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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. So, aa was right. You are just projecting your opinion on SJ. AJ never looked buff in her life. Brie didn't had any charisma in King Kong yet CM will be a success. Oh, and chris evans didn't made a hit outside of CA movies. Is he a action star for you? Or chris hemsworth, RDJ, cavill?
  2. Gina Carano is not a big action star. She is more believable than any action actress in history. Your argument falls apart when you realize angelina jolie is the biggest action heroine of recent times and not gina carano or ronda rousey.
  3. That doesn't have to do with what you said about SJ being unbelievable as a action protoganist.
  4. Resident evil latest movie did $300m on a budget of $40m. Underworld latest movie doubled it's budget. Why people think they did bad?
  5. Sansa doesn't display warging powers 'cos lady was dead. Also isn't rickon warging is just a theory with both him and his direwolf being out of control natured?
  6. Book has no character like night king till now, just the name. But I can still see the theory play out without the warging part. I seriously think, there are still 1-2 twists remaining in the show instead of a vanilla good vs evil fight.
  7. Was rewatching GoT, another different experience. season 1- OH MAN! FEELS!! great season. Great acting by child actors. I think this is the truest season to the books. How that first episode gets you in and then every next episode never allow you to left it. Not a single weak episode. Still flawed with useless nudity here and there. But still the second most compact season. In a good way. season 2- weak season. One of the bigger butterflies was created in this season by changing many things from books. But many characters developed in a good way in this season. Still a good season but among greatest, looks super weak. Arya's arc is awesome though. season 3- Starts weak, but grows strong as it goes on and ends on one of the highest peak of this show. Many of my favorite episodes are from this season. Kissed by fire is so good. Jaime becomes one of the best fictional character in this episode. Jon becomes somewhat compelling. Unlike book, not knowing his inner thoughts make his character little dull. And then one of the biggest event in drama television history happened. It still gives feels. Arya's arc is awesome. Butterflies become big in this season with robb's love interest change. Season 4- David and dan had never been better. Among the best season of any television show ever. The changes from the books become huge with whole characters getting deleted, tyrion story about his first love not getting mention during his escape takes a lot from both characters, tyrion and jaime. This is where jaime character starts becoming dull as fuck. A good foundation is completely ruined. But these problems are realised in later seasons. This season is highly compact with Charles Dance and Peter Dinklage stealing the show. So does pedro pascal. Still the best premier of any season, best second episode of any season. 3rd, 4th and 5th episode develops story in great way. Best 6th episode of any season. 7th episode gives us hope and littlefinger. Littlefinger becomes even more better and dangerous character in this season. Arya becomes one of the best character along side hound with another great season for her. That 8th episode, so frustrating in a good way. Top 2 8th episode of this show. 9th was weak, but made jon a more compelling character. 10th should have ended with tyrion's escape. But a great episode nonetheless. Great season. Season 5- This season starts strong. Dorne is bad, but not well spoiling bad. Jon's storyline becomes one of the best. And then it starts to break. Weak episode after weak episode after weak episode. Butterflies have become balerion the dread in this season. I for one liked sansa storyline and understood why D&D did it but it started super bad. If I have not read the books, I might have been Ok with stannis arc but I have read the books. That whole arc was trash. But not as trash as dorne. And then hardhome happened. One of the top 3 episodes of whole show. Seriously bizzare. A weak as fuck season. A battle not in books. 7th episode was one of the better episode of the season but still not enough to bring the show on track. Yet Hardhome from start to finish gives a excellent episode. Every dialogue and conversation is good. Events are unfolding naturally. And that awesome battle. When GoT became bigger than TV. A $20m for 10 minutes battle. This introduced us to Miguel Sapochnik. Not much of a fan of 9th episode. Felt super weak. So much plot holes in this episode. I have already told my feelings for stannis arc. Other than that 10th episode deserved it's emmy. Great episode with last true to books episode. Atonement scene made cersie a great charater. Battle of stannis atleat gave us a good sansa escape scene. And then another event, another shock was given to us. Which was made bigger by the fact that show has caught up to books. We didn't know for sure that whether jon will come back or not. Arya's storyline was boring. Trash season other than 1 episode. Season 6- Will jon come back? Q all over social media. This season started better than season 5 but still super weak. Dorne storyline was ended for good. Jon's comeback felt as a utility rather than big event. Plot holes upon plot holes. First 4 episodes are some of the weakest of whole show. Hold the door Hold the door Ho the door Hotheor Hodor One of best episode of whole show. An episode with complicated time travel. You would expect this episode to be filled with plot holes seeing the previous track record. But Jack Bender kills it. Still sucks we didn't get books three eyed raven. Book readers were first time spoiled with something big this episode. Who created white walkers and hodor's death. Only scene when I cried. Also the uselessness of direwolves became apparent this episode. And then back to weak episodes with next three. Arya's storyline and arc, both were super trash this season. I loved tower of joy sword fight though. Such a weak season. Would have been in my bottom half. But in two episodes, D&D changed the game. On paper, BoB sounds weak. A good vs bad battle, protganist struggles, on the brink of death and an another army comes on last moment and saves the day. But my boy miguel directed the shit out of these episode. May be the first instance of visual spectatle making me forget everything else in this show. Winds of Winter, my top episode of this show. From wrapping up plot points to changing course of characters, this episode does everything perfect. Strongest opening ever. With one scene whole game changed. Also props to ramin for providing great music to this show. Rankings- 4 1 3 6 2 5
  8. Again these are very small characters. Nobody cares if dario or mountain are replaced but if jon snow actor is replaced, everyone will lose their minds. How difficult it is to understand that?
  9. Removal of hulk actor is not same as batman actor at all. If during IM2, rumors about RDJ leaving came out, marvel fanboys including me has lot their shit. Stop making false equavalance. I do agree with you though that this is just a news and anybody should not take this to heart.
  10. Holy moly! Third! I was thinking 36 for A2 but alas....
  11. 136/364!!!! But seriously, seeing all the hype in america according to you all on bot, 90m ow doesn't seem that far fetched.
  12. Yeah. Rogue one was shit. TFA was awesome. So, people still care about collider's opinions.
  13. IT could have more than 95% on the day of release on MT. No big release till then.
  14. It just established dragons are smart and not savages. Though viserion seems one with low IQ.
  15. World War White Walkers Whole World Wild West Wrong Way White Wolf White Wine Word for Word Wicked Witch Win Win White Wall Welcome Wagon
  16. Doesn't walder frey sons from all marriages are seen as legal? Also roose bolton. Didn't a targaryn had multiple marriages?
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