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Everything posted by Cap

  1. The Room is Open: Room ID: 542 382 5182 Password: BOT We're starting at 6PM, so in about twenty minutes. @Fancyarcher @Rorschach @Blankments @4815162342 @Plain Old Tele @terrestrial @TwoMisfits @gadd @Darth Lehnsherr @Eric #RIPChadwick @lorddemaxus @Alpha @Spaghetti @Ethan Hunt @DAR + @Eric #RIPChadwick wrote up a profound introduction to the film; it follows: RIP Chadwick
  2. You should. It’s a lot of fun
  3. We will move it to Monday at 6PM EST @Fancyarcher @Rorschach @Blankments @4815162342 @Plain Old Tele @terrestrial @TwoMisfits @gadd @Darth Lehnsherr @Eric #RIPChadwick @lorddemaxus
  4. Do you want to do it on Monday? It was your suggestion. It feels weird not having you there.
  5. The Telegram poll voted to move it back to tomorrow. So it’s now tomorrow at 3PM @Fancyarcher @Rorschach @Blankments @4815162342 @Plain Old Tele @terrestrial @TwoMisfits @gadd @Darth Lehnsherr @Eric #RIPChadwick @lorddemaxus
  6. In a post Covid world, I don’t think we should be making big box office assumptions about anything. The movie could “only” make $400 million domestically, but if everything else is only making $200 million dollars domestically, it’s still Over performing despite “underperforming”.
  7. This. I know that Black Panther is the brand, but if they don’t even want to touch recasting/the mantle, they could do an entire movie about the Dora Milaje or the Jabari Tribe. I disagree. It’s animation. See. This is my issue. Carrie Fisher’s legacy and death loomed over those films. She and Debbie passed alway like the weekend of Rogue One. I remember seeing her at the end of RO, even as CGI, was such a gut pinch. I cried the whole way home. And I cried all through The Last Jedi. And, I cried, like openly wept during TROS when Harrison Ford showed up for that stupid scene. Cause I knew the only reason he was there, was she wasn’t alive. And in TROS we never got a chance to breathe, or mourn, Leia. We need that. I hope they recognize that with the future MCU movies. Let the characters and audience grieve together. We NEED that catharsis. As I was telling @Porthos privately last night: I guess if you want to talk about it from a Marvel Cinematic Universe perspective, it’s just fucking devastating. I mean he was being set up as the leader for the next two or three phases. He was going to be the center of it. Now there’s a giant hole. There’s a giant hole where the real life vibrant person should be and there’s a giant hole where this character should be. Omg, now I am crying again. I didn’t even think about if he had requests for the future. I was not in that mind set at all. And honestly, with the level of privacy over this, I didn’t even think anyone but the family knew.
  8. @Fancyarcher @Rorschach @Blankments @4815162342 @Plain Old Tele @terrestrial @TwoMisfits @gadd @Darth Lehnsherr So. My schedule is all fucked up right now. We have tickets to see Kyle Taylor Parker at the Playhouse tonight. But it’s raining, and it was supposed to be an outside event. They are claiming they’re not going to cancel things, because they’re supposed to be a break in the weather between literally the two hours when our show is that which is 4PM. But they also might cancel things, and then postpone it till tomorrow. So right now there’s basically two options. Or a third. 1. We push the showing back to like 7:30 PM Eastern. 2. We push the showing back to tomorrow at 3 PM. 3. I can open the zoom room, but someone else is probably gonna have to show the picture. (Zoom it doesn’t do unlimited call time over three people unless you have a paid pro account, so we probably have to use mine. Unless someone has that)
  9. We’re gonna show 42 on the Zoom Showing tomorrow as a Memorial for those who are also in shock and want somewhere to share in their grief. 3PM EST.
  10. So, um, I don't even know. I think like most of you, I'm not really processing Chadwick Boseman's passing. We're going to do an honorary screening of 42. Start time will be Monday 6PM EST. 😭
  11. LMFAO. I am reading the this on mobile, scrolling to the bottom, and thinking “can’t wait to post a “When I Get To A desktop All Of This Is Getting Moved to the Batman thread” post at the end of this page. great minds.
  12. Because they want a young and hot Batman for their franchise, but they will not 🤬 give me a Dick Grayson, who is, wait for it… A young and hot Nightwing Batman.
  13. It’s literally the same Batman trailer that they’ve put out for every Batman property since 2005
  14. Naaah. I am just going to back home to George Perez land. I have seen the coming trailer storm and want no part of it.
  15. Reeve’s Superman is charming and kitsch. The hoke is what makes it endearing and What makes them Superman. It’s not Camp. I swear to god, the damage WB has done to that tile over the past decade will never ever be repaired.
  16. Hey?! Not going out of your house but still want to see a movie with friends? We having a Gene Kelly 108th Birthday Bash by showing THE PIRATE with him and Judy Garland and The Nicholas Brothers today at 3PM EST! Check out my signature for full details. It’s gong to be a BLAST! This was is a trip and just GREAT.
  17. I would follow Angie’s lead and delete Brad Pitt.
  18. 01. Eternals 02. Eternals 03. Eternals 04. Eternals 05. Eternals 06. Eternals 07. Eternals 08. Eternals 09. Eternals 10. Eternals
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