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Everything posted by Zakiyyah6

  1. Not more whinning about RT because you don't agree with the overall assessment. God I wish people who didn't like the site would just stop using it stop whining about it all the time.
  2. Nobody is saying that the movie sucks and it's a flop because of a potential 37 million Saturday. That does show front loading though. Doesn't mean it won't have legs overall but it is front-loaded opening weekend.
  3. Right, if the numbers remain the same that's not the same gain that Guardians of the Galaxy had sans late night numbers.
  4. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it were acting like a young adult movie because of how youth oriented the marketing was.
  5. The numbers are fine, they are only disappointing to people who actually expected this movie to open up with 150 million.
  6. You are misreading my post. Of course a Green Lantern movie can be good and financially successful, I just said that Wonder Woman isn't any more ridiculous than Green Lantern. And the concept isn't.
  7. Oh and by the way I hope nobody is panicking about these numbers. It is what it is and hell maybe it isn't. Deadline at about 2 or 3 a.m. my time will have some Saturday numbers.
  8. Yeah it's not really a mystery. And everybody did not expect Civil War to be as front-loaded as it was because it had great reviews and an A cinemascore?
  9. To be fair he did just blatantly say 34 million for the movie's Saturday as was said on the page before this one.
  10. It's really hard to believe the number is only 34mil. Guess we'll know when Deadline updates in a few hours.
  11. All I know is that I hope Sony learned some lessons from Disney/Marvel when it comes to comic book movies.
  12. Catwoman cost 100mil in 2004, how is that a cheap and easy movie to do again? I'll grant you Elektra was a cheap film. Green Lantern has an incredibly silly mythology and powers that can come off as a joke on screen, how is that easier to do than Wonder Woman? And I forgot to mention that it cost over 200mil to make.
  13. No Catwoman got a movie first because DC are obsessed with Batman and anything Batman related and believe they can't make money off of anything else... except Superman sometimes. And how was Green Lantern easier to translate again?
  14. I'm honestly waiting for the 400 million predictions for Ant-Man and The Wasp. Just wait it's going to have a really fun popular trailer online and those predictions are going to come.
  15. This year has not shown that every comic book movie is going to make over 300 million because every one of them hasn't.
  16. I don't even know why I try. It's just an obsession to wildly over predict all Marvel movies. Yes every Marvel movie from here on out is going to make over 300 million.
  17. This is a third movie and you think it is going to have much better legs than Thor 2 after having a much better opening weekend, while going up against another comic book movie that is direct competition? That all sounds pretty far-fetched.
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