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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I do not know about him and how much power he has, but hurting the movies quality for product placement is indicating the exact opposite of that.
  2. I am not sure what distinction you are trying to make between fan satisfaction and making money, having fans in mind is exactly what having money in mind is, no ? And yes Iron Man 4 I had the impression that like Spider Man 4 never happening was not purely a studio decision.
  3. Ant Man wasp had some of the biggest and imo some of the worst (having one quite old character saying he always dreamed to have one of those while talking about a Hyundai car that the movie was heavily promoting), they tend to have unnatural cars moment (what the car do, how clean it is, how new of a model, how it is filmed and how long the camera linger on the logo and so on, more than just you need a car in the movie anyway may as well get some free cross promotion)
  4. Iron Man 4 not happening isn't an MCU decision and what you said does not match at all with the amount of production placement (and let said placement affect the story and photography) they do.
  5. Once director get 10-15-20% of the money made by a movie, that distinction get reduce and incentive can align themselves quite well.
  6. That a very American point of view, first/14th amendment and free speech are 2 different thing. That the united nation point on it: Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Wikipedia Freedom of speech is a principle that supports the freedom of an individual or a community to articulate their opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or legal sanction. The term "freedom of expression" is sometimes used synonymously but includes any act of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used. Having consequence for speech is the opposite of being free of speech, the speech is obviously not "free" if it came at a cost. Youtube is not obligated to respect freedom of speech at all (at the moment, has google get bigger they could get forced to do so at some point, like many commercial area are forced too), but it is obviously an free speech issue.
  7. You need more to prove people wrong to win a libel case in the US. 1) They knew they were wrong or did gross negligence in not trying to find the proof 2) Proof it was with malicious intend (that stuff protect humor/satire/etc...) 3) Proof damage (with Captain Marvel box office, good luck proving that their action did hurt Disney in any way)
  8. Fault in Our Stars is one of the biggest books of the 2010s with overs 20 millions in sales, a bit like a Girl on A Train, The Shack, Hunger Games, Gone Girl type. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_books Quite different affair than a movie like this.
  9. The star wars world seem to not have the notion of your immune system not use to the environment, same for fire and the presence of oxygen, sound capacity to travel and empty space
  10. That was also made many months ago. https://www.polygon.com/2018/10/9/17956906/james-gunn-suicide-squad-2-warner-bros-disney At the latest, it was early October 2018 that he got involved with Suicide Squad. And who knows when that talk started, the phone could have ring really really rapidly right after the being fired news.
  11. That decision to bring back Gunn was probably made and signed a long time ago, it is just made public now.
  12. I would assume that being quite low (specially respect for the fans !?), not have someone else mess with is baby (can you imagine GOTG 3 being better than yours how it would hurt), more than 20 millions dollars, the chance to finish is planned trilogy, etc...
  13. Thus the debate with is it a good idea to publish the manifesto, perpetrator do not necessarily want to be famous at all (like he say himself I do not care, who remember who was piloting the plane on the 9-11 attack), but they almost certainly want the video and manifesto to reach people and for the "work" to be famous. If the content of the manifest get a lot of traction it can create incentive and motivation for the next one currently planing doing it and wanting something to get traction out there. How much of is this is an ecologic-nazy act, anti capitalist, etc.... part of it true or some calculated manipulation to make eco-panic/anti trade talk seem like it encourage eco-terrorism ? (This is pure speculation, pushing it, but that a bit of the danger of reading minutes after the event stuff and sometime just part of a document and taking it literally/seriously/at surface, he said video game didn't inspire him for doing it and he film himself pretty much has if it was a first person shooter while doing it) A middle ground, first letting the expert study it, analyse it, before spreading it out of any context could make a lot of sense.
  14. I was absolutely completely in the dark that any of this was going on (or even possible)
  15. James Bond (entry of episodes) is probably a good comparable here.
  16. https://www.indiewire.com/2012/07/dark-knight-rises-critic-receives-death-threats-129612/ People attacked DC fans for several year's before 2012 ? The only reason DC fans are "attacked" is for doing stuff like that no ?
  17. This is absolutely ridiculous, pedos are born with that sexual attraction / often build by having abused themselve, they cannot do anything about that, pure badluck. Child molester hurt a child, there is an absolute world of difference between the 2, how does someone born with a sexual orientation toward child is a scum if he never act on it ? https://www.researchgate.net/publication/51983497_Is_Pedophilia_a_Sexual_Orientation Lot of child molester are not pedophile (Like a lot of male rapist are not homosexual), lot of pedophile do not molest any child.
  18. The contrast he has with the Joes and Janes taste of music is just funny or when Joes and Janes do not go for Alita, I am not sure it is fully thought of, it is just an act that he knows triggers us I would imagine. The funniest is when he like the movie and still sound angry about it not being more geared toward Joes and Janes, has if the movie success was more important than the movie being a good time when he personally watch it.
  19. They are never clear in the way they phrase it if it was gross or net, if you have seen the movie there was a lot of movie on screen, like 90s to 2010 studio movie type of money, the montage of the heart transplant operation alone looked more costly than some indie movie and one you can easily cut to a going asleep/waking up from it in the script if you do not have the money. The Big Short was 50m gross and got 5.8m in tax credit in that jurisdiction, so if that 60-65m is the gross budget and got a bit of a better deal and the foreign sales were good (Annapurna American Hustle got about 30m in credit/foreign sales if I remember correctly), they could have been exposed to around 30-35m with their Plan B partner. If you look here: http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/2.0-Website-Approved-Projects-List-Online-3.11.19.pdf That 40M below the line in California vs 36M below the line in Louisiana for Big Short, pretty much the same and Vice had a bit of war sequence type of footage.
  20. That read borderline stolen from https://variety.com/2019/film/features/annapurna-financial-troubles-megan-ellison-1203160634/ Jenkins is not alone in heaping praise on Ellison, who is known in the creative community as someone who consistently backs auteur directors, among them Paul Thomas Anderson, Spike Jonze and David O. Russell, making sizable investments in risky movies that major studios frequently shun. Became Over the last several years, Annapurna has become synonymous for giving auteur filmmakers the budget necessary for crafting their visions. For this reason, the studio has been largely championed by moviegoers and the film press. The company produced films such as Paul Thomas Anderson’s “The Master,” Spike Jonze’s “Her,” and David O. Russell’s “American Hustle,” among others. “If you’re going to do what Annapurna wants to do, you have to hit every time,” says Jeff Bock, senior box office analyst at Exhibitor Relations. “It’s wonderful to be a patron of the arts, and there is a foothold for these adult dramas in the market, but you can’t ever miss.” Became “If you’re going to do what Annapurna wants to do, you have to hit every time,” Exhibitor Relations box office analysis Jeff Bock told Variety. “It’s wonderful to be a patron of the arts, and there is a foothold for these adult dramas in the market, but you can’t ever miss.” I wonder how many phone call and meeting went into writing the indiewire version, feel almost like it was writing by reading the Internet and blogging about it like we would do for free here.
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