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Everything posted by jking123

  1. Thought Butler would clinch it tbh...He will likely have a great career though. Already gotten big roles. And yea maybe this will give him some more drive to get it.Its not like Eddie redmayne , Brie Larson and rami Malek etc have had great careers post win. Mescal was a pleasant surprise but his star is looking to shine bright too.
  2. Joining Suicide squad in esteemed company for sure. Costuming was cool in black yet again yea. Think they won for first film as well? Cant wait to see the world fleshed out in the tv shows.Hope they make it work well.
  3. wasn't someone here talking about how MCU will be fine because Bassett will bring home the first MCU acting Oscar? IS MCU doomed now? Surprised she didnt get it though...well maybe not too surprised since it seemed JLC was getting momentum. I assume barring a few exceptions it will be a EEAO sweep
  4. cranky lois and loveable goof clark dynamic is solid. Just needs to have him be earnest and serious too. Not Chris Pratt goofball level though ideally.
  5. we got people defending Mel huh. Moving on... Anyways...hope this is as good as it seems. Reactions seem good.the length is a bit much though. Chad has been reported/signed on to like 4-5 different movies but who knows what he will actually make.
  6. There are rumours cap 4 will be a quasi avengers flick anyways tbh. Armor wars can also be a teamup movie. Thunderbolts has some interesting rumours too I think.
  7. I dont get why you keep bringing up oscars into this? Sure Bassett will get it.se gave a good performance. Joker performances have gotten like what 2 oscars. Joker 2019 got multiple oscars. Like MCU will be fine obviously. Movies still do well and audiences turn up for most of them.
  8. if 2nd weekend is as projected a historic drop and they do put out some counter news it will probably be something big like Spiderman 4 2025 date or something like that.
  9. its nice that its not just DC fans crying about the injustice of reviews and the crooked reviewers or about how its for fans not critics. Been fun watching mild meltdowns from eternals, Thor 4 and this. Reviews are't the end and be all.The reviewers aren't being extra harsh( considering how much MCU movies in past has been positively praised that doesnt track does it?).
  10. the writer is doing one of the avengers films right? With the other rick and morty dude(loki and doc strange 2) doing the other one
  11. looks very good. Kinda worried about its box office ngl.Hope its a hit and doesnt cause further issues for dc etc. But yea it does have a packed schedule to compete against, Disney Pixar, Disney live action , Spiderverse , fast 10, gotg 3...
  12. could see it somewhat underperforming honestly especially considering the budget. But I like the cast etc, and yea could play like top gun a bit.a sleeper hit of sorts.
  13. reviews for tv and movies are a bit different folks... have heard good things about ms marvel but being fair its competition mcu wise isnt that major if we are being real here.
  14. Doubt it a bit if we are talking shounen. Inbuilt fanbase yes but adapting that particular brand of writing, tropes to western sensibilities won't necessarily work imo in live action.
  15. so bets on rt score in the end? feels like I wouldn't be surprised if this is more negative considering even twitter reactions are subdued... Whatever happens I hope GOTG 3 is a good one.
  16. its better this way tbh. More curious on how they reboot batman and Wonder Woman, aquman( rebooting a billion dollar character after 2 movie is strange(wonder if aquabro 2 will do just as good...)). Hoping on news soon on the slate as a whole and this movie
  17. hoping this is a breakout success but we will see.reviews will probably be mixed at best
  18. those reactions aren't particularly impressive tbh.i assume reviews will be harsher too.
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