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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. It would be giant for a regular movie, for a Star wars movie not so much (and a lot of it is done via deal with partners) and it was a bit compressed with being close to Last Jedi release like this, marketing started late for sure. The low quality of the marketing is a good reason for how low it got I think more so than volume, but that has to also do with what marketer had to work with, if a lot of market respond in the same way it is hard to blame a particular strategy used in some place, there is usually a general unattractive proposition. But even if it started late, it still had a superbowl trailer that deliver a lackluster response, change it for a trailer that get a good response with a movie people understand the goal of the hero, sell young Solo has something interesting and sell an arc from young Solo to what we get in a New Hope (like Casino Royale did for Bond) and maybe you have a different story at least domestic and some key market.
  2. Well the announcement of the new projects timing like Bobba Fet would be what you are talking about imo. For gutting marketing spending theory: https://www.ispot.tv/search?term=Lucasfilm+Solo%3A+A+Star+Wars+Story They had a super bowl ad and over 10,000 national aired ads from them and their partners, according to variety they spent more on TV domestic than Fox for deadpool. Has for them no giving anything to the trade to write about, you would also be right here.
  3. Is last one is by far is worst I have seen, I was shock to see is name appear at the beginning of T2 Trainspotting generic, what a lazy movie in every way. I will add my voice into the Steve Jobs was really good crowd.
  4. and the first and last probably felt more special than the rest for the fans, at least their box office were special versus the rest of them.
  5. Maybe you are mixing large group of people playing the movies (with toys, cartoon, video games, collectible card, etc...) and a movie having fans here or are you seriously saying there is not a big amount of people fan of Jurassic Park ?
  6. Some quick thought, obviously with so much rework it did not showed too much it was reworked, but there was still very weird moment that I must assume were due to the reshoot here. Biggest one was Woody Harrelson love dying in the train set piece, seem like it would be a big deal, scream about it, does not give value to is life the moment right after, etc... Than the very next moment he is smiling and not referring to it at all ? That was extremely strange. - All the heist part were a bit too complex for me too get (and lacked the usual montage a la Ocean 11), I was not able to follow much, why blow the train part to the cost of your life for example if you are to fly with the wagon off the track anyway, etc... - Photography was impressive in general I did found, really cinematic, Young delivered something again, when they enter the Falcon with the space in background for example, not sure about the night scene in the beginning too, find it hard to see and not taken advantage of contrast and overall not sure it match summer event movie really well. - Found it really slow to get started, but once they faced the empire ship in the cloud tunnel, that sequence to almost the end was quite something, smile on my face for all that run, easily the best part, put the first half of Awaken, second half of this together.... one good star wars movie from those 4 for me. - the very ending, I didn't understood anything that was going on why does Clark insist to kill the guy herself instead of let Solo shoot, seem like a useless twist. - Except for the kessel run, many of the actions scene made no sense, I get it is a trope that the bad guy does not know how to shoot in Star Wars but they really pushed it to a ridicule, and the angle/time/stake didn't work for me most of the time, edit were fast. - money ! So much money, they didn't reused much setup here, table card, couple of Falcon moment in the same place but otherwise lot of costly locations. Kind of still work and very watchable overall, 7/10
  7. That did mixed me up quite a bit, a thought for a second the story was before Phantom Menace, didn't made sense so I thought this is a different sith or what not of the same family.
  8. You are fully right, I will give you that. I will say it differently, it is all pointless and fully inaccurate, I love doing it and I have no problem with people doing it, my only issue if is someone things he known and say with authority this made money, this lost money specially if they break it down for who that the case (saying the studio lost money for example).. except for the really obvious case. Or that think that a guy blogging for forbes or deadline would know the actual and use them as a source of perfect authority.
  9. Really no idea, it is quite the new thing with little precedent, a star wars opening like this, it is a rewatch heavy franchise with usually great legs, if it OW is small legs could be surprising, one of the issue is that it played quite old as of now and the movie has a lot of moment for kids and they will get on break soon.... I could see a 90m with a 2.75 occurring for a 240m run in some best case scenario, big movies openning next week and next next week wil make it really hard for anything special to occur. Star Wars is so much more than the movies direct revenues (thus the 2b + 2b dilution buy), that it could have some still potential terrible news coming from Solo international result, even if the budget was 190m budget instead of 250 that 60m difference is just 1.5% of the franchise buying price after all , let see with a larger sample size than 1 movie obviously, maybe Episode 9 bring again an over 1.3b box office monster is well liked, Battlefront fix itself, etc... and all become good. Solo has some major issue and one, that Solo is not much of a character, it is a bit of empty trope completely filled by Harrison Ford, it does not look like him nor sound like much, it become a movie not really about him, but still filled with fan service origin moment. Really curious how a connected to nothing would play instead.
  10. Well yes, if those well over 300m budget talk are true, specially if some player has first dollar gross (pushing the actual budget over 350) like they probably do because it was probably non sense to talk about if a star wars movie turn a profit.... If it does just 500m WW that would be really hard at least in the Filmed entertainment division it would show up at a lost there.
  11. Easier to rebound from Attack of the Clones that was #3 movie of it's released year and not in the top 10 of all time when it released than to rebound from The Last Jedi, biggest movie of the year / almost top 5 of all time. Last Jedi is more something you wish to be close too than to rebound from.
  12. Really close, comedy with big names around 2010 were often around 100m budgets. Other guys, The DIRECT PRODUCTION COSTS (98,455) OVERHEAD (9,370) PARTICIPATIONS (4,620) Obviously Other guys got an average world P&A of just 73.47m if it low intl performance would have been a surprise and if it would have got a 100-110m release expecting to do well, that would have been different. The movie made nearly 250m.
