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Everything posted by Cap

  1. Yes. 10EST and it is fun! Each film stays on TCM OnDemand For a random amount of time. It’s usually either one week, two weeks, or a month depending on the movie. And sometimes it doesn’t even show up at all. The Steve McQueen movies were only good for a week. TBATB Is good to September 10. So it got pushed back to next week
  2. https://deadline.com/2020/08/nik-dodani-and-colton-ryannik-dodani-colton-ryan-join-universals-dear-evan-hansen-adaptation-1203017780/ more fetuses To make platt look ancient.
  3. The issue with Black Widow is it delays the rest of the MCU content. Now they might be scrambling, because production has been shut down for six months. So they might be willing to wait out Widow. But by delaying BW, they delay the important things like Eternals, and Eternals, in Eternals... So I fully support them dumping it on Disney+ at this time the hype was never really there to begin with for the movie.
  4. My theater is actually opening on Friday, so maybe will have numbers for the LOLs
  5. Bold of you to think there’s going to be a Super Bowl
  6. Gilda - 1946 My GAWD was Rita Hayworth gorgeous. Movie's kind of dull, but you can't keep your eyes off her. Cover Girl - 1944 It's so strange watching a Gene Kelly musical where he's not the driving force, but, oh well. It takes way too long for the story to get going, and feels overtly complicated. Some of the "old time" Rita Hayworth numbers drag... you're just waiting for IT to happen. Then it does. Kelly (and Stanley Donen who gave him the idea) goes full Gene Kelly with the Alter Ego sequence. It's so fuuuckin' goooooooood. Adam's Rib - 1949 Holds up really well. Can't go wrong with Kate and Spence. 42nd Street - 1933 Busby Berkeley's numbers are ageless -- and so, so, so pretty in HD. Also pre-code movies are wild. There's totally a casual attempted rape and murder in one of the musical numbers, like, no big deal! And it has Ginger without Fred! Sunset Boulevard - 1950 We watched this on Monday as a group, so I'm going to leave the write up I did for the intro: Hi, Boys. This is your Captain speaking. Since we are not doing this via TCM, I figured I’d try out my best Ben M impression for the host intro. We’re about to watch one of my favorite movies, probably ever, Billy Wilder’s Sunset Boulevard: It is a savage expose of the Hollywood Studio System that still feels as fresh and frightening in 2020 as it did when it was released in 1950, seventy years ago to the date. For the box office buffs, it broke the record at Record City Music Hall for a non-holiday release, taking in a handsome $166,000. The film follows the doomed relationship between Joe Gillis, an out-of-work screenwriter (William Holden, with the perfect mix of warmth and self-loathing), and Norma Desmond, a famous actress of yesteryears (Gloria Swanson, giving one of the best performance ever. EVER). An earnest Nancy Olsen plays Betty, a reader as Paramount who’s both Norma’s foil and Joe’s redemption. And, then, then there's Max, "the butler role" as Eric Von Stroheim, the actor who played him, called it. (whispers) It's so much more. The film's verisimilitude of Hollywood in the 1950's really elevates the material. They actually filmed on the Paramount lot. Cecil B DeMille, who plays Cecil B DeMille, was actually shooting Samson & Delilah on Stage 18 when the movie was being filmed, and that's written into the script. They name drop rival studio heads. Schwab's Drug Store is exactly recreated. When Norma's watching herself, she's watching old Gloria Swanson films. Maybe that's why Louis B Mayer go so famously piiiiiiiissed at the film. After a screening for the studio heads, he told Billy Wilder he “befouled his own nest and he should be kicked out of the country” to which Wilder replied, “I’m Billy Wilder. Go Fuck Yourself.” Yet it wasn’t only Mayer with such a strong reaction. Gloria Swanson recalls her fellow silent screen actresses wept at screenings, no necessarily because of the movie, but because Gloria had made a Triumphant Return, and that meant, maybe so could they. I will note: Mae Murray, an actress of the silent era, said, “None of us floosies was that nuts.” Cause Norma Desmond is living on the edge, and this Perfomance is living on the edge. Gloria Swanson is amazing at controlling her insanity. She is nuts. And she is chewing every celluloid frame. Yet it is so precise, and manipulative, in how she presents Norma and what Norma’s doing on screen. It comes off as a little campy, but it’s so calculated. Watch for the way she uses her chin. Why this is one of my favorite films of all time is that depending on my mood it honestly plays like a different movie. I remember watching this on the big screen; Norma’s horrifying. And sometimes I watch it on the “pictures that got small,” I just think it’s a wicked comedy. Joe and Norma, who both totally