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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. It is not really that different, just an other variable, unlike China pre-sales couple of days before the release do tend to be a relatively small minority of a movie total first weekend business, you still need to extrapolate your pre-sales sales into a OW numbers using a bank of comparable movie. If you use the sames formula (say 2 days before release pre-sales * 12) for a movie like Sully than a 3D movie playing a lot on screen with pre-assigned seat and so on, I imagine it would give you terrible result.
  2. Not really the result found by the tracking was passing it in the R-rated, horror, etc... bank of comparable formula, not the tracking had a tresult X, and after that we decided to reduce it because of the R-rated/horror, etc... You can look in the Sony leak some model of tracking used: https://wikileaks.org/sony/docs/03_03/Mktrsch/I N T E R N A T I O N A L/Tracking/Troy Tracking/Troy Mtgs & Info/07-10-08/Tracking Accuracy Discussion Points II (MX) 07.10.08.pdf Look how different are the formula by genre: (Some do not even use some of the variables the others do) Family: 2,371,644 + (First Choice O/R2 * 18,077) + (Definite Interest All2 *15,594) + (Top 3 Choice All2 * -10,150) + (Total Awareness2 * 1,089) Science Fiction : 2,147,711 + (Unaided Awareness * 517,422) + (First Choice O/R2 * 28,064) + (Definite Interest All2 * -7272) + (Top 3 Choice All2 * 10,737) + (First Choice All2 * -34,585) Musical: 378,006 + (Unaided Awareness * 520,517) + (Definite Interest All2 * 6,924) + (Total Awareness2 * -1,180) Comedies with no rating: -2,855,969 + (First Choice O/R * 195,717) + (Total Awareness * 98,772) + (Definite Interest All * 183,375) Non-Comedies with no rating: -1,581,153 + (Top 3 Choice All * 180,793) + (Unaided Awareness * 500,452) + (Definite Interest All * 156,170) + (First Choice O/R2 * 6,423) Remaining B15: -1,069,072 + (Top 3 Choice All * -310,947) + (Total Awareness * 167,184) + (Unaided Awareness * 321,504) + (Top 3 Choice All2 * 10,376) + (Total Awareness2 * -1,372) Remaining A, AA, or B: 3,286,013 + (Top 3 Choice All * -872,584) + (First Choice O/R * 287,981) + (Total Awareness * 138,659) + (Unaided Awareness * 594,886) + (Unaided Awareness2 * -26,257) + (Top 3 Choice All2 * 23,025) Movies that would not clearly fit one of those could come, well if it plays like a family movie it would be this, but if it is more seen as something else it will play differently
  3. People do not start with a box office number than adjust for what the movie is arbitrarily, there is not something tracking really said, it is all arbitrarily. They start with a list of metric, unaided awareness, awareness, definite interest, first choice, top 3 choice , etc... by demo. Then they need to plug those formula in the model that fit the movie the most according to them, unaided awareness does not matter for the next animated family movie like it does for Blade Runner were it is essential and so on, different genre of movie have they're own equation built empirically on the precedent metrics. When they have a movie without a clear precedent to use like Deadpool (will it play like a raunchy r-rated comedy, regular SH movie or something else) they do not know, they will try it in many model and look at the different numbers, that is why for movies like those (wonder woman also) we can see very different tracking numbers from different people.
  4. Me to, the double the budget at the box office rules of thumb is because we take into account the massive marketing cost, movie tend to make 1.75 to 3.5 time their box office rental in revenus, otherwise they would require to do much less than that. Specially a Disney movie like that, that has so many revenue avenue and will have a long Disney vault life and high priced blueray a soundtrack that went number one in album sales in many country, etc... Even if we do not take into account the licensing money of a franchise like that, how much it did help selling the 1991 version the last couple of year's, help the Disney land parks, etc..., doubling is budget of a big budget blockbuster that is performing well domestically should be more than enough (or things degraded a lot recently)
  5. The box office pro current prediction make sense to me (+/- 15%): http://pro.boxoffice.com/long-range-forecast-thor-ragnarok-bad-moms-christmas/ 9/29/2017 American Made $15,000,000 $50,500,000 Universal
  6. Break even was probably closer to 300-330m (150dbo/180intl) if that rumored 160m budget is true, Watson rumored low fee, etc... I would imagine 350max, it was not a china heavy title at all.
  7. Geostorm first shooting: Pre-Production/Spend Start Date: 05/01/2014 Pre-Production/Spend End Date: 10/19/2014 Production Start Date: 10/20/2014 Production Wrap Date: 02/14/2015 At that time around 82m budget, I imagine it grew since. Even if it make a small profit (not for WB) but the producer, the amount of time between the spending and making the money will kill your annual return. And I imagine interest spent on that loan.
  8. Despicable me 3 too ? 1+ billion on a 80million budget, that 50m difference in the production budget is taken care off with what around 80m at the box office max, kids movie is a genre that sell well also on bluray and all platform. Minions was at 502 million the last time, just below Force Awaken, with the same 80m production budget. Despicable Me 2 won 2013: http://deadline.com/2014/03/despicable-me-2-2013-most-profitable-movie-universal-705554/ Weaker domestic will hurt it a lot, but Despicable me should stay a hard to beat movie profit wise this year once again. That franchise has been a giant printing money factory.
