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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Well the difference with the JL thread was that the result was so bad that there was no defending it and everyone could joke about its failure. Have a feeling that Solo's Opening Weekend will be more like "hey that's a good result" "uh no it isn't" type discussions which are less fun.
  2. Solo next weekend better either smash the Memorial Day Weekend Record or fall short of At World's End's record. In between will just lead to even more bickering. Unrelated but I'm thinking of rewatching Dead Man's Chest and At World's End after exams. Felt like I didn't give those films a fair shot last time.
  3. Hold up let's see how Deadpool 2 does this coming week before panicking just yet. Yes it was frontloaded this weekend but tbh we're in a little bit of uncharted territory with R Rated Blockbuster Sequels. Memorial Day Weekend is a toss up but hopefully good WoM will carry it through.
  4. Literally no one has ever paid attention to "Want to See" ratings on RT until some Youtube Channels highlighted how Solo was in the high 80s instead of the usual 90s which is what alerted sections of the fanbase hence all the down-voting since.
  5. Thought the score when Deadpool died was familiar. Should have known is the exact same soundtrack as the one in Logan when Wolverine died haha. Burst out laughing when I saw the track name in the credits.
  6. MCU sequels generally get a boost from having an Avengers film in-between instalments or an addition of a major supporting character to raise the anticipation levels. Even Ant-Man and the Wasp will get a decent boost partly because of Ant-Man's Civil War appearance. Just makes GOTG Vol 2's Opening Weekend the more impressive.
  7. Well Bob Iger said Deadpool can remain R Rated at Disney. They're not dumb enough to neuter part of the appeal of Deadpool which is the R Rating. I think what will happen first is MCU characters will make appearances in Deadpool films before the other way around happens. "It [Deadpool] clearly has been and will be Marvel branded. But we think there might be an opportunity for a Marvel-R brand for something like Deadpool," said Iger. "As long as we let the audiences know what's coming, we think we can manage that fine."
  8. People were buoyed by the preview number hitting above expectations. $140M to $150M figures were being thrown around. But yeah it's a good success if Deadpool 2 hits around the same number as the first. More curious about how it holds next weekend.
  9. Agreed for me when I see that a film is clearly going down a certain trend I want to see that film hit the most extreme version of that trend (positive or negative) as possible. Boring box office runs like say Civil War are no fun to discuss.
  10. Guess they're gonna have to sell the rights back to Marve...oh wait that's already happening?
  11. Also to test waters in case they want to do two Star Wars films a year. A May Memorial Release and a December Release. Though I doubt we'll get two a year until at least all the Avatar sequels are done.
  12. Idk I just find it funny how the biggest franchise in North America got completely rejected by the 2nd Biggest Market. I say that as a huge Star Wars fan btw but some things need a reality check every once in a while.
  13. Very impressive. Not sure many people called that especially once spoilers about the plot were available.
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