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Posts posted by TwoMisfits

  1. I'm gonna say Case for Christ gets a $9-10K PTA...so my prediction is based on current theater plans...or $10M for the weekend (with estimates of 1000-1200 theaters right now)...perfect timing on a movie that will put people in an Easter spirit without just being a retelling of a Gospel story...original and hopefully not sucky (wish there were reviews for this one)


    Smurfs gets run over by all the other movies (which is a shame, b/c I actually think answering the "why was Smurfette the only girl" concept could have been very cute)...$16M


    Going in Style...(I wish there were reviews, too, b/c this will live or die on them)...but as counter programming against all the other movies in the theater and with Case for Christ with less theaters and availability vs this movie...I'll say $16.1M...


    Edit to add: I'll say Boss Baby wins for 2 weeks in a row next weekend.  

    • Like 1
  2. I didn't see what GITS offered to female viewers...shots of Scar Jo and glass crashing is not selling me on anything.  So, you limited your viewers to mostly men through the trailers.  Then you open against a popular kid movie (when there hasn't been one in ages) on March Madness weekend while your date night movie, B&TB, is still also rocking...and you have controversy following you (ala last year's Ghostbusters for different reasons)...and that's not a recipe for BO success...


    Sometimes middling movies make bank b/c they open at the right time, with the right buzz, and the right circumstances...GITS had almost none of that, so it went the opposite way...


    Some would say Boss Baby had all 3 (great timing as the only animated for kids movie, great buzz from funny trailers, and online ticket seller wars w/ cheap tickets aplenty)...

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Telerian said:




    Okay okay, I admit it. PR was better than SS. 


    Of course that also means it was better than BVS, CW, and Transformers. 


    And it made me happier than LA LA LAND. 

     I wholeheartedly agree that Power Rangers was better than at least one of those movies...all of them, that's the "my kid was happy" crazy talking (and I've done my share of enjoying for their sake, so I get it:)...heck, I did watch Power Rangers for them...

    • Like 1
  4. 8 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    BB's previews were truly strong. Monsters U made over 80M from 2.6M previews in summer, and that was a sequel to a beloved decade old film.


    zootopia opened to over 70M with 1.7 in previews. Moana did 2M, and then there's the Home comp which people have already covered.


    Could we honestly be looking at a mid 50's opening? :ohmygod: 




    I don't think so b/c it still doesn't have the screens - multiple locals around me are only giving it one screen (and it's a split 2d/3d at that)...and even the mall theaters are only giving it 2-3 screens...which is a shame b/c the ones with the split 2d/3d literally have no tickets left for a family for Saturday (they only have singles left)...

  5. On 1/5/2017 at 1:38 PM, TwoMisfits said:

    My #9 prediction - Beauty and the Beast OW DOM < $130M (I put it at $125M), but with final DOM $400M+.  I made this prediction on the BaTB game, but I figure since I seem like an outlier on it, it can count as bold here.  I feel pretty confident on this one b/c of the release date and the way women go to the movies:).  If you want more analysis, see my other posts:).


    And my #10 prediction - How about a Top 10 DOM movies for the year?:)  And 10a - Star8 will be 1st by over $300M - is that its own bold prediction?:)...

    1. Star Wars 8

    2. Beauty and the Beast 

    3. Spiderman Homecoming

    4. Justice League

    5. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

    6. The Lego Batman Movie

    7. Despicable Me 3

    8. The Fate of the Furious

    9. Wonder Woman

    10. The Star


    Yes, I did not put a Disney/Pixar animated movie on here, so maybe that's bold itself.  I think Disney has a DOM year carried by 1 movie per season - Rogue One remnant this winter, Beauty and the Beast in the spring, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in the summer, and Star 8 in the late fall/early winter and their other movies disappoint slightly or greatly for Prates 5 (Cars 3, Pirates 5, Coco, Thor 3, Untitled Next Live Action whatever that is if that comes out and keeps the July date, Born in China).  


    Update: I realize I changed my mind on what my top super movie is (Spiderman/Justice League), and I'll probably keep changing it every week or two b/c I think they will be really, really close:)...



    Well, guess I'm one out of two on the family movies to start the year...overestimated Lego Batman (it won't be top 10) and nailed BaTB (pretty sure it's gonna be #2 now, and if not, it's got a top 5 spot locked up:)...


    (Although I thought movie goers would delay a little more for BaTB, but all those BOGOs and Atom deals...they push demand forward:)...


  6. Finally gonna up my predicts for 2017 movies, b/c I see Lego Batman mimicking SLOP this weekend, except with a lower Friday.  I see $28, $37, $28 for a $93M OW.  Finally throwing out a big number on a predict, but I think this has SLOP buzz all over it.

    However, I see LB sucking up all the weekend air from the sequels.  I'd put 50 Shades the Dirtier at 45% of the original's OW or $38.3M.  

    I'd put John Wick 2 at the same OW as the original with a little ticket inflation or $16M.  I just see most guys either choosing themselves (or being good dads) and hitting Lego Batman (if they aren't doing Valentine's date night at 50 Shades...and even then, their dates might want Lego Batman).  So, even if this is better, it gets squeezed out as #1 choice by both movies...



  7. 16 minutes ago, That One Guy said:

    Rings :winomg: 




    I admit I ALMOST went b/c Atom ran a deal on Friday giving anyone practically 2 free tickets for the weekend.  I imagine a lot of people jumped on it, both raising its BO and lowering its Cinescore (b/c people couldn't believe they watched it even if it was free:))...

