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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. Oh I just wasn't sure about that or not. I predicted 775 to 800 overseas BTW. Well I did on Twitter. That was a bad prediction.
  2. Oh yeah Transformers had another bad drop. Paramount better enjoy that oversees money with this one because the next one is not going to do that well.
  3. People are just being completely over the top when it comes to this movie. Now apparently Matt Reeves is going to be fired off of the Batman movie and somehow even though he hasn't even written a script for it they're going to tell him to add him more humor and action. So I guess he wrote a secret script that was exactly like Planet of the Apes even though Batman and planet apes are different? it's just the usual silliness but it's annoying all the same.
  4. I mean it always sucks when a great movie under performs but it's not like it's not finishing out it's story. This was the last movie in the trilogy, people got three good movies. It's a happy time.
  5. This isn't about Wonder Woman even though I used it as an example for obvious reasons. This is about me seeing all around the internet that people will give excuses for anything relating to Marvel box office. If you say that you think that Guardians of the Galaxy 2 should have performed a little better at the international box office because it was a sequel to a beloved movie then you're deemed a hater who had too high expectations and you have to remember the exchange rates only for Guardians of the Galaxy 2 though. That film had different exchange rate issues than any other 2017 movie. If you point out how large Spider-Man's second weekend drop is then you're being a hater and not factoring in the "record-breaking" opening of Apes. It's not like Marvel fans are alone in this because DC fans still claim that Batman v Superman had good word-of-mouth despite its atrocious word-of-mouth and unheard-of terrible legs. I don't tolerate that from any of the fan bases. The facts are the facts. I have no allegiance to either company I just want a good freaking movie. But good movie or bad I will assess a film's box-office based on what it's actually doing. I still haven't seen Spider-Man yet and I'm sure I'm going to love it or really like it like I do most Marvel movies but I'm not going to sugarcoat it's box office performance because it's a Marvel movie.
  6. Yes, I just edited my post. Age of Ultron did great it was always in for a big drop and it being received much worse than the first one didn't help. But it was always going to lose 100 + million from the last one. Even if it had the same reviews as the first one it's still wouldn't have matched it.
  7. Apes is opening below the last film overseas as well? But exchange rates exchange rates! Oh I'm sorry only Marvel movies get endless excuses.
  8. The fact of the matter is Spider-Man has not proven that it has stellar word of mouth. People keep throwing that out there and it still hasn't been proven yet. I think we should at least wait a couple of weeks before declaring that something has stellar word of mouth. There is a definite double standard happening here, that would not be happening if Wonder Woman was performing this way. I tell it like it is regardless of what company a movie comes from. I'm not just going to designate that something has steller word of mouth if it never shows that at the box office.
  9. So if Wonder Woman had a 61% drop in its second weekend people would be saying that it had Stellar Word of Mouth? Sure they would... Honestly I really like Star Trek Beyond but you're not going to hear me claim that it was a box-office Juggernaut just because I liked it or that everyone adored it just because I liked it.
  10. Only you are using that word flop. Hey we weren't the ones claiming that Spider-Man: Homecoming had the best word of mouth ever.
  11. Did Spider-Man underperform or are our expectations too high for the franchise? Maybe we need to get out of the 2002 to 2007 mindset when it comes to the franchise.
  12. Yeah and when you and I say this I know we're not talking about some unrealistic, it should have dropped 46% stuff. But if this movie had the word of mouth that has been claimed it shouldn't be dropping more than 55%. It's not like Apes opened with 65-70mil. Heck it didn't even tough 60mil.
  13. Spider-Man has already outgrossed the last Spider-Man movie so that's something. And of course it's going to be huge internationally. No failure here but the word of mouth monster the damn near everyone predicted still hasn't appeared.
  14. I didn't say anything about Ape's number because I didn't guess what the Saturday number was going to be one way or the other.
  15. I have never watched the Emoji Movie trailer and I will never watch the Emoji Movie trailer nor will I ever watch the Emoji Movie.
  16. I agree, I like him but fan casting him for everything got annoying years ago. I too don't see him ever breaking out the way people want him to.
  17. As it should be. It had 3 weeks with very little comp, it's unfathomable that it didn't easily walk to a 2.4-2.5 multiplier based on that alone.
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