  13. It does tend to be directly fixed by your box office how much TV give you and same from streaming, that is true, but for streaming at least difference between a 100m and a 200m will be big, between a 220m movie and 500m not necessarily proportional. Disc sales is really getting far from 2006, but was still a 4.7 billion industry in the united state alone last year: If you include EST, direct unit sales was still 6.87b, depending on retention rate wonder how much smaller it was than the studio share of the box office. Brick&Mortar rental, that is really all gone now too, but the brick and mortar rental + physical mailing rental + kiosk is still a 2.1billion a year affair, still bigger than VOD. Liongates is pretty much the only studio that is not a subdivision and public, give way more detail on those revenues sources: http://investors.lionsgate.com/~/media/Files/L/LionsGate-IR/annual-reports/2017-annual-report.pdf And in 2017 for the films revenues, domestic: Theatrical: 353.7m Physical home ent: 247m Digital home ent: 192.7m TV: 238.7m Physical was still the biggest revenues source for Liongates after theater and even increased from 2016 (now you see me 2, deep water horizon, hacksaw ridge, hell or high water, mechanic being good home video title for them). In the past they had a nice breakdown for just their own title released in theater and by year of release that made it possible to see an evolution and the relative importance of each revenues source without the noise of the library of older title, sadly it is gone now it seem. But even in recent year's (say 2014 movies), physical was still really significant, at least for Liongates title.
  14. Versus the non pointless talk that could ever occur on a box office message board, I fully get what you say, when even studio get it wrong, imagine people that does not even have the real budget numbers and the retention rate contract, talent contract, etc... info like us, Deadline people can get it wrong by more than 100%, imagine us. But it is not like we could engage in a non pointless speculation about something else regarding movies....
  15. If a movie break even in Cinema it would be on is way to be a huge success (that would be according to the rumored numbers Solo doing 1 billion at the box office or so to break even in Cinema), if the question does studio care about the breaking even in cinema non-sense , obviously they do not. Except for the Get Out, IT, Black Panther, maybe Infinity War depending on people bonus, A quiet place maybe, it is really rare that it happen. But Disney still does care a lot about how much is movies make at the box office in my opinion. https://www.thewaltdisneycompany.com/wp-content/uploads/2017-Annual-Report.pdf In 2017 Disney Studio entertainment division made 8.38b in revenues and 2.355b in operating income. From those 8,379 millions made in the division here the revenues breakdown: Theatrical distribution: 2.903b (35%) Home ent: 1.798b (21.5%) TV/SVOD other: 3.678b (44%) ------------------------------------------ So first has you see it is mostly about content not all about it (65% of it right there and it would be much more if you take the values created among the Parks divisions and consumer product / video games divisions theatrical has), but it is still a giant amount, bigger than the division operating income. And everything else is push by the theatrical windows, how popular in theater tend to determine a lot how popular you will be on the bigger for studios homeEnt/TV-SVOD windows, how popular the park attraction of those movies will be, how popular the consumer product about them and the video games will be also. The correlation is quite strong. Everything fall down from it and even if the revenues does not come directly from theatrical, the values was mostly created there (and a bit why it is unfair to consider the theatrical cost expense pure as a theatrical expense, it is publicity for everything else for the future at the same time). There is obvious exception a la Fight Club, Pitch Perfect 1 and so on, but for made for the theater blockbuster receiving an over 150m sales pitch to convince people to see it in theater... it is a really bad sign for it's content value if it is rejected now, see Star Wars: Battlefront licensing revenues dropping with the Star Wars box office drop. Licensing for disney in 2017 were 600m lower than 2016 in good part because of Frozen/Star Wars doing down (while helped by Cars come back) and 130m lower in retail.
  16. At the time it was about a 500m WW very heavy domestic than 400m (400!!! really ????) Very domestic heavy can be surprising to some, The other guy for example: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=ferrellwahlberg2010.htm Production Budget: $100 million Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $119,219,978 70.0% + Foreign: $51,212,949 30.0% = Worldwide: $170,432,927 Not only didn't loose money, but made a 20m profit, but on movies close around the edge I do not have much of an opinion, even studio's does not know before it play out, but certainly if it would fall to a 400m WW performance it would probably loose money yes, because that would probably show an home entertainment rejection to come also. But to give an extreme example a movie like Hitch: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=hitch.htm Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $179,495,555 48.8% + Foreign: $188,604,865 51.2% = Worldwide: $368,100,420 Made 490m in revenues with 0 from consumer product sales and would have turned a profit even with a 250m budget if Smith would have agree to push is bonus.
  17. I was saying less and less effort now (those example above are extreme laziness, like if BP would get only 50% dbo....) Sony leak show the merchandise revenues for every movies, the spider man when they have the merchandise were above 100m for example.
  18. The 3 movies or more that started in the last 5-6 year's Hunger Games/Pitch Perfect in 2012 Conjuring 2013 Maze Runner 2014 50 shades 2015 Divergent ? Kingsman will joint that group soon, I imagine, same for John Wick. Is there talk for a Now you see me 3 ? Second one still made a giant box office. And far from new obviously, but the new version of the Poirot is off a good start with Murder on The Orient express could see them make 3 of those, material is certainly all already there to support has many audience will take of him.
  19. If true, if net and depending of what they mean by well north (315 or 330 ?), if the Kasdan, Kennedy, Howard and co. have first dollar gross (or that start low) that is starting to be quite expensive, rumored Justice League type of expensive.
  20. Russia did seem like a worst case scenario I think, minus 40% from RO or something like that.
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