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Posts posted by TwoMisfits

  1. 2 minutes ago, Tele Came Back said:


    People were literally tweeting info to senior management of various theater chains.


    I'm not even sure why you'd do that?  To get them to carry more screens of your favorite movie?  To get them to drop your hated movie?  I mean, what's to gain by even giving them numbers?  A coolness factor?  


    Sometimes, I don't understand the internet:)...

    • Like 2
  2. 13 minutes ago, Tele Came Back said:

    Yes, it's unfortunate that some people (not any regulars here, as far as I know) chose to start disseminating the info around the internet, including details that should not have been public. Fan extremism strikes again!


    That is sucktacular (if not a word, I now claim it as one).  Hopefully, we can still get some less precise, but still useful, info...


    Well, here's to the new thread!:)



    • Like 1
  3. I said Sing DOM over Moana DOM last year on another board and people thought I was nuts...


    Once I see 1st previews for The Star, I may make the same call with it over Coco.  It wouldn't be nuts.  The Star is way better timed (coming out before its holiday while strangely Coco is coming out weeks after its holiday), bigger voiced, and fresher (we just had Kubo and Rock Dog, so "the main teenish male character saves the day with their instrument" has been done very recently, but we haven't had a fresh new animated Christmas movie for families in awhile).  


    EDIT: I did make this call in my "bold" predictions for the year, but those were "bold", not always fully 100% reasoned or reasonable:)...

    • Like 3
  4. 1 hour ago, PPZVGOS said:


    Pandering to overweight and unattractive women is a sensible business strategy. 


    Not only is that post mostly offensive, but it's not even right.  Her fan base is much more aligned by worldview than anything else.  And there's nothing wrong with a comic having a go-to fan base.  Few comics seek to be (or even can be) "universal audience" comics, and some have broader or narrower bases even amongst the non-universal set.


    I admit to not being one of her fans, but I'm not gonna tear down her fans just b/c they like her.  I admit I don't like a lot of things others do (and I like a lot of things others don't - I was a superhero fan before it was cool to be a superhero fan.  I still have the "lovingly read" ripped up, passed down from my mom, 1960s Action and Batman comics to prove it!) 

    • Like 5
  5. 13 minutes ago, The Panda said:

    I agree with most of this.  I don't think people should consistently flood a thread with why they think a movie or the cast/crew of the movie sucks.


    But I hope this doesn't mean you aren't allowed to post a "pessimistic" BO prediction, mention why you think something in the movie isn't going to work well for the BO, or only have praise for the movie coming from your posts.  I think people should be able to post their honest opinion of something in a thread, but not go overboard on it (which does happen a lot).


    Im pretty sure that's what the post meant though.


    Agreed...but it's the way you post.  Saying "XX the 500th sequel is the suckiest thing ever and it's gonna bomb" isn't helpful analysis of the movie.  Like for this weekend, as a non Alien fan (since the 2 originals - the only ones I've seen), I'd love to know what would or would not draw someone back for these prequels.  Is the series played out or is it filling in the blanks?  Can it draw GA or will it only draw lifers in the concept?  Giving me reasons and not just negativity (or positivity) is what I love to see on the boards.  

    • Like 3
  6. Okay, got 1 of 2 movies close and wildly missed the other this week (dang you old people for skipping the mythology movie:)...literally suck at predicting horror movies and teen romance (and I'm not much better at live action tween movies), but here goes...


    Alien - the Sequel - $41M (on biggest screens, but limited to 1 2d screen at both of my locals - gonna limit it's high end if this doesn't change early this week - I'll update if it does)

    Everything Everything - $13M (just a straight out guess - it has some presales already at my theater - not a lot, but it says to me this won't crash and burn)

    Diary of a Wimpy Kid - $11M (I think it's gonna keep up the dropping trend, but there are some presales already at my theater, so I don't think it can drop too much - family movies are also really light right now)...

    • Like 1
  7. 24 minutes ago, aabattery said:


    Not seeing it on The Star. It's about as different as you can get from Hotel Translyvania and it's too early in the year for it to really get in on that Christmas gravy train. I expect sub-100M for it.


    I threw it on as my surprise #10 movie of the year...huge voice actors, Christmas theme, guaranteed huge long legs b/c no theater will drop this til after New Years b/c it will continue to draw in kids and families all through the season...I'm hoping it's actually good b/c then I'd feel like it was a guarantee, but for a totally original concept movie, I figured it was worth not putting yet another supers sequel on my top 10:)...


