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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. McQuarrie definitely succeeded in changing up stylistically how Fallout was in look and tone compared to Rogue Nation. It felt like they were each made by a different director (other than certain plot points carrying from Rogue Nation of course).
  2. Yeah the first scene was a bit rough lol. Makes Nolan exposition seem like an everyday conversation. Rest of the movie was a blast and exhilarating and why I go see Mission Impossible films. But yeah not sure why people are blasting Fury Road's "thin plot" when frankly the plot isn't that much more interesting or complex in Fallout. But that's not the point of these films. Oh and I didn't find the score as distracting as I feared it would be which was good. Some parts did sound way too much like TDKR's score though.
  3. The Solo decision was a Lucasfilm decision backed by Disney. I really think the whole Gunn situation is direct order from Disney. Not sure Feige is having much say in this.
  4. Interactions between Venom and Eddie Brock seem fun. Rolled my eyes when I saw the two symbiotes fighting (haven't kept up with which characters are in the film). If the world has enough of superheroes it also has enough films where the villain is a complete mirror of the hero.
  5. The key is the third films tends to be radically different from the other two. Iron Man 3 and Thor Ragnarok were tonally different from their predecessors, Civil War was also a sequel to Age of Ultron and Infinity War added a bunch of characters not in the previous two Avengers film.
  6. It was probably use of the word "bad". I think the most logical thing to say would in response would be to say those bad weekend drops are expected for a July Superhero Film release so there's nothing much to comment on. The film isn't underperforming or overperforming in terms of its legs.
  7. You can't say a film is having bad weekend drops and then just say "oh well it's legs were expected for the month it was released". Maybe it's having those high weekend drops because that's expected for the month it was released.
  8. Can't imagine Christopher Robin cost anywhere near Nutcracker at least production wise
  9. Even Jim isn't thinking that far ahead for Terminator. They would like to do two sequels but prefer to put all their energy to the one coming out next year.
  10. At least hopefully this gives somewhat more awareness to the Winnie the Pooh film that was released in 2011. Everyone should check out that film.
  11. A little bit apples and oranges. Ant-Man was the first of the series while Rogue Nation is 5th. But I also think the MCU has skewed some of our perception as to how sequels should perform. The shared universe model raises all tides not just the team-up films helping out future sequels but also increasing your core fanbase. But hey Mission Impossible has consistency which isn't all that common with franchises these days.
  12. AMaTW's run has been a bit similar to Spider-Man: Homecoming last year. Expect the same for Spider-Man: Far From Home next year (hence expect the same reactions to its 2nd Weekend Drop). Hope MM2 picks up in actuals as there's no direct competition out unlike Equalizer 2 which its drop is not great but expected. Fallout is doing what I thought it was going to do even though I want it to be more in the 70M range but being the 6th instalment of a series that is more episodic than other franchises plus it's promising more of the same as the last couple of Mission Impossible films so hard to imagine people who didn't go to see those will all of a sudden change their minds despite the great reviews and Film Twitter's sudden insistence to call it the best current running franchise today (which is a very valid argument I admit I just found that whole thing a bit amusing).
  13. At the end of the day is a 6th film in a franchise and the marketing doesn't suggest any significant changes from the past couple of films. If someone wasn't interested in watching the previous couple of Mission Impossible films (even though they're really good IMO) then they won't be convinced to watch this one.
  14. Hoping for $65M+ but anything around $60M is a good Opening Weekend with a quiet August around the corner should have legs like Rogue Nation. Still have to wait to Thursday to see the film unfortunately.
  15. Agreed I think for Mowgli it was the right move from WB's point of view but I hope this doesn't become a reoccurring thing. A shame as despite my mixed reaction to the trailer I was definitely gonna check it out in cinemas.
  16. Why is this coming out a week later in Australia 😒 Anyways it's kinda amazing how "messy" the past couple of Mission Impossible productions have been yet all have been very well received since III
  17. Yep the constant delays of Toy Story 4 is also what cut down Incredibles 2's production timeline from 4 years to only 3. Brad Bird was a bit annoyed at that.
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