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Posts posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Uncut Gems is still thrilling the second time around.


    I was just dreading that last scene


    The Platform on Netflix is fun. Ending was hysterical though, and not intentionally.


    The Last Dance is great, probably the best thing you can watch currently airing


    This season of Rick and Morty has been good


    That is all

    • Like 1
  2. Man I was kinda let down by this movie. I heard nothing but good things about it and it seemed right up my alley. I went in knowing there was some sort of big twist halfway through and to avoid spoilers and that was about it, but I was still expecting a horror movie, and it really isn't at all. I think that's something people should at least know going into this, or I wish I had known, it's not a horror movie. The second half of the movie is a clever little "let's put on a show" comedy, which was fun but I just felt let down because I still wanted a zombie movie.


    Also the second half twist is pretty obvious, it's been a few months since I watched it but it didn't really seem like the filmmakers were really trying to "fool" the audience into thinking there was a real zombie attack going on. The fun was more in watching how it played out. Don't get me wrong it's a charming movie, just not what I was expecting.

  3. Finally started Black Jesus, Aaron McGruder's follow up to The Boondocks, fun show so far.


    Other than that mainly American Dad but I started that before all the Rona shit started, on season 5 now. 


    Haven't been watching too much TV or movies otherwise. Been smoking a lot of weed and listening to Wu-Tang. And playing online chess and tetris, lol

  4. 1 minute ago, MagnarTheGreat said:

    $20 isn't a bad price when you're accustomed to buying tickets for your family/other people (family movies would benefit the most), it's a harder ask for a loner audience of one though.

    Even still, if you've got a family to provide for you've got even more economic worries than the average single person so I don't see how you justify spending 20 bucks on a 2 day rental when there's Netflix, hulu, D+, etc. People might do it, but seems pretty stupid if you ask me during this period of uncertainty.

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  5. On 2/18/2020 at 4:08 PM, Ethan Hunt said:

    does anyone actually like Climax or Joker?

    Judging by how much money Joker made I'm sure plenty of people liked it. Climax turned a psychotic drug trip into tedious drivel. It made the AV Club's top 25 which is why I watched it, but all the reactions I've seen here and elsewhere from anyone who's seen the film seem to hate it. I don't know who that movie is for, film nerds who don't do drugs but want some pretentious approximation of what it's like? I don't know. That movie sucked balls.

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