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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. I got a legitimate headache watching Transformers: The Last Knight. Like who thought it was a good idea to have fight sequences constantly change aspect ratio??
  2. So Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom's Opening Weekend will be below what the majority of posters thought its Weekend would be a month ago but also higher than what people were saying via presales just days ago. A perfect glass half full half empty scenario. Glad it happened to this film at least as opposed to a Marvel/DC/Star Wars film where the thread might really have gotten toxic. As for the film itself found it very dumb and silly but I did get some decent enjoyment from it. I feel like I've seen the ending of the film before though.....
  3. Seeing Fallen Kingdom in a couple of hours. If it's bad it better be bad in an entertaining way. Can't have a boring dinosaur film.
  4. EmpireCity died for Ralph Breaks the Internet. Tree died for Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. What weird films to die for.
  5. For sure which is why I specified OS grosses where it's been much more predictable which Superhero Films do better than others.
  6. I'm still very curious how the inevitable Avengers 5 does if it doesn't have the original team. Marvel is in a healthy place with its solo films but we're yet to have a team up film that hasn't partially relied on RDJ. Does the Avengers films still do insane OS grosses even without RDJ?
  7. Yeah some franchises are just more inherently limited than others with what they can do for multiple installments and still maintain the same level of interest. That being said I do think Universal will be disappointed if Fallen Kingdom doesn't reach the $150M Opening Weekend mark. The franchise might not have a huge shelf life post Jurassic World 3 which is fine not everything has to last forever (more franchises should just end IMO).
  8. Oh for sure I'm just saying that whether he writes or doesn't have credit for the script the results of his films are....interesting.
  9. I wonder what his Episode IX would have looked liked. Since according to some "fans" he would have supposedly saved the trilogy lol
  10. After TLJ and presumably Fallen Kingdom's sub $150M Opening Weekend I think it'll make Age of Ultron's drops from Avengers look much better in hindsight.
  11. Haven't seen Jurassic World since cinemas gonna rewatch it today. Jurassic Park also rewatched that a couple of hours ago. Quality.
  12. Disney denies the Collider report https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Culture/multiple-films-star-wars-pipeline-sources/story?id=56057987
  13. Wouldn't Fallen Kingdom expect to be a bit more presales heavy than Jurassic World given that it's a sequel? And I don't know the majority of users at the start of the year thought Marvel had reached its peak with The Avengers both Domestic and Worldwide.
  14. I think the rush people talk about is going from MoS to BvS where you in BvS you have to introduce and establish a new Batman, introduce Wonder Woman, find cameos for Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg. The magic of The Avengers wasn't just 6 heroes coming together as a team for the first time, it was 4 separate franchises coming together in one big crossover. I feel people wanted Justice League to have that same magic too but WB or Snyder decided to do the opposite way which is fine but it retroactively makes JL a sequel only and not a big crossover film.
  15. Yeah it goes without saying that Cameron is King and everyone knows it. Anyways I think it's a good thing if Lucasfilm is stopping all the spin-offs based on preexisting characters. Obi-Wan would be a good film to just get the fanbase together but I reckon it would run into the same problems Overseas as Solo did. Not looking forward to any discussion surround Rian Johnson's trilogy if that goes through. I would also think they will surely eventually do a sequel to Episode IX and that it will happen sooner rather than later especially with the Solo showing the spin-offs are not automatic box office successes. Oh and also Incredibles 2 reaffirms that Michael Giacchino with Pixar is on another level compared to his usual work in live action films.
  16. Definitely the most entertaining film I've seen this year. Not a perfect film but as a continuation of The Incredibles story and the characters it's very very good. I'm going to love watching The Incredibles and Incredibles 2 back to back.
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