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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Eventually the MCU will have a flop. But I doubt they'll have one as bad as Solo (for one they don't spend that much money unless it's a 3rd film)
  2. We won't know what the WoM is until later in the week. I can imagine it might be good. But it won't be enough to save the film
  3. Well if the Disney/Fox Deal happens there gonna be some years where Disney will have to put Star Wars somewhere else as no way is Avatar moving from their December date and certainly Marvel will always retain the first week of May.
  4. Also didn't get any of the blame for any of TFA's problems. JJ Abrams got the brunt of that (which yeah he's the director but Kasdan I'm sure had a huge influence being a co-writer over the story).
  5. It's also why Rian Johnson had to pretty much had to have the script done for TLJ before TFA was complete because TLJ was initially a Memorial Day Weekend 2017 Release so it had only 18 Months after TFA's release. So yeah some of Disney's eagerness to make Memorial Day Weekend a Star Wars Weekend haven't helped matters. Markus and McFeely noted that they really didn't have enough production time for Infinity War but they were able to do it because the Russo Brothers brought the same production team as Winter Soldier and Civil War so there was a short hand.
  6. Kathleen Kennedy isn't going anywhere but definitely she'll be on short notice from Bob Iger and Alan Horn after this. If Disney wasn't too concerned with the production problems on the Star Wars films so far they definitely will be after this.
  7. Regardless what Ant-Man and the Wasp does it's just hilarious to know that we can say an Ant-Man film outgrossed a Star Wars film in the same year.
  8. Yeah the complete rejection by every market for Solo is fascinating. Like is there a single market where it's doing decent numbers? Complete contrast to a month ago with Infinity War where nearly every market embraced it with open arms and some more.
  9. The mistake of the EU (and I feel some Star Wars fans) is that Luke wouldn't have recreated the Jedi Order like the prequels. The point is that the Jedi Order in the prequels were wrong (which is reinforced in The Clone Wars and The Last Jedi). So those clamouring that the "real" Luke would have set up a Jedi Academy like in the EU IMO are mistaken. That definitely wasn't what George Lucas was thinking about as you can see in some of his sequel trilogy treatments.
  10. At this point Solo's dropoff in China isn't even that newsworthy because Solo is tanking in pretty much every other country.
  11. I don't need 100 Jedi fighting 100 Sith but when it was announced that Disney were making a sequel trilogy my ideal version would have been Luke with a small group (10 or less) of Jedi roaming around the galaxy keeping the peace and completely detatched from the New Republic unlike in the prequels where the Jedi were bound by what Palpatine The Senate wanted them to do. Heck I wouldn't have minded if the villain wasn't a Force User (someone like Thrawn). Your main protagonist could have been Luke's latest student who was found while the galaxy is on the brink of another war. Now I like TFA and TLJ but I do think in an aim to recreate the magic of the Original Trilogy they needlessly discarded the idea of portraying a New Republic or a New Jedi Order onscreen instead they rehashed the exact same conflict people saw 30 years ago.
  12. All out of reacts so Thanks And yeah jeez wonder what the conversations at Lucasfilm are like currently. Bob Iger and Alan Horn will not be very impressed.
  13. @LOGAN'sLuckyRun If it helps I'm 20 and I have always struggled with making friends. It can be tough and lonely but what I've tried is keep in contact with a handful of people and make sure I always try to chat with them or go out and do something with them. It's fine to not have that many friends as long as you have a handful that you can fully rely and trust. I try to keep my mind active and occupied (a bit easy now for me because of University Exams which I should really be studying for right now) otherwise I can also lapse back into bad thoughts and feelings too.
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