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Everything posted by Cap

  1. 1) this assumes people have seen 1920s cinema. (That is also a self drag 🤣) 2) As long as they had an American Release, they should come in it. They are important in the transition from The Old Studio System to New Hollywood Cinema.
  2. Nope. Cause it would be no animation. It would only be 30%. 🥳😉
  3. You know, @Plain Old Tele, it started off a joke, but that pre-1967 list is looking more and more like a thing that needs to happen.
  4. So I just rewatched the first three Pirate movies on a lark. #1: Shocking, excellent. Really holds up. And gosh darn, that score is such a banger. #2: This isn't a movie. This is a series of set pieces. Even if the last twenty minutes are blast. #3. Way too much plot (cause the second one didn't have enough), but FUN. It also might be #2 was so bad that #3 just seemed auto improvement.
  5. Okay. I see how this is working. #200-100 are the REAL list, and @The Panda is just the greatest joker of all time.
  6. Terrible movie! Too long! I was in the theater on opening weekend, eleven years old, so excited to see this, and then I had to go to bathroom and mom wouldn’t let me! We just sat there watching them walk for like 45 minutes! Bad film! Didn’t it know I had to pee?!
  7. FTFY!!!!!!!! god. This charActer study. so tragic and horrific at the same time. and only really horrific cause she is what Hollywood fears the most: women over forty. I am so sorry, Norma. I tried. I had you at #7.
  8. @Blankments is threadbanned for the next twenty-four seconds due to having terrible taste. There. Done.
  9. BINGO! Not only in the excessive but in he took time to figure out her likes and then gave her a thoughtful gift!!!
  10. But, I am glad it’s Poppins, cause I saw that umbrella, and thought it was Singin’, and then we were gonna have A TALK.
  11. Maybe because it’s a metaphor for seeing a person’s true self? Or maybe because he actively tries to change his toxic behaviors and become a better person!!
  12. You will learn the victory Is just getting it on the damn list the friends we make along the way.
  13. I think I quote, "I warned you, I warned you, but did you listen to me? Oh, no, Oh, no, It's just a harmless little BUNNY." like once a week.
  14. Cap: Should I just say "Eff it" and go Full Fangirl? @Plain Old Tele: Oh, no. Abort. Abort. @Porthos: Do it. Cap: 😈 Avengers: Endgame I want to talk about the greatest cinematic experience of my life. My Bestie and I live in different states. We both knew that neither could really handle seeing Endgame with, frankly, anyone but each other. If I was going to watch Steve Rogers die -- and we made the plans circa November 2018, so I was convinced he was going to die -- I had zero interest in watching it with some unlit, un-indoctrinated crowd of basic bitches. This was Endgame. We made plans to meet up in New York City for the Lincoln Square IMAX. Again, if I was going to have to watch Thanos beat Steve Rogers to death with his own shield, it had to be on the biggest screen in the best quality theater on the East Coast. As fate would have it, Lincoln Square 13 wasn't doing the Advanced Fan Events. We ended up at some random 250 seat theater at AMC Empire 25. My IMAX screen at home was bigger. But it started an hour early, and that was all that matters. Our stress level really couldn't handle waiting another hour. We piled into the theater. Groups came in batches of two, four, sometimes six. Bestie and I still had our headphones in. I was NOT going to get spoiled in line like with Infinity War. No one really chit-chatted with folks outside of their group aside from the Thanos Thirst Legion sitting behind us. They were loud. And they were there for Thanos' Daddy Vibe. The lights go down. The movie begins. And then two hours and twelve minutes into it, my soul leaves my body. I don't remember if I was screaming, or crying, or out of my seat, or dead on the floor. It was everything I ever wanted and didn't know I could have. ( Is this what heterosexual lust feels like? ) For a moment all was perfect -- until -- Oh fuck, oh fuck, it's finally happening: Dreaded it. Ran from it. But after seven years, it was inevitable. He didn't say the line, but Evans' eyes said for it him. As he faced down Thanos' Army I was strangely at peace knowing my beloved was going to go out as he came in: a kid in a back alley that didn't know when to run from a fight. But no. No. The Russos and M&M weren't gonna do me like that. Suddenly the voice of a fucking angel cuts through the score and theater. "Cap? Cap, can you hear me? It's