  8. 11 hours ago, grim22 said:


    For this poll to have CAP3 and BvS tied as the same quality movie is CRAZY!  I just watched that extended cut of BvS this week.  It was the WORST big budget Batman or Superman movie I've ever seen, and I'm willing to say also the worst big budget supers movie I've seen this millenia.  It got a solid F from me, so to be on this pool is nuts, especially tied with CAP3, which is a solid A- movie:)...it's like someone was trying to spike the pool (what'd they do, put it at #1 for the year?).

    • Like 1
  9. 2 hours ago, Jason said:


    What choice are you referring to? The only thing I can think of is the decision to lie to Kubo's grandfather - but I didn't spend a moment wondering if that was the right choice or not. Perhaps there's another choice made that I'm missing?


    It's entire ending deals with justice vs fairness, forgiveness vs vengeance, and the whole question of identity both for yourself and in society (who are you - the sum of your actions?  the sum of your thoughts?  the sum of what people tell you or think of you?  the sum of what your know/remember?)...what do you tell the equivalent of Hitler when he wakes up a feeble old man with no memory?  what do you do?  It's like a question few could ever answer...but the movie went there...


    Let alone the imagery of "being blind" (ie - taking your eyes out) so you can't see the goodness in people, enabling you to perpetually do them harm and for you to live into perpetuity...and yet at the end, grandfather is still blind since he had no eyes, but good is done onto him, good he never deserved but was given freely by people he had just harmed...


    I could keep going (I haven't even gotten into the final ending with the lanterns) - the movie is deep and powerful in a way I never expected when I took my kids and saw it at a cheap theater - it wildly exceeded my expectations from the preview (as it did for my kids who gave it an A+, their only A+ for the year)...it caused me to think...and I can honestly say there's not a Disney, Pixar, Illuminations movie that has done that for me pretty much ever...  


    And I will admit on the final scene, I teared up...again, not a movie this year that brought me close to tears, but this one did...

    • Like 1
  10. The best "theme" of the year was in Kubo...it might have been a "wannabe" blockbuster that kinda failed, but that movie caused one to think on the ending, and not just feel totally hit over the head with obvious "messaging".  If anything, you spent the end wondering if the right choice was made, if you would have made the same choice, if you should make the same choice, and if, when you make the choice, you should make it for the grandparent or the grandchild or the society writ large...explored ideas of respect for the dead/elders, importance of family, and degree to which one is culpable for one's acts is powerful stuff for a "kids" movie...that's a powerful movie with a message...not just "we are all special or celebrate diversity" - that's like kindergarten messaging...Disney tends to rely on this low level obvious messaging, so I don't give them THAT much credit - it's the easy popular stuff...

    • Like 1
  11. 6 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:




    ...until February 10, 2017 when we collectively become submissive to Mr. Grey, Lego Batman and the barrage that will follow for the rest of the year


    Okay, I admit - my kids are making me see Lego Batman...and I am looking forward to it:)...but that's party due to a wildly different plot (at least from the previews) from the Lego Movie and a fantastically amusing take on one of my favorite comic characters, Robin!  


    All the other Feb sequels will hit the dustbin for me, just like the Jan ones...and probably the March/April ones...I now really only see originals or spin-offs (or some supers/HP world movies) in theaters...I save the rest for video (and having just watched BvS on video, I can say that I am happy I never shelled out the money for that wild piece of cinematic garbage where enormous destruction based on stupid is set to crescendos of music - but don't get me started:)...

    • Like 1
  12. 5 minutes ago, Barnack said:


    Look at the top 20 of 2016:



    Pretty much all big CGI heavy sequels/franchise entry. All of them are, instead Central intelligence. Audience are clearly saying them to continue doing those movies.


    That's not quite a fair way to judge - you also need to do total costs vs revenue to see what the most profitable films were...as both a $ value and a %...I mean, Ghostbusters is #19 and we know that was a pretty large money loser...


    Star Trek Beyond, another major money loser, comes in at #15...

  13. 8 hours ago, tonytr87 said:


    What is it with January and the horror genre? I think there might be more horror successes in January than in October. 


    College kids are back to school after break with very little to do both in class (no tests/no papers) and in public (most group outdoor stuff is too cold to do in 50-75% of DOM).  Horror movies are one of the few fun group activities in Jan...

  14. 3 hours ago, Jake Gittes said:

    Silence's PTA jumped by 167% compared to last Friday. Makes me think it could have actually crawled to 10m+ if it had a slow and steady theater count increase, and Paramount did their homework and focused on the markets where it had the biggest chance of finding an appreciative audience. Instead they just blew their load completely with the ridiculous 1,500 theaters increase last weekend. 


    There was a Fandango code released yesterday to get 2 free tickets.  I would have gotten them for me, but it was already out of my major metro, so I had to give my mom the free tickets.  That's probably why it jumped so much...no one actually paid to see it yesterday (or this weekend, since my mom's tickets were for today).

  15. Last 2 years (2016-2017), DOM audience has been rejecting sequels, unless they are animated (and they've even rejected some of those).  "World" movies are okay (Star Wars, Marvel, DC, Harry Potter), but just straight sequels are tanking with only a few exceptions.  It's a juxtaposition b/c as sequel performance gets worse domestically, it gets better internationally...

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