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Posts posted by Brainbug

  1. Oh man i have to say that im a bit proud of myself that i called this movies potential to have a bit of a breakout with my 200M DOM club.


    I think we can compare GxK to Dune 2 in the sense that both their predecessors were cut short of their potential by the pandemic and day-and-date release back in 2021. And both had very good audience responses and now reap the benefits.

    • Like 11
  2. 3 minutes ago, Mulder said:

    I'd disagree, KoTM has more in common with 2014 and Skull Island then it does GvK or GxK. I'd get into it but I don't want to bog the thread down in an unrelated movie.


    I know what you mean (GvK and very probabaly GxK as well lean heavily into nonsensical fantasy elements), while KotM definetly feels more aline in tone with G14. But Skull Island id say already had many elements of a silly adventure movie.

    • Like 1
  3. Godzilla has a serious, ambitious side. Movies like the original, Shin Godzilla, Minus One or the 2014 film.


    Godzilla also has a silly, light-hearted side. The Showa era films, most of the Millenium films, the Monsterverse since Skull Island.


    As ive said before, i think this aspect of the character and the franchise - that it can work in the most different of tones and concepts imaginable - is maybe the main reason why Godzilla has stayed so relevant and popular all these decades.


    Im extremely glad that Minus One was made and has been so acclaimed. And im also very glad that i will see a completely bonkers and silly action movie when i watch GxK in theaters.


    As someone who loves both these sides of the series, i coudnt be happier.

    • Like 6
  4. 5 minutes ago, ViewerAnon said:


    123 mins

    118 mins

    132 mins

    113 mins

    115 mins




    144 mins

    149 mins

    154 mins

    165 mins

    154 mins


    There's something to be said for pacing and not exhausting the audience.



    This is a very good point. I think one reason why Transformers 4 was the breaking point for audiences (every TF movie after that grossed less and less) was that it had no business whatsoever to be 2 1/2 hours long.

  5. 1 minute ago, Gavin Feng said:

    I literally disagree people only care about monsters / creatures and could ignore anything else. Remember that one of the best creature movie Jurassic Park only have 9 mins CGI dinosaurs scenes and 6 mins electron model scenes. It’s never about more and more VFX. It’s always about emotional experience. 


    I do agree with you that even these movies need an emotional core that makes you care about the carnage thats happening on screen. However, i think GvK showed that this core musnt be necessarily be found with the human characters. King Kong was by all accounts the protagonist of GvK and the most empathetic character (along with the deaf girl) and it seemed to have worked.


    And with GxK now, Kong probably remains that emotional core and protagonist. After all, audiences will have an easier time rooting for a nearly human-like giant ape than a big lizard.

    • Like 2
  6. 9 hours ago, AJG said:


    It didn't. They outsourced the animation to studios all over the world and paid the animators barely anything. Just like Sony and Illumination. 


    I was really baffled over why a bunch of Hollywood people (who were on strike for 6 months) praised TOHO instead of actually questioning just how they were able to produce Godzilla Minus One on the budget they gave it.


    I think from here on out i will quote Yamazaki every time someone brings this false information (in regards specifically to Minus One) up:


    According to Yamazaki, the visual effects team was not mistreated, having avoided working long hours on the film, and they installed a kitchen in the studio to make it "more comfortable and cozy". Moreover, he explained there are two categories of animation studios in Japan: "white" and "black", with "black" studios being the exploiters; the name of the film's visual effects studio, Shirogumi, literally means "white team" in Japanese

    • Like 4
  7. Just now, Legion Again said:

    I would not like to see the number begin with a 7 ;) 


    Well then the question is, do you mean with that


    a) that you dont like the Monsterverse movies and would like to see the movie open on the low end of expectations in which case why are you so mean?

    b) you would like to see an 8, in which case im fully on board!

    c) you generally dislike the number 7.


    Im eagerly anticipating your answer.

    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  8. 5 hours ago, Mulder said:

    Saw someone on twitter say it got pushed back to Thursday, which if true is rough and not good. Already not a great sign that none of the trades or big press put out reactions last night review wise. Like Brainbug said though, what happens really depends on how the GA feel when they see it.


    I feel like one reason for King of the Monsters underperformance (and its short legs) was that while it had way more fight scenes than G14, they were often interrupted by the (frankly boring) family storyline which can be frustrating.


    GvK on the other hand had multiple fight scenes where you were just watching the Kaiju duke it out for a few minutes. And i think that went over way better with the GA and especually the part of it that just wants mindless monster action. So if GxK is "more of the same", i do expect it to get similarly good WoM to GvK even if the reviews are poor (which i kind of expect now with the emargo dropping later).

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, M37 said:

    ::Checks in on weekend sales numbers::

    Hey, um guys (& gals!)...

    Jurassic Park Hold Onto Your Butts GIF


    All indications are for a very strong upward trajectory from here on out. Growth rates for both MTC1 and Sacto are tracing among the highest data points in their respective data sets, most notably and aptly Transformers ROTB. Keeping up that pace, as Keyser and Porthos both indicated, puts $8M in previews solidly in play, and wouldn't take too much more of push to flirt with $9M: The one catch is that late dropping - and potentially poor - reviews may derail momentum, plus whatever impact the NCAA Sweet 16 games have in keeping some of the male skewing demo home; those factors do soften the floor, giving a Thursday range of like $7-$9M


    Based solely on growth rates, would put final targets at approximately (as this is Q&D analysis)

    MTC1 = 150-160K

    Sacto = ~4500

    See above for why those targets may not verify, but that's where currently trajectory predicts

    Florida = not enough data to estimate, but will be very interested in seeing the Miami walk-ups, given how this market/state perform on Jurassic films


    The weekend pattern and corresponding IM is tricky with the holiday, but currently Friday sales in MTC1 is 70% higher than Trans ROTB at T-3,  which would comp to $28-$29M, and while I think the fan nature of Godzilla and holiday effect probably means that doesn't quite pan out, mid-$20M range seems like a good target, with a BPWF like 2x Thursday almost certainly the floor. Saturday likely drops from TFri (See F8ate of Furious), to something around ~2.5x Thur [See Trans ROTB, JWD, and Godzilla KOTM], and rolling it all up gives an approximate 8x+ IM, for a full weekend of expectation of $60-$75M, most likely in the Black Adam/Fast X range of high $60M


    The amount of citys i would destroy for a 75M OW ...

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  10. 3 hours ago, BoxOfficeZ said:

    The human characters are somehow a bit worse than the last movie (to be fair to the cast the script is just bad) but feels like they aren't as prominent at least. Kong is the anchor of the movie and the star of the show. Godzilla is more like a sidekick and isn't as featured as the trailer suggests. Great visuals and fights once it finally gets going. Forgettable soundtrack besides one moment. 


    I think the last movie was probably better executed, but GxK is still entertaining for any Titan fans. 


    This sounds exactly like i though it was going to be. Similar in tone and with the same strengths and flaws of GvK.


    Meaning as long as general audiences dont find this movie boring, it should get good WOM since the people come for the fighs.

    • Like 2
  11. To the score discussion: I also believe that King of the Monsters score is vastly superior to all other MonsterVerse soundtracks. I like the music from G14, but theres no real banger track on it imo and Kong Skull Islands music feels like Hollywood blockbuster factory themes.


    GvK though for me is the low point. Its way too bombastic all the times and its just - kind of tedious. I love Junkies score for Mad Max Fury Road, but it seems like with the MonsterVerse films he just doesnt try very hard which i think is unfortunate.

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