    I'm hoping it's like a version of Hop meets the Passion of the Christ (the totally secular fun meets the totally religious meaning - 2 Easter movies that scored big embracing the holiday) - I'm hoping it's a family animated movie that's sweet and uplifting with a little serious thrown in that hits the holiday square and brings in a DOM BO between those 2 movies...

    • Like 1
  8. 3 hours ago, TalismanRing said:

    Deadline updated numbers in another article 1:54am (PST)





    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 at $60M

    Snatched with $16M




    So, so far, they've changed from:

    Arthur: $16.7M - $14.4M

    Snatched: $20M - $16M

    GOTG2: $62.1M - $60M


    That's actually good for Deadline...

    • Like 1
  9. 10 minutes ago, Barnack said:


    20m is a really big opening weekend (the big movie star cut-off) for mid budget non franchise movie, I don't think it will reach it, but woman over 50 is not that small of a demo, 25% of the ticket sold last year were to people over 50, and has the demo get older woman become a large part of it (has they do in percentage of that population age), that is probably easy to grab that weekend.


    Hot Pursuit did 14m, Mother day made 11m on a second weekend during mother day weekend, , I imagine we can expect a 13m to 17m opening for Snatched.


    That's my point - it probably won't hit $20M.  You agree.  I predicted last week $14.8M...right between your numbers:)...

  10. Just now, Tele Came Back said:


    This is the demo. "Adult" meaning 20+, "even older moms" meaning 45-55 or so. Don't count them out.


    That's a really tiny demo...and in that demo, you also have to drop any moms who have kids younger than 18 or probably boys/young men or who want to hang out with dad, too.  That starts making this movie demo really tiny for the weekend.  Will that tiny demo show up in force - probably.  But does it even have $20M in it...I question that.


    Maybe it does...(and BOGO all week has to have helped - no doubt, it's easier to dump $7/person vs $14/person for this movie)...but I don't think it does:)...


    • Like 1
  11. I'm not sure Snatched, even with Mother's Day, can hit $20M.  I think it will draw as well as King Arthur on Mother's Day - neither hits the demo on the nose.  I mean, how many kids want to (or can) sit with mom in a raunchy comedy, except maybe adult women with even older moms...but even then, those moms, like mine, probably have little interest (it's outside usual 50+ cinema interest:), so it's not like I could take my mom even if I was interested, and I sure can't take my kids, either.  Even if it was great, it's a movie that becomes one without an appropriate audience this weekend.  This is the type of movie that's a Mom's Night Out movie, not a Mother's Day weekend movie (where moms are spending it with their families)...  


    • Like 5
  12. 4 hours ago, Jay Beezy said:


    I haven't seen this movie. I'm just talking about in a general sense of people wanting something different for the sake of wanting something different. Because something different can go either way.


    Because same old, same old can just be rewatched on old editions of movies already done.  New is an opportunity for excellence...and that opportunity should always be sought, even if it sometimes fails...


    I myself won't pay to watch repeats of movies already done (so I'm always leery to attend sequels or remakes until I know if there's anything newly explored or better than the original)...it's why I also cheerlead the new-type movies (whether they be new adaptations of books/tv shows, etc or brand spanking new ideas)...

    • Like 1
  13. 2 hours ago, baumer said:


    I don't think anyone will take this bet.  70 million second weekend is almost unheard of.  That would be less than a 55% drop.  If I'm not mistaken, the only Marvel since Iron Man to drop less than 55% is Avengers. 


    There's a few folks who are putting out $400M+ BO after the Sunday hold number...and it's early in the week before either of us would see the 1st weekdays (maybe this will hold like those non-deep supers movies)...so it was there if any of those folks high on the film wanted it:)...


    I'm also cool if no one wants it:)...

    • Like 1
  14. On 5/6/2017 at 7:32 PM, TwoMisfits said:

    I have no interest in either new movie...but b/c I was so close this week, why not try to repeat, since I'm on a one week roll?:)


    Snatched - $14.8M (if a BOGO deal comes out, I'll up this number, but I can't see anyone paying $13+/ticket to see this, except those who have to pick the girl movie for Mother's Day...and even then, I think a repeat viewing of Beauty and the Beast wins the pick)

    King Arthur - $25.4M (If I was taking my mom, she'd pick this movie if there were no B&TB showings, so I'm going with my gut that this will be the grandmom/mom viewing choice for many over Snatched - dads would probably also like it better if they were going for couple viewing)




    Dang, there's a BOGO already at Atom for Snatched...may have to up my number, since this deal doesn't even have an expiration date...although maybe that's b/c reviews will be toxic for the BO...


    EDIT: Okay, with those reviews, I think I'll be keeping my gut prediction from last week, even with the BOGO deal...

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