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Premium George

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Everything posted by Premium George

  1. I don't think so....... Like I don't think oprah is better role model than madonna. I can't see from a woman's pov but a girl can be inspired same whether she looks at wonder woman, BW, Ripley, or connor. Let me think more about this.
  2. If looking at characters in vacuum, I don't think so one is more "feminist" than another. But looking at their roles in movies, I think ww is more important for the shear case of being lead character of her own movie. Same as falcon vs black panther.
  3. Daario's eyes look different in this scene, I think Bran might be Warging into him
  4. Nomyth is counting tickets sold in a duration of time and not the charts. I don't think that can be skewed by low competition. 150 in 10 min is crazy good.
  5. Ah, congrates @Deja23, 3rd in 2nd w/e in a row, but different feeling this time.
  6. That's exactly what I meant. Knocking pieces of the board. In season 8 Meera reed and ghost will come again and die in the same episode. Same with nymeria. Don't know what will happen with daario naharis.
  7. Sorry @MCKillswitch123 if I offended you with that comment. Just like every debate that starts with subjective opinions, this will not reach a conclusion. Let's end it here. By the way, avatar did $2.8 billion WW and nothing has come even close to it. I think avatar 2 will do $400m dom and $2.4 billion OS to remain flat.
  8. How? Spider man had a action scene in all the three parts of that movie, with first part being origin. How superman template fits spider-man? I think superman returns is the closest to super man template with 1 big action scene and then just boring mess. Also spider-man is the movie, which template is most followed currently, including Wonder woman. Ofcourse SM didn't do it first, but in SH movies it was first. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  9. Ah, tell me one movie after 2000, that followed super man template. one movie....
  10. Have you seen salo? Very few people think it as a good movie, even in industry. That's why I choosed that specific example. And I didn't find much similarities b/w WW and superman. For one WW actually had action and was entertaining. People say many things in interviews. Kinda like how kevin fiege said that kid from IM2 was spiderman. lol. Didn't understand that confused statement so not gonna reply to that. Also tell me what you like about superman instead of other people's opinion. If people did that from ancient times, we would not have reach this stage.
  11. The legend of conan was announced in 2012 but it is dead now. Someone will throw a rock at it soon IMO.
  12. No body who is doing a cbm movie is gonna diss superman 'cos it is a very important movie. If somebody does it, fanboys would be in arms. It is as important as godfather and star wars. Jenkins is not going to mention superman in a meeting with wb so I don't know where that came from. Martin scorsese loves salo, so does it automatically makes it a good movie? It doesn't tells anything about quality.
  13. Eh, I am not diminishing it's importance but can't see superman as a good movie in any condition. I think people put rose colored glass on their nose with a strong force. Also sheep effect with it being a classic. Nothing wrong with that ofcourse.
  14. Damn, I can not even think how you sit through those. Well different strokes. There are many who like Fant4stic. Actually those superman movies are as bad as fant4stic.
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