  9. This and with animation for the family crowd those 3d animated movies are almost all comedies and very popular. MCU / star wars main storyline, Jurassic World, the fast and furious, etc... tend to have a lot of comedy in them right now. Watching an older Mission impossible vs the latest one will just show how much comedy got blended in almost everything now a day, Fury Road was a rare example of an big action movie with very few laugh, Apes, Rogues One and the last 2 hunger games rare example of franchise entry. That make it really hard to compete. That is a bit true for pure genre in general I guess not just comedy, pure romance is not much of a thing either, combination, horror-comedy, comedy-action, fantasy-comedy-action, tend to be what work the best.
  10. Force Awaken was at 780m net profit at that game (and they already had stopped to put merchandising into consideration that year). I imagine SW8 could still be in the running for 2017, Despicable me 3 will have bigger participation bonus, so maybe not, but over 1 billion on a 80 million budget..... will not be easy to beat either.
  11. Yes, I think that is a combinaison of still a small number of critics and that RT use every entry in the RT % score and only use the reviews that give a clear score (on 4, 5, 10, etc...) to calculate the average score, so when the sample size is low, if those with positive review gave more often a score to their review than those you didn't like the movie or vice versa, the number can be odd.
  12. But in the other way (now that I have seen that scene) it look like she is doing one of the best meta/performance in a big production ever in those movies, and I would imagine ridiculous money. Could be extremely fun to do.
  13. 2 would have been a bad idea for profit maximization imo, splitting the story in 3 parts like they did was probably the best maximization. And looking at the book wikipedia page, there is 4 th one (story told from the guy pov) possible spin of.
  14. I thought about that one, but with interviews about it, I think they wanted to possibly make a nice piece of art from that project, the trolling was not the movie itself but the created persona. But yes, that an example of someone could be trying some experiment, but again it would be with something easier to do like that movie. An actual script written and actual hard to do production... would be really impressive commitment.
  15. This is actually really in the movie and not a parody they made for a show like Kimmel ? This is such a nice dance on the line between the spoof of soap opera and still being a real movie, really want to watch this now.
  16. this imo, it felt much more like an other Lobster than the ultra standard and accessible/commercial Split/Get Out, would be extremely surprising if it caught among general audience anywhere like those did. Doing 60% more than the Lobster (feel like the Lobster high concept was an much easier sales, at least really short to explain and sales) while reaching 1000 theater would be a huge accomplishment.
  17. Probably tinted by the fact that it was a fanfiction were they removed the reference/changed the name for the publication I imagine. But also feel it is a lot of the same crowd, now a bit older. - Extremely popular book franchise - Never seen twilight and just the 50 shades, but apparently it is really similar story/ plot point wise. Demography audience Last twilight movie: 80% female (record low) 50% over 25, a lot between 21 and 25 included (60%) 60% of the audience aged between 21 and 25 (that was in 2012) First 50 shades 70% female 58% over 25 Would not be surprised if the shared audience to be really high ( a bit like between SH movies)
  18. That why I thought of him, but for a real full feature, it is so much work involved that yes it is useless, some small near free experience a la Trash Humper could make some sense (specially if you try to make something from the reaction).
  19. Yep, will see how much it was an hardcore books audience that was left on the second movie with the next one.
  20. First one played outside is fanbase because it turned into a event movie, but the fanbase that still went to watch the second one..... Will see.
  21. Put millions and more than a year of hard work into something like that, while putting a really nice career at risk, would be a strange amount of dedication. Could make sense I imagine for something much more smaller and hard work than something like mother! and if they are making a documentary to be released about it after. Harmony Korine, maybe ?
  22. Maybe it could, not unlikely, but if that audience is as much the Twilight audience that I suspect they are, they have an history of being very loyal.
  23. Those were strange claim (I have in mind reasonable claim from knowledgeable people and will fully acknowledged that those ridiculous claim were ridiculous it was still an superheroes giant action movie set in part in Europe in a global event, a genre that is use to a very americana aesthetic from Superman/Batman/Raimi SpiderMan ). The story matter usually, look at American Sniper vs American Hustle different ratio, it is not purely the name but all the aesthetic of the movie marketing, and some distributor didn't use the name American in their title of that movie like in Russia ("The first Avenger") for a reason. It is for an action blockbuster imo, compare those with the Will Smith/Tom Cruise big action movie, those marvel movie before the avenger were Anglo-saxon/traditional comic-book market heavy (that is not a bad thing at same WW box office you want as domestic heavy as possible). Just not necessarily heavy for a Marvel movie of that time, Iron Man 2 was 50/50 after all just the year before, but usually over 45% dbo is certainly domestic heavy.
  24. Because the TV series was a WB product, maybe they own the adaptation rights all this time and him not having some exec producer make it hard to tell, specially with the screenwriters talking that they did seek King approval of their script, showing he was not involved and probably didn't sold the right for that actual movie. That said he was already a giant name in the 70s/80s when the tv series right would have been bought so I imagine he got a really good deal with all that good stuff, let alone the actual book sales boost that must be happening.
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