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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. People who are eligible for make-up week- @TalismanRing @aabattery @ZeeSoh @A Roc in Time @chasmmi @JJ-8 @glassfairy @kayumanggi @Telehilation @bcf26 @YourMother the Edgelord @sakskidz @Empire @The Mad Panda @The Dark Alfred @The Shape of Pasta @Kalo Tell me if I have forgotten somebody or included someone be mistake.
  2. Good movie. It was little different when there was not big set piece action scene in beginning. Andy serkis was good, best character in first half. Not big fan of soundtrack other than killmonger stuff. That was good. Killmonger himself was good. I liked the aspect of father being wrong and not some perfect king. Other than chase scene, I didn't like action scenes. Jordan made this movie for me. I wanted his more scenes with dialogue. I wanted a slo-mo scene with that making people fly with suit releasing power thing.
  3. Fuck grilled sandwich post, make this the most liked post on this site.
  4. Thanks @NCsoft for making this my first comment with all of 6 reactions.
  5. From best monday to 9th best tuesday, CRUMBLING!!!! /s
  6. WEEKLY- # NAME WEEKLY WEEK 17 1 Simionski 1466000 75000 2 damnitgeorge08 1413000 57000 3 TalismanRing 1363000 83000 4 WrathOfHan 1325000 98000 5 Fancyarcher 1288000 94000 6 Wrath 1244000 62000 7 aabattery 1238000 86000 8 That One Guy 1215000 53000 9 ZeeSoh 1209000 80000 10 kayumanggi 1207000 51000 11 DameronRoc 1167000 36000 12 grey ghost 1154000 53000 13 chasmmi 1150000 36000 14 glassfairy 1133000 92000 15 Just Tele 1072000 59000 16 JJ-8 1061000 80000 17 sakskidz 1022000 0 18 bcf26 847000 0 19 YourMpther 317000 0 20 Empire 246000 0 21 ThePanda 151000 0 22 pasta 0 0 23 kalo 0 0 24 dark alfred 0 0 OVERALL SCORE- # NAME TOTAL WEEKLY SOTM 1 Simionski 1603000 1466000 137000 2 damnitgeorge08 1531000 1413000 118000 3 TalismanRing 1478000 1363000 115000 4 WrathOfHan 1448000 1325000 123000 5 Fancyarcher 1389000 1288000 101000 6 aabattery 1361000 1238000 123000 7 ZeeSoh 1312000 1209000 103000 8 That One Guy 1263000 1215000 48000 9 Wrath 1258000 1244000 14000 10 DameronRoc 1232000 1167000 65000 11 chasmmi 1229000 1150000 79000 12 grey ghost 1226000 1154000 72000 13 JJ-8 1224000 1061000 163000 14 glassfairy 1187000 1133000 54000 15 kayumanggi 1184000 1207000 -23000 16 Just Tele 1142000 1072000 70000 17 sakskidz 1030000 1022000 8000 18 bcf26 984000 847000 137000 19 YourMpther 308000 317000 -9000 20 Empire 299000 246000 53000 21 ThePanda 158000 151000 7000 22 pasta -7000 0 -7000 23 kalo -10000 0 -10000 24 dark alfred -10000 0 -10000
  7. WEEK 17- @WrathOfHan wins the week with highest part A & C score. @DameronRoc you didn't answer one Q. # NAME PART A PART B PART C TOTAL 1 WrathOfHan 68000 5000 25000 98000 2 Fancyarcher 61000 15000 18000 94000 3 glassfairy 55000 27000 10000 92000 4 aabattery 53000 15000 18000 86000 5 TalismanRing 53000 12000 18000 83000 6 ZeeSoh 62000 0 18000 80000 7 JJ-8 50000 12000 18000 80000 8 Simionski 47000 18000 10000 75000 9 Wrath 44000 0 18000 62000 10 Telehilation 41000 0 18000 59000 11 damnitgeorge 39000 0 18000 57000 12 That One Guy 49000 0 4000 53000 13 grey ghost 49000 0 4000 53000 14 kayumanggi 41000 0 10000 51000 15 bcf26 40000 0 10000 50000 16 DameronRoc 26000 0 10000 36000 17 chasmmi 26000 0 10000 36000 18 sakskidz 0 19 Empire 0 20 YourMother 0 21 Panda 0 22 Kalo 0 23 Sphagetti 0 24 Dark Alfred 0
  8. Part A: 1. Will Black Panther Open to more than $125M? 1000 YES 2. Will Black Panther Open to more than $175M? 2000 YES 3. Will Black Panther make more than $150M? 3000 YES 4. Will Black Panther's biggest single day make more than the 2nd-5th placed films' combined 3 day totals? 4000 YES 5. Will Black Panther make more than 38% of its gross on Friday? 5000 NO 6. Will Early Man make more than $4M? 1000 NO 7. Will Early Man make more than $6M? 2000 NO 8. Will Samson make more than $4M? 3000 NO 9. Will Samson make more than $6M? 4000 NO 10. Will Samson make more than Early Man on Sunday? 5000 NO 11. Will 50 Shades fall more than 64%? 1000 NO 12. Will Jumanji have a smaller percentage drop than Greatest Showman? 2000 YES 13. Will Winchester stay above The Post? 3000 YES 14. WIll Hostiles stay above 12 strong? 4000 NO 15. Will Matt Damon show up to protect Wakanda from dragons? 5000 NO Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Black Panther make for its 3 day? 202,003,951 2. What will Peter Rabbit's change be? 30 3. What will Shape of Water's PTA be for the Weekend? 1736 Part C: There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 4. JUMANJI 5. 1517 7. EARLY MAN 9. WINCHESTER 11. SAMSON (LOL) 12. SHAPE OF WATER
  9. Black panther and cap marvel will lead new avengers. Introducing new cap will disturb that dynamic. BP, CM, Dr.S, GotG, BW, Falcon, SW, thor, Valkyrie, (HE), SM, that's it.
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