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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. They shouldn't have much trouble getting most of the original cast back. I've only read the first novel but it was a good read. I promised myself to only read the 2nd if Veronica Mars ever came back in tv form.
  2. Why? WB ain't making a Superman film anytime soon and Cavill wants to do other things and not just do cameo work.
  3. Not surprised tbh. Another Superman film was not on the cards in the near future. Now maybe both parties can reach an agreement later in the future but it is most likely that WB will recast and when they eventually do another team up it'll be with the new Batman and Superman actors. A shame cause I liked Man of Steel quite a bit and was looking forward to seeing more of Cavill's evolution. BvS made some questionable decisions with his character I felt but still thought Cavill had a great Superman in him. Now it seems like we won't get that chance. Superman is a tough character to get right but it's mind-boggling how clueless WB seems to be on how to use Superman.
  4. So happy for Crazy Rich Asian's success. As an immigrant Asian living in Australia I do yearn for more representation in Hollywood films so it's good to see how great its commercial success has been so far. And of course the film was very fun to watch from start to finish. Give me more Awkwafina and of course more Ken Jeong is welcome.
  5. 6 Prime Minsters in 11 years. Soon to be 7 in 12 years.
  6. Great job conservatives you couldn't even get your wanted leader in power
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