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Everything posted by Cap

  1. CAP PRESENTS WONDYFUL PROJECTIONS So. @Plain Old Tele and I are old farts. With the recent announcements that new releases keep getting pushed into the future, I thought this would be a good time to look back at some old gems that might be "new" to folks here. Tele, with PTSD over the "Hindsight is 2020" List, played Gollum and said "Dooooo it." Once Twice a week, on Thursdays and Saturdays, I'm going to open up my "Super Secret Vault" and offer a "private, free, totally-for-educational-purposes" watch party of some old film. The idea would be to show movies that are harder to find and not on like Netflix, HBO Max, Disney+ or Hulu. Each week we'll automatically select one film, and then show another based off the user's poll or requests. HOW TO WATCH Everything will be run through Zoom. [Download Here]. Room ID: 542 382 5182 PASSWORD: BOT I will open the Room about 15 minutes before the start time. We have it set up so that everyone comes in without video or audio, for those folks who might worry about losing some Anonymity! Huge thanks to @Jason and @Eric Skywalker for helping out with tech support!! It took us a hot sec, but we nailed it!
  2. Does that mean he can’t do Little Shop cause of scheduling conflicts? Asking for a friend. Also this movie sounds ridiculous and I’m completely here for it.
  3. Anyway, people should watch more old movies. Back to the Panda show!
  4. 1) this assumes people have seen 1920s cinema. (That is also a self drag 🤣) 2) As long as they had an American Release, they should come in it. They are important in the transition from The Old Studio System to New Hollywood Cinema.
  5. Nope. Cause it would be no animation. It would only be 30%. 🥳😉
  6. You know, @Plain Old Tele, it started off a joke, but that pre-1967 list is looking more and more like a thing that needs to happen.
  7. So I just rewatched the first three Pirate movies on a lark. #1: Shocking, excellent. Really holds up. And gosh darn, that score is such a banger. #2: This isn't a movie. This is a series of set pieces. Even if the last twenty minutes are blast. #3. Way too much plot (cause the second one didn't have enough), but FUN. It also might be #2 was so bad that #3 just seemed auto improvement.
  8. Okay. I see how this is working. #200-100 are the REAL list, and @The Panda is just the greatest joker of all time.
  9. Terrible movie! Too long! I was in the theater on opening weekend, eleven years old, so excited to see this, and then I had to go to bathroom and mom wouldn’t let me! We just sat there watching them walk for like 45 minutes! Bad film! Didn’t it know I had to pee?!
  10. FTFY!!!!!!!! god. This charActer study. so tragic and horrific at the same time. and only really horrific cause she is what Hollywood fears the most: women over forty. I am so sorry, Norma. I tried. I had you at #7.
  11. @Blankments is threadbanned for the next twenty-four seconds due to having terrible taste. There. Done.
  12. BINGO! Not only in the excessive but in he took time to figure out her likes and then gave her a thoughtful gift!!!
  13. But, I am glad it’s Poppins, cause I saw that umbrella, and thought it was Singin’, and then we were gonna have A TALK.
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