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Everything posted by Lucas

  1. Binged the whole show yesterday and season 2 was pretty damn excellent.
  2. Tony and Happy can say these things, but at no point in the movie does it feel like Peter actually follows up on it. At no point is there that major character moment when Peter has finally matured into his own person and we all just feel it.
  3. That's 2 massively important plot points delegated to post credits scenes, what the fuck?
  4. Happy says that - and immediately afterwards we watch Peter Parker be Tony Stark with the tech and designing his suit. What's the point supposed to be?
  5. More pressing question is why is that question the one the movie decides to ask? They just seem to be trying to turn Peter Parker into Tony Stark when Peter Parker is so much more interesting as Peter Parker. It's like they're not even interested in making Spider-Man movies.
  6. The problem I see with Peter going to work as a photographer/whatever for someone like JJJ is it's clearly because of money issues - which I don't see this Peter Parker having. The dude could just call his own private plane out of thin air and get a brand new suit in an instant, this being the MCU and Spidey having had such a good relation with billionaire Tony Stark, I don't see him ever running into having to struggle for cash... which is a problem in my opinion. I did notice that ASM 289 and though for sure it was Amazing Spider-Man but I don't know enough about the comics to know what 289 was supposed to be, if anything.
  7. Oh dear god you're right. Peter really will be just fine yet again and revert right back to the status quo (which is a status quo these MCU Spidey movies revert right back to like every 10 minutes). Thank fuck JJJ is back, that's the one element I want to see so much more of going forward with Spider-Man.
  8. Peter's entire reason for keeping his identity a secret in Homecoming had to be boiled down to "Aunt May can't know" because they couldn't use the "it would put my friends in danger" excuse. Well now Aunt May knows and where does that go? Nowhere, it's all fine. We don't even get to see the immediate fallout because it happens between films. She just knows, and it's all fine for Peter. Everything is all fine for Peter. He loses his suit? It's fine, of course Spider-Man wouldn't have any money problems (even though that's a key element of his character) because of Tony Stark, he just gets a new suit perfectly equipped with everything he needs. It's all juuuust fine for Peter. I can pretty much guarantee that his identity being revealed (and thus destroying the most interesting aspect of Spider-Man as a character) is gonna end up being just fine for Peter. We probably won't even see the immediate aftermath of it similar to the Aunt May stuff since both movies end in the exact same way. Shit, it's probably gonna be played for laughs.
  9. Very much prefered the teen comedy stuff when I could divorce it from the MCU and Spider-Man. Whenever the MCU showed up it felt like it was intruding on a comfy romance movie and kept getting in the way.
  10. Reacting to finding out a movie is an art film with a "yikes" is a mood I won't partake in.
  11. Rian Johnson has clearly been hanging out with Edgar Wright a lot in the past few years.
  12. It'll take a little bit to truly know how well it's doing with it not opening on a Friday.
  13. What's strange is it feels so incredibly different in tone to any TCU movie we've had since The Conjuring 2, which was 3 years ago now. It's not that familiar next to movies like La Llorona and The Nun.
  14. It's too likeable of a movie for me to imagine or understand regular audiences not liking it. I certainly don't need any more Annabelle movies, but I'd love to see all of these characters again. Find something else to do, but this is the right tone and feel for the universe that I'd love to see more of.
  15. It was simply delightful. I'm amazed by how well Dauberman handled his directorial debut, and what became ridiculously clear to me is he really loves this universe, something I never gave him any credit for earlier. This didn't feel like someone else stepping into the Warren's house trying to capture the feel and the look of these characters and their lives but never really getting there, it truly felt like Ed and Lorraine. Their relationship is just as strong here as it has ever been and we still get those wonderful little moments that reaffirm my belief that they're the best couple in any movie franchise out there right now. I said this a few pages ago, the worst that could come of this movie is thinking Dauberman really should've been the one to have been handed The Conjuring 3... and it definitely came true. This even had the opening title crawl, this was a Conjuring universe installment. Like the first Conjuring it's got a set up and a payoff involving a short piano melody, like The Conjuring 2 it uses multiple songs throughout, and like both Conjuring movies it establishes the layout of the house very well early on. There are several little nuggets from both films sprinkled in and none of them feel forced or unnatural, it just feels like it all belongs here. It feels incredibly James Wan-esque in a way that doesn't come across like Dauberman trying to emulate Wan's style. Which again, he really should've been handed the director's chair for Conjuring 3 over Chaves... shit let Dauberman be one of the writers too. There's comedy, but never in a way that's intrusive to the horror elements, it's all just rooted in the characters which is not the same thing as some critics makes it seem (you'll find the same type of humor in The Conjuring 2 for gods sake). We've gone back to the focus remaining on likeable characters, and you know they really nailed that here when you are fine with letting Ed and Lorraine take a backseat and instead have us focus on the others. We obviously will see Judy again but I hope we see the other ones as well. Daniela's story wrapped up wonderfully in a really touching scene that I didn't see coming from a movie called Annabelle Comes Home. It appears that the key to make Dauberman's Conjuring universe scripts work if your name isn't David F. Sandberg, is to just let Dauberman direct them himself. The Conjuring universe is back up and running and I want to see a lot more movies like this, and far less like Curse of La Llorona.
  16. I haven't seen it yet and I won't be able to for over 2 more months (fuck you, Pixar release dates in Sweden) but since the Toy Story 3 ending has already been smashed open by the existence of this film, I'd almost be willing to just let them make Toy Story 5 and 6 and end it all there as an Andy trilogy and a Bonnie trilogy (presuming she survives this film lmao). But of course... the level of quality they've been able to maintain is something I don't want to harm.
  17. It seems to be holding on to the fresh RT really well. Constantly rebounding from a 61% up to 66%.
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