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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. Batman is not the same thing as an apocalyptic film about apes taking over. Batman is supposed to be dark and the audience likes him dark but the trick is your movie has to actually be good. Lighthearted Batman sure didn't do that well at the box office this year. The Lego Batman movie did nothing overseas and underperformed a lot of expectations domestically. The Apes movie has great reviews, they're not getting rid of him. And his Batman movie isn't going to be another War for the Planet of the Apes any more than Black Panther is going to be Fruitvale Station 2. By some of you guys logic Wonder Woman was going to have the exact same tone and story as Monster.
  2. Franco's character not being in these movies didn't harm them at the box office. Franco's character was fairly two-dimensional in the first film anyway and that was fine, the film worked regardless. It's not some character that I think people gravitated towards. I seriously doubt there are a ton of fans of the first two movies asking, where is James Franco's character?
  3. Does anyone else think that how young the marketing skewed kind of harmed the older audience and kept them away from the Spider-Man movie? Don't get me wrong, I'm not doom and glooming it, it's going to make a lot of money but I think that's a good question. Which is why I asked it.
  4. Certainly it could end up doing a few thousand more but I'm not shocked. Movies don't go up 70% on Friday during July. At best 60%
  5. Curious to what Spidey's number is going to be. I don't expect a big change. I can't imagine Dunkirk is going to have a huge opening. 45mil at best.
  6. I do think that the international numbers are going to be great so that's going to mitigate any under performance that Apes does domestically. And I understand what Baumer it's saying but usually sequels are more front-loaded so that's why people are kind of setting themselves up for the disappointing gross. Personally I thought that it hitting 190 wouldn't be disappointing. But I have my doubts about it hitting that number if it only does say high 50's or just crack 60mil because it would have to improve on the second movie's multiplier and that usually doesn't happen. And then I'm reading that it doesn't have as much action as the trailers lead you to believe, that could really hurt it in the long run. Listen I was horribly disappointed by his Star Trek Beyond so I've been preparing myself for this.
  7. Right of course you always hope for the best with a movie you're looking forward to quality-wise and box office wise. And there's nothing wrong with outrageous predictions, those can be fun and actually right sometimes. Just don't say my Art House fav didn't do my predicted 500 million worldwide, woe is me!
  8. Well yes for those who overpredicted it, it did underperform but there's just a thing with Marvel movies where people just predict outrageous numbers almost setting themselves up for disappointment for some odd reason. Guardians of the Galaxy 2 is going to open up with 190mil, Spider-Man's going to do 150mil. I'm in an over Gravity club for "It," do you really think that I'm going to call "It" a disappointment if it goes under Gravity's numbers? Of course not. I just wish people would separate their unrealistic expectations from the real expectations.. for instance a realistic expectation for War for the Planet of the Apes would be 60 - 70 million I think but an unrealistic expectation would be it's going to break the opening weekend record because it's reviews are the Dark Knight level.
  9. Spider-Man: Homecoming has not underperformed. People should stop saying that movies underperformed just because they had horribly unrealistic expectations for them. The goal was over 300 million and it should get that. Yes Apes is currently underperforming but the idea that everything underperformed because my outrageous expectations weren't met is just silly.
  10. Listen I wanted War to do great but it did look a lot like the last film and that is a problem when your marketing a movie. Everyone who says that is telling the truth. There were people who called this underperformance and I tip my hat to them.
  11. It was always headed for around a 57 to 60% drop and that's what it looks like it's headed. For now that's where it looks like it's headed, of course we need the later numbers to really see. And it has big July weekdays but for some reason predicting the sort of numbers has been seen as being against the movie from a couple of people because they let Wonder Woman's 43% drop get to their head and believe that every movie was going to do that.
  12. I expected 14 million for Spider-Man so I don't see any shocking number with that one. The film's range with always 45 to 50 million for the second weekend and that's where it's going to land. Of course I think it'll be closer to 50 or 50mil.
  13. Blaming comic book movies for other movies underperforming is silly. There are reasonable explanations for all of those failures and under performances. During this summer the comic book movies just looked better than the other big films and by better I mean more interesting. Apes looked interesting but Fox was so lackluster on marketing it and thought they could get away with that. News flash, they couldn't. That's the same reason why Star Trek Beyond dropped as hard as it did. I'm not saying it was ever going to reach the heights of the other two but I think it could have done better than what it did with an actual marketing campaign.
  14. The Tomato Law thing isn't real. Rotten Tomatoes score was not going to get Apes 75million and you're talking to someone who over predicted it. So I'm not even pretending that my prediction was right. There are plenty of people who were dubious about the movies box office prospects but I was hoping that the seeming low interest meant nothing. Those preview numbers changed that for me.
  15. Yep. Logan did great for what it was but in North America it will be the lowest grossing Superhero movie. R rated Deadpool made 363mil and guess what? It's a fun blockbuster. I don't know if Wonder Woman can be considered "fun" but it does have a decent amount of humor and although it's serious it doesn't have a hopeless or near hopeless tone. BvS opened huge because it was the very first Batman and Superman movie but a lot of people hated its tone along with other issues and it had a disastrous multiplier. Do you know what other more fun dceu movie had a better multiplier? Suicide Squad and it's reviews were worse than bvs. The point is you can make a serious movie but if it looks like a dour slog I think you're going to have trouble right now. It's my theory that we're going through a cycle where people don't want to see super dark movies to the tune of where they would want to see it in the past...again for the most. No matter their quality.
  16. Of course I'm going to wait to see what the numbers at 3am my time says before totally definitively saying anything but I doubt that Apes is going to explode to 25 -26million. I don't believe Apes will get below 21mil by the way.
  17. I said for the most part in my post about dark movies not being what the audience prefers right now. I'm talking about 2017, not 2008. I fail to see what TDK has to do with the filmgoers mood in 2017.
  18. I think this solidifies it, people in North America are not in the mood for super dark blockbusters for the most part, even good super dark blockbusters.
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