deserve each other #JoeNormaForever, play a dangerous game for control, and frankly for who is the movie's antagonist. Oh, you think I’d really NOT side with Norma on this? Gene Wilder, the actor, not the writer, the actor, once said that a classic is always modern, and that’s what makes it classic. I feel the circular logic applies precisely to what we’re about to watch. The film is set in the 1950s, but as with all really good Billy Wilder work, it feels timeless. It’s 2020, but we still mistake the woman over fifty as the monster, instead of condemning the real villains of the piece: the corporate Dream Factory that created her, and then tossed her out once she no longer returned big enough profits. So without further ado, I present to you, the spiritual evil twin of Singing’ In The Rain, Billy Wilder and Charles Bracklett’s “A Can Of Beans”
  7. OK. Story time. This might come as a shock to some of you all, but I love Steve Rogers. Like Hill I Will Die On love Steve Rogers. So when they were casting the movie back in 2010, I had some opinions on who I thought should play the character. Mostly on who I thought should NOT play the character, cause I didn’t actually like any of the actors that kept popping up. But Evans, oh, man. Was I not happy. The fucking dude from the fantastic four movies? Johnny Storm is playing Steve Rogers? What the hell is Kevin Feige thinking? That was the first year we did a crazy lineup for Hall H. We went at 2o’clock in the morning, because we thought that would be early enough to get in line. (Omg so quaint). That was also the year that someone got stabbed in Hall H, and it was right before the Universal panel. So we were pretty convinced that the Universal and Marvel panels were not happening. It was very stressful. Because I was like I am not leaving this Hall until I get answers. Why Chris Evans?!?! The panel started. They did Thor first. And then it happened. And Evans came out, had Died his hair blonde, and gained like 20 pounds of muscles in his biceps alone. He sat down at the panel table, and was so nervous, and so Ernest and it took me about three minutes to turn to my friend and go: Oh. My. God. Steve Rogers is sitting on stage right now. I did a complete 180. And then I spent the rest of my film school days depending how he was going to be the best Captain America ever.
  8. The first 30 minutes are super problematic garbage; the middle 30 are super sexy fun times; the last 30 is divine madness. I stand by what I said, lol.
  9. Hey Everyone! So work went from zero to 88mph this week. There will be no weekday showing (since we did it on Monday). We're skipping right to Saturday. So the Upcoming Schedule is: AUGUST 15, 2020 MODERN TIMES Log Line: The Tramp struggles to live in modern industrial society with the help of a young homeless woman. Written, Directed, and Produced By Charlie Chaplin AUGUST 20 THE BAD AND THE BEAUTIFUL Log Line: An unscrupulous movie producer uses an actress, a director and a writer to achieve success. Written by Charless Schnee, Directed by Vincente Minnelli AUGUST 22, 2020 GENE KELLY BIRTHDAY BASH. So, August 23, 2020 would be Gene Kelly's 108th Birthday. In celebration, the hell with the TCM Schedule. We're watching a Musical. I'm going to go off the assumption most folks have see Singin' In The Rain. (If that's not the case, that's the auto win. And in the chat, we can talk about how it's Sunset Blvd's Good Twin.). But in case everyone has watched SITR, I have four other options: An American In Paris - 1952 - Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Won seven Oscars including Best Picture and an Honorary Oscar for Gene Kelly choreography. Kelly plays... An American In Paris after WWII. Features Gershwin music. (I'm gonna be honest, it's not my #Fave, but he's so pretty in it.) Bridagoon - 1954 - Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Based on a garage Lerner and Loewe musical, this lush (seriously, so much greens) adaptation smartly focuses on turning this into more into a ballet instead of a musical. Kelly play a New Yorker in Scotland who stumble upon a town that only appears every 100 years, and falls in love with a local lass (THE AMAZING CYD CHARISSE) The Pirate - 1949 - Directed by Vincente Minnelli. Kelly plays a total creep, who's also an Actor In a Touring Troupe, that stalks Judy Garland a Caribbean Island. Music By Cole Porter. Nicholas Brothers Number! Look, I'm just gonna be straight up here. It's both utterly terrible and a camp masterpiece. @Jake Gittes and I will probably find a way to make this win, but I'm at least pretending to play fair! Summer Stock - 1950 - Directed by Charles Walters. Gene Kelly plays a director of a theater company that puts on a backyard musical in Judy Garland's barn. Judy sings Get Happy. Gene dances with a newspaper. It's 1000x than the log line. Honestly my favorite Kelly performance. Poll is open. We'll decide basically the day of.
