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Posts posted by Brainbug

  1. 18 minutes ago, wildphantom said:

    so long as there’s people like you @Brainbug that will see the latest dino/lizard film over ten times in theaters, we’ll be ok.  We salute you. 


    Ive already planned 5 viewings for GxK (i hope it will be more), but what annoys me greatly is that i wont have a chance to see it on OW because of other appointments. Earliest i will be able to see it is on April 2nd ☹️


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  2. 16 minutes ago, MightyDargon said:

    Very, very few horror films are actually scary once you're past a certain age. The last scary one I actually remember was The Lighthouse. Eli Roth's Thanksgiving had some imaginative gross out work but was about as scary as a He-Man episode.


    I mean, the feeling of fear in the context of a horror film is probably one of the most subjective feelings one can have in moviegoing, in line with comedies where some people find a film like The Hangover for example extremely funny, while others think its boring and unfunny.


    With horror films, ive made the experience that watching them with a group of people is really enlightining in terms of finding out what people find actually scary. It Follows was a case where i think its tense and effective and has 2 or 3 good jump scares, but i didnt really find it scary - two people i watched it with absolutely lost their minds watching it and screamed my ears off.


    So imo its not necessarily an age thing, but the exposure to the genre (the more horror films you see, logically the less they probably scare you) and peoples personality where some are just easily scared, while others are unfaced.

    • Like 3
  3. For me personally, im just glad that movies and movie theaters so far survived Covid and also are still surviving the streaming age despite all tge struggles and problems. Im glad for every film like Dune 2 because i dont know when the time will come that such movies wont get made anymore. Or when the viewing habitats changed so much that theaters really get closed everywhere. Im pretty sure that this (terrible) scenario will come someday, but i hope that its still a long, long way ahead of us.


    But since i dont know when the death of movie theaters will happen, i just enjoy them in the present as long as i can.

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  4. 1 hour ago, ReturnOfTheBoxOffice said:

    Oh no, that doesn’t sound good.


    8 minutes ago, keysersoze123 said:

    Let us not make this thread about RT reviews. For a monster movie, the RT is irrelevant. Jurassic World movies has always had backloaded pre-sales despite awful reviews. People are not going to a Zilla and kong movie expecting a classic for sure. 


    This, exactly. I woudnt say reviews have no effect whatsoever on Monster Mash movies, but audiences are extremely forgiving with these films when it comes to story and characters; the one thing though that makes or breaks those movies is the Fun Factor with the fights and whether or not the film delivers them in a satiesfying way.

    • Like 2
  5. 30 minutes ago, excel1 said:


    What? ELVIS had the best trailer of 2022, Barbie's entire campaign is iconic level, DUNE 2's final trailer was unreal, etc.


    Re: Furiosa, yeah I have no idea how this will do but I think this doesn't have near the mass appeal that some will like claim it has.


    I mean ... has actually anyone here claimed that this will be a big hit? If yes, i havent noticed it.


    Personally, id say Fury Roads numbers would be the ceiling for this.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Hatebox said:


    The audience has come out. It’s making about as much as this kind of film can reasonably make. 


    I agree. Dune 2 is still a 3 Hour Hard-Sci-Fi Epic. Its not family-friendly Star Wars or anything like that, its way more niche just as a concept alone. For this kind of movie to make near 300M DOM is incredible.

    • Like 6
  7. 7 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:


    I have trouble rating them against each other because they aim for such different things (G2014 scale, KONG: SKULL ISLAND fun, KOTM awe/wonder with the monsters, etc). I just split the series into two tiers quality-wise:


    Tier A:

    GODZILLA 2014




    Tier B:





    But I still enjoy the movies in Tier B, and obviously plenty of people like GVK more than KOTM so GxK is probably more their speed.


    So a not-Wingard and a Wingard-Tier 😅 but given the trailers and given, well ... Wingard ... i already expected this movie to double down on the tone of GvK. And honestly, from a box office perspective, that might just work out really well.

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