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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. If James Gunn pedophilia rape joke were only something right-wing activist brigaded and had issue with, I am really not sure he would have been sacked. That is some strange unnecessary level of straw-man, no ?
  2. Considering Life it's Beautiful backlash or anything that can be perceived has making light of a terrible event, I think it does make sense. Spielberg using a movie thriller type of production, playing with the audience with the shower in Schindler List was quite criticized it is obviously a very sensitive subject. There was also some backlash when you reduce the German people to only the Nazy aspect that can occur (I think Weinstein said in an interview that it did occur on Life is Beautiful). Back in the 90s those didn't hurt the movies too much and they delivered big time (helping) Obviously, I doubt anyone believe executives are always trying to do the right thing for the right reason (in the implied sense here), many would even say that maximizing the retirement of the million of workers and stockholder and their own employee is doing the right thing, but for a heavily top of bottom Jewish (lead actor, writer, directed) movie, laughing at Hitler, I doubt the very niche pro-Hitler crowd is on the executive mind has if they thought of him has a possible audience for a small FSL production like this from the start. I agree that it is not ridiculous thought, specially the way it was written. I think the right also (at least publicly) really love Hitler bashing and bashing him, it was anti-capitalist, anti-freedom, anti-smoking,vegetarian, not much if not even anti traditional religious figure that did terrible thing, USA fighting facism in WW2 is a source of historical pride for them, Hitler being ridiculed would probably not bother you average red winger at all no ?
  3. The jump between right winger and pro-Hitler is really a giant one no ? (or are we really there in US politics discourse ?) From the look of it, Hitler seem to be presented has an idolized version of the propaganda in a child of that time mind (I would imagine ridiculed overall but with many sequence where he is an hero), making the movie controversial (if it is just from A to B Hitler portrayed in a negative light I doubt that we would have heard any notion of something being controversial before that Disney viewing). People that do not like player kneeling at the flag are not necessarily racist and even less necessarily pro-Hitler type. That said the way it was reported was at best quite misleading.
  4. I feel like what is popular on streaming service is extremely similar to a mix of what was the most popular on redbox and torrents before, and foreign movie where not frequently on those top list.
  5. I have the feeling that before the 80s the Sergio Leone, Fellini, Bergman and other International director doing movie abroad where more widely known by americans, La Dolce Vita was the 6th biggest movie domestic in 1961 and 8 1/2 made good money in 1963, they quite often won Oscar outside the foreign language category as well, directing got common for a while (17 foreign language nominated for best direction in the 60s/70s versus 9 for the 2000s including Clint Eastwood), 7 best script nomination in the 70s, 0 in the 2010s. Maybe Hollywood good better a recruiting foreign talent faster, back in the days maybe the 3 amigos, Denis Villeneuve, Besson, would have had 1 or 2 movie in a foreign language/production having a mini breakout in the USA, now they are either doing very small movie for the modern market or one in English.
  6. Like the map and link you provided it is quite common, non dubbing tend to be for adult population with good English I think.
  7. Yes, difference between the 2 being probably just Kevin Hart being a giant dbo draw. It just how The Intouchable was probably even in today environment a 100M in the US movie like in most of the world if it was not foreign language/setting,
  8. Well considering a remake of the Intouchable just did 108m domestic while Green Book made 85M it is not much of a speculation (edit, oops already being posted twice....) .
  9. Put Kevin Hart in it and make them speak in English and it get really big despite being a significantly worst movie too, Green Book was really good but not necessarily that much better than Intouchable, was almost the same movie and did much better in the US.
  10. It is only when they coordinate the voting (duplicate account, account created only for specific movie they want to attack/boost for some agenda), a regular movie fan, that happen to dislike Last Jedi treatment of Luke Skywalker, pace, etc... of the movie and give it a 3/10 on IMDB isn't necessailry less worthy, that not what is being talking about. That different conversation going on, a bit like of the 12 big movie bad trailer of the last 5 year's Ghostbuster create much more commotion for some reason, it is not about specific point about disliking or not movie (remember it is impossible to know if someone like or dislike a movie until it is expressed, that beside the point), it is how people react, are the nature of the reactions indicative of something. Murder on the Orient Express was not a good movie from a beloved franchise, I doubt many received death threat. One variable that is forgotten by many analyst is how crazy that fandom always has been, also there no doubt there was some Alt-right response to it, how relevant it is ? How much will it have happened with the same elements they attacked but with a different movie, many Marvel release were quite "SJW", filled will I guess alt-right hate it elements, the general population goodwill toward them quite overwhelmed their noise (to be fair too, I think some methodology to counts vote and so on changed since). When the movie work well with audience (Force Awaken, FuryRoad, Black Panther, EndGame), usually any alt-right campaign against them rapidly become fuzzy background noise. But, we should not get into I have a black friend I cannot be racist type, it is not because a group of people have no problem with Resident Evil or Force Awaken that their reaction to something else cannot be rooted in racism/sexist/etc... type, how you feel when people of a group do something you dislike (versus how you feel when someone you easily identify with do something you dislike) tend to be a better monitor of those tendency than when they act in ways you approve.