  10. FEATURE PRESENTATIONS MONDAY, AUGUST 10, 2020 10:00PM EST 2:00AM GST 07:30AM IST 11:00PM KST 15:00 / 3:00PM NZDT 19:00 / 7:00PM PST The film follows the doomed relationship between Joe Gillis, an out-of-work screenwriter (William Holden, with the perfect mix of warmth and self-loathing), and Norma Desmond, a famous actress of yesteryears (Gloria Swanson, living on the edge of madness in one of the best performance ever. EVER.). And, then, then there's Max, "the butler role" as Eric Von Stroheim, the actor who played him, called it. (whispers) It's so much more. If you liked Double Indemnity, you should drive on over to Billy Wilder's masterpiece, located at 10086... SUNSET BOULEVARD. In honor of the 70th Anniversary of basically my favorite film of all time, we're having special screening on Monday Night. I mean, who doesn't want to watch the film that’s part gothic horror, part tragic romance, and complete savage expose of the Studio System? Louis B Mayer watched it in a private screening, and told Billy Wilder that "You have disgraced the industry that made and fed you. You should be tarred, feathered, and sent back to Austria." To which Wilder replied: "I'm Mr. Wilder, and you can go fuck yourself." What else is there to SAY? https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 The link is live.
  11. We're going to start about 10 minutes late if that helps!
  12. Tonight's Special Feature of Sunset Boulevard is available on AmazonPrime if you want to stream it on your own, and just join the chat for funsy. When you do that, make sure to join the chat without your audio. We're going to be starting around 10PM EST. You DEFINITELY want to hang out, cause no joke, one of my favorite films EVER. @Jason @Fancyarcher @DAR @MrGamer @MrPink @Rorschach @Eric Skywalker @RealLyre @lorddemaxus @Darth Lehnsherr @Lion Roar @Jake Gittes @grim22 @charlie Jatinder @Alpha @Ethan Hunt @MrGamer @The Panda @4815162342 Also, turns out that my Monday Night Trivia got moved to Wednesdays. So despite that being the folks wanted, that's not happening anymore. Polls it back up. We haven't decided this weekday movie yet (either going to be Modern Times, The Women, or A Man Called Adam). We'll show it on Thursday. I figured we could decide that after SUNSET TONIGHT. This Saturday's will be: The Bad and The Beautiful by Vincente Minnelli starring Lana Turner and Kirk Douglas:
  13. Burt Lancaster, Paul Scofield, and Jeanne Moreau start in John Frankenheimer's The Train. Based on the historical events, "In 1944, a German colonel loads a train with French art treasures to send to Germany. The Resistance must stop it without damaging the cargo." Trailer Won't Embed; Watch On YouTube Here Took a second thanks to some screwy stuff on my end, but the room is now live: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 ( @Fancyarcher @TalismanRing @lorddemaxus)
  14. Hey Everyone! I want to thank everyone for joining in over the past couple days. I am having a lot of fun, and I hope you are too, and I look forward to continuing this for as long as we’re having fun. I just added a pole, about what days work best for people. Since there was some talk about moving it to Sunday. After Sunset Boulevard on Monday, I’m going to put up another pole to decide what movies people wanna watch that week!
  15. Ooooooh shiiiit. The film historian in me is definitely freaking out. Terrible and exciting news at the same time. I have so many thoughts. RIP Independent Film. This is terrible. But is this what we need to save the theatrical experience? Are we gonna get subscriptions finally? Will international films never play again? Are they going to package films like they use to and will the mid-budget film come back? Is that just the ends of days? And for those not really familiar with Paramount Decrees, this is a video:
  16. Witness the tale of "an insurance representative lets himself be talked by a seductive housewife into a murder/insurance fraud scheme that arouses the suspicion of an insurance investigator." From a script co-written by Billy Wilder and Raymond Chandler, with iconic film noir cinematography by John F. Seitz, it's 1944's Double Indemnity starring Fred MacMurray, Barbara Stanwick, and Edward G. Robinson. (LOL, "Trigger Warning" for Eddie just being Eddie. ) And the room is live ( @TalismanRing, @Fancyarcher ) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/5423825182?pwd=T1VuUmJ5OVB1ZjRNQmNHRVpDQ3lkUT09 Meeting ID: 542 382 5182 Passcode: BOT We're going to be starting later at 10:30PM tonight cause some folks on Telegram are running late.
  17. Today's Feature Presentation is Billy Wilder's Double Indemnity, and it starts at 10:00PM EST 2:00AM GST 07:30AM IST 11:00PM KST 15:00 / 3:00PM NZDT 19:00 / 7:00PM PST Like this if you want a tag in the Thank You Fifteen post. ALSO! Thanks to @Plain Old Tele for pointing out that August 10th is the actual 70th Anniversary of the premiere of SUNSET BOULEVARD. In honor of basically my favorite film of all time, we're having special screening on Monday Night. I mean, who doesn't want to watch the film that’s part gothic horror, part tragic romance, and complete savage expose of the Studio System? Louis B Mayer watched it in a private screening, and told Billy Wilder that "You have disgraced the industry that made and fed you. You should be tarred, feathered, and sent back to Austria." To which Wilder replied: "I'm Mr. Wilder, and you can go fuck yourself."
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