first film at all and having to see a sequel to it was even worse. Sure it was mildly entertaining in some spots but why do we need a sequel? 🥛1/2 SoulCalibur - SoulCalibur is a wannabe epic that tries to hard and utterly fails. I guess some of the action series were cool but nothing else is redeemable. 🥛1/2 Student Film - A warm and enduring film. The cast does a great job and the film does a good job of not entertaining the melodrama of most coming of age films. It feels realistic and down to earth. Easy one of the most enjoyable films of the year so far 🍷🍷🍷🍷 The Storyteller - It is decently made, but struggles with trying to find what kind of film it wants to be. This isn’t a memorable film and it drags by. 🍷 Lilo and Stitch – Lilo and Stitch honors its source material while standing out as its own adoption of the classic story. The cast does a fantastic job and the visuals are very beautiful. The film excels at developing the relationship between Lilo and Stitch. It has some pacing issues but those are mostly trival. My biggest praise though is that it stands out from the animated film and dares to readapt the story for a new audience. 🍷🍷🍷🍷
  17. That was my intention and vision for the film. I didn't want you walking away being like, 'Oh that was a refreshing and enjoyable film!" I wanted a monotonous, bleak, and nihilistic film that would depress you as you left the cinema. I never intended this to be a crowd pleaser or Oscar film. I'd compare it to mother! and A Cure for Wellness. It is very much an artisty film that I think would have a small cult following if released into the real world.
  18. Don't worry, like last year you have a strong second half
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