  11. A bit of a chicken and egg situation, they do not achieve to earn a wide release because they do not do that well even in their best market during their limited one. Weinstein didn't usually started them wide Intouchables weekend 1: 25.8k PTA in 4 theater weekend 2: 6.5k PTA in 50 theater Amélie weekend 1: 45.5k PTA in 3 theater weekend 2: 16.1k PTA in 48 theater Life Is beautiful achieve over 7.5K PTa on a 110 theater weekend, Crouching tigger kept over 20K on over 150 theater. I am not sure it is mostly because of that, it would not be that complicated to do wide release of them if it was the only issue, you can acquire the domestic market for almost nothing. A bit like more traditionnal type of animation got rejected by audience (Disney continued to propose them at a very high budget-production value and release budget) for a very long time after Shrek and Monster Inc, they pretty much stopped working since audience got use to the pixar-dreamwork style. The same seem to have happened to subtitle movies (foreign language like Indian movie targetting and playing in indien community do work for their scale). https://www.indiewire.com/2014/05/the-lonely-subtitle-heres-why-u-s-audiences-are-abandoning-foreign-language-films-27051/ Not having Weinstein to champion them, Focus feature leaving that market, etc..., obviously do not help, but the decline started before that and in reaction to the decline, not necessarily the reason.
  12. Great DP can pay a lot in dark situation. Lot of Hateful 8 was in a dark room and looked quite fantastic, that said first Venom had Libatique.....
  13. The complete breakdown: I feel the data is extremely unrepresentative. For example 85% of the respondent saw more than a movie a month, that combined with the the giant proportions of young movie goers in the pool (26% are 18-24) 69% under 35 and the low number of pooled release (that look close to the number of movie that start with a wide release). Make it look like a pool mostly made to get the cinemascore type so only the first couple of weeks of only the wide release and extrapolated has if it was representative of the moviegoers in general. Their age breakdown do not match at all the MPAA report. Considering the age split being younger of those night and type of movie versus the general reality, that democrat-republican split will not be representative and will overskew democrat, they only pooled 8% of people 55 or above when last year they bought over 21% of the tickets and were nearly 25% of the moviegoers. the "journalism" around those figure, for example this: https://theworldnews.net/us-news/streaming-hasn-t-squashed-moviegoing-posttrak-s-motion-picture-industry-survey-says, seem quite terrible. That really strange to say that because 35% of moviegoers also stream it mean anything, that a lot of streamer that never go to the movies, 35% is quite lower than the general population. The data is quite the young very frequent movie goers that go see wide release in the first week and accept to fill those polling.
  14. There is a long list of people that low key or ostensibly want that to happen (you read it written a lot), that not what Futurist is implying. That there is some cohesive in cahoot "they" with a good control on what can happen to a giant economy that would make good effort to help a potential Bernie Sander or Warren presidency because they dislike Trump.
  15. The Kitchen giant jump will probably continue to build a narrative that a giant first tuesday jump for a movie is probably correlated with bad result (i.e. movie not attractive enough for people to pay full price)....
  16. The fact it would still turn a profit for Sony if that 50% drop happen and a giant world ads at a reasonable pricing for Rovio, make it really not baffling it got green light, the first movie did seem to make a shift back to profitability for Rovio
  17. Maybe, maybe not, keeping out of the market for a long time trying to time it and combined with the impossibility to time the best time when to come back can make it overkill for a young person. In the past at least, even in a extreme genius best case scenario if you invest during 30 year's blindy the 1 of the month or you buy at the lowest of the year and re-sale highest of the year trying to maximize, the difference is quite low.
  18. S&P 500 index made 14% in 2019, trying to time the market when you are young is probably quite overkill.
  19. Murdoch didn't get 71 billion, Fox shareholder did and they voted yes to make a lot of money (that was a massive hike over the stock price). Murdochs hole family made about 8-9B mostly in Disney stock I think (he had around 17% of Fox), that made people that wanted for it to happen, fan of FoxNews being an other group that probably want it to happen.
  20. Was not unusual when the Miramax movie got too controversial for Disney to not released it (Dogma, Fahrenheit 9-11, Priest, Kids) specially if they felt it could upset politician in Florida. Terrible decision, 71 billion.... sound like a really good price, is family had a lot of vote(almost 40% I think) but were not a majority holder that could have sell it to anyone at any price.
  21. Would have been hard to match the price of what a Disney would have been whiling to pay. Disney had many advantage over a non studio buyer, the round of firing being an obvious one and among studio Disney is probably the best at moneytising the acquired franchise. And does Amazon, Google or Apple have much interest in worldewide tv and movie theatrical distribution ? Lot of the buy value was in hundreds of millions of cable tv Indian consumer, lot of cable tv consummer in the US with regional sports business, western europe cable, latin america cable, asia, pretty much worldwide, I imagine they would have liked Hulu, the library, some element of the production but not much of all the rest.
  22. And ? For one Netflix rarely release them were I leave, 2 loosing in a short time Weinstein, Annapurna, Fox Searchlight do sound like quite the hit on the buyers. Specially in the context that many tried over the year and arguably non were has good at it than FSL. True.
  23. Well financed one ? How many would have paid $13 million to the right to play this : In american theater (and some select intl markets) ? FS historically have been pretty much the best at it.
  24. It is a joke based on the strange phrasing that some website made from reporting this: https://variety.com/2019/film/features/fox-disney-earnings-dark-phoenix-stuber-racing-in-the-rain-1203300260/ The scathing takedown of Nazism may, however, prove a little too edgy for Disney brass accustomed to producing movies suitable for parents and kids. Searchlight has started to screen the film for its new parent company. Halfway through one recent viewing one executive grew audibly uncomfortable, worrying aloud that the material would alienate Disney fans.
  25. Tend to be told by the writers (correlation but not necessarily 1:1), Jews are telling the history of WW2 a lot, the history of the mongol was told by the civilization they destroyed, same for the vikings and so on. Facism and socialist are obviously not exclusive, (Facism : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition). But yes, Nazy regime was more state-capitalism and corporatism than socialism, like private run for profit enterprise but that can only exist if they benefit and are liked by the state with their goal often oriented by the state.
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