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Posts posted by Brainbug

  1. 7 hours ago, Spidey Freak said:


    Let her have her orgasms for once in her miserable life


    *Though yeah, I definitely feel like Cole was being the more dominant partner in this last sequence, fresh off the high of being made Hand of the King. It's subtle stuff like this why I am loving this show much more than GoT. 


    Alicole is deeper than many think i believe

    For Alicent, shes been having an absolutely miserable sex life since like forever. I love Viserys, but it must have been extremely uncomfortable for Alicent to be having sex with a way older man who was slowly falling apart. Basically, with Cole its the first time in her life that she chose a partner herself and gets to experience real sexual pleasure.

    But on the other hand, she knows how hypocritical she is by doing this. She does the exact same thing she resented Rhaenyra for, she besmirches her honor as Queen Dowager and his as beeing a Kingsguard and after Jahaerys' murder especially she feels extreme guilt since she blames herself for beeing with Cole in the hour when the kid was murdered. Yet she still cant stop doing with with Cole at the end of Episode 2 because (probably, lets see where it goes from here) her need for this pleasure is too great.

    For Cole, this is someone who knows exactly how wrong the things are that he is doing and he does feel very guilty about this but his way of coping with that guilt is projecting (like what he does with Arryk, sending him to his death) and arguing that his mistakes are so great that theres no absolution anyway, so he might as well just continue. I know its incredibly easy to hate Criston Cole (i do too), but hes essentially a broken man that gets more and more lost and psychotic the more guilt he feels.

    Thats why Alicent and Cole make fo such a fitting pair. They both know its wrong, they both know theyre beeing inredible hypocrites, yet they cant stop each other because of the circumstances that brought them together in the first place.

    Though i do think they wont continue like this going forward since a lot of people (Larys, Otto) seem to know what is going on between them and should Aegon learn what his mother is doing with his new Hand, theres probably no telling what he might do.

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  2. On 6/27/2024 at 7:57 PM, poweranimals said:

    The casting is likely going to make or break this series. 


    Yes. I pity any new actor who play the main trio or other iconic roles such as Snape, McGonnagall or Hagrid.


    The original movie series had basically pitch-perfect casting. Danied Radcliffe IS Harry Potter. And whoever will play the next Harry will always live in the shadow of Radcliffs perfomance. Thats just the reality.

  3. 43 minutes ago, Jiffy said:

    Were I2 late legs bad? It averaged 31.7% weekly drops from Weeks 6-11 up to Labor Day expansion.


    Not bad at all, but "worse" than many predicted after it opened (i remember a lot of 700M+ predictions for it after OW). Its just that Incredibles 2 burned of so much demand in its first 2-3 weeks that its later legs werent as good/great as other Pixar films and thats why i expect Inside Out 2 to probably follow a similar pattern.

  4. Initial thoughts: Good first episode, pacing was good, it really flew by. Theyve done Aegons character justice, i think many will re-evaluate their view on him this season to an extent

    What i was confused by though was the



    ending 15 minutes. Its been a minute since ive read Fire and Blood, but i dont remember the death of Aegons son playing out like that. I could be misremembering though. That whole sequence though felt just a bit weird to me. I kept thinking: Where are the guards? Why were there no guards by the Queen? Idk, it was just a bit strange how that played out


    Edit: Though i can understand why they would change Blood and Cheese for TV, since if i remember it right how it played out in the books, that would have been probably way too gruesome for the normies


  5. Disclaimer: I dont watch the show, so i personally have no opinion on it.


    But its just astounding how especially YouTube is currently flooded with videos ripping apart this 3rd episode. And this time its not even only the anti-woke crowd, its "normal" YouTubers as well (for example Jeremy Jahns or Supercuts Delight). It seems like there a lot of Star Wars fans really pissed off right now.



  6. 5 hours ago, Cmasterclay said:

    I've been playing movie trivia at my local pub (kick ass of course), and they do it by decade - 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, 10s. It's been making me thinking alot about the cultural canon. Every time is a mix of huge hits, cult classics, and comedies - but the mix gets really.....off in 2010s. When we talk about a cultural canon, aka the lines, the moments, and the characters that are so culturally recognizable that they can be turned into trivia and debates, there's something really lacking in the 2010s. In the 1970s, so many of the biggest box office hits they ask about are also filled with instantly recognizable characters and lines (Jaws, Star Wars, Godfather, etc). In the 80s, same thing with Top Gun, Batman 89, Back to the Future, etc. 90s, same deal with Lion King, Forrest Gump, Sixth Sense, ID4, etc. In the 2000s, there's a little more separation between the hits and the canon, but there's still easy questions about LOTR, TDK, Harry Potter, and POTC. In the 2010s, there starts to be a hugeeeee chasm between the things that make money and the things that enter the cultural canon. Sure, the early part of the decade had things like Avengers and Hunger Games that had enough cultural cache to make it to trivia. But by the mid-part of the decade, all the questions are about movies like Get Out and Wolf of Wall Street and stuff like that. There certainly isn't any questions about Incredibles 2 or Frozen 2 or Finding Dory or Jurassic World or frankly most of the money making movies post-2013. Who remembers a line from those movies?? (sorry @Brainbug).  The cultural canon has always welcomed cult classics and late breakouts, and some moneymakers have been forgotten, but my point is that the chasm has never, ever been as large between money and cultural impact as in the last decade or so. That's part of why studios are really struggling for banger product.


    The good news, in Top Gun Maverick, Barbie, Oppenheimer, NWH, and Dune 2, it does feel like a larger number of recent hits have penetrated the cultural canon. But then you have things like Minions 2 and Doctor Strange 2 and Jurassic World: Dominion that made a shit ton of money and left zero cultural mark. 


    Thats one criticsm of (most) modern blockbusters i share. The scripts of these movies have become so polished and "safe" that banger lines which could become iconic just dont appear anymore because actually writing dialogue scenes that challenge the viewer and are memorable also require risk-taking and an overall story around it that is neither generic nor safe.

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