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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. TIL Randy Newman and Thomas Newman were cousins
  2. Fallen Kingdom will have a very good Multiplier when it's all said and done. Seems to indicate pretty good WoM.
  3. Idk if Disney deserves much credit since they most likely knew about Gunn's history before hiring in the first place. This is only to save face or *tinfoil hat time* using the tweets as an excuse to fire Gunn for something else.
  4. I feel it is a tad extreme but if I was in Disney's position I probably would have done the same thing. Then again I would have also asked Gunn to wipe his whole twitter feed before he got hired in the first place. Hopefully Gunn will learn through his experience. A shame for him as he was pretty much handed the keys to the MCU Cosmic Realm for what they were gonna do with Phase 4. I would love Taika to come back but if he did I wouldn't expect Vol 3 to be in the same vein as Vol 1 and Vol 2.
  5. Wow trust the internet to somehow make the James Gunn thing about Marvel vs DC. This literally has zilch to do with Zack Snyder. Like nothing at all. And RIP Jon Schnepp. Loved watching his shows and was definitely one of the most genuine passionate fans on youtube and that came across onscreen.
  6. Let's see if James Gunn makes his scheduled appearance at Comic Con.
  7. Wonder if anyone will credit Kathleen Kennedy with TCW decision
  8. Not surprised tbh James Gunn has admitted before how much he was one of those types that liked to write those type of comments on twitter before he got the GOTG gig. Not defending him at all just noting I don't think this should be a surprise to anyone who has looked at Gunn's history pre-GOTG.
  9. My friends and I had a good chuckle over Solo's floppage. Now when Justice League failed on Opening Weekend one of my friends who was a hardcore DC fan well let's just say wasn't in the best mood for a week.
  10. The demographic that got Wonder Woman to $400M I really doubt is gonna go and see the Joker film. Dunno about WW84 reaching $1 Billion but it won't be affected in any substantial way by the Joker film.
  11. I can't believe they're bringing The Clone Wars back.
  12. I cam imagine this can be very appealing to families. I think this will do better than Aquaman.
  13. So the current attempts at a cinematic universe by all major studios is NOT the result of how well The Avengers did? Then what is?
  14. TDK impacted how blockbusters were made while The Avengers impacted how franchises were structured. Heck you can basically look at TASM series and see the attempts to mimic both styles.
  15. I wonder if that will be the time when Marvel will fully announce their "Phase 4" slate or if it would already be too late as any of the 2020 films would technically need to be filming already.
  16. DCEU Domestic Average: $317,618,694 DCEU Overseas Average: $436,000,000 MCU Domestic Average: $339,334,680 MCU Overseas Average: $520,000,000 DCEU and MCU on a surface level analysis are comparable in North America but MCU has the clear advantage Overseas. Also noting the MCU figures include AMaTW's current totals so those averages especially Overseas are gonna rise.
  17. Aquaman should easily beat Bumblebee Domestic but will be an interesting contest Overseas.
  18. So I finally watched Fantastic Mr Fox and Isle of Dogs. Sign me up for more Wes Anderson stop motion films please. Also rewatched Finding Nemo and Finding Dory back to back. Nemo obviously holds up as a great film but Dory surprisingly also ended up being better than I remembered.
  19. Dr Strange was one of the standouts in Infinity War. I think his sequel will break out especially Overseas.
  20. It must speak volumes about Marvel's position if they supposedly won't do a sequel to a film that will gross $600M+ from a $160M Budget. But they will of course but with probably some changes such as a director change and it won't be a major priority for them in the immediate future (thinking 3-4 year gap). Also remember Ant-Man will have an appearance in Avengers 4 which should help. I would explain further why but that's spoiler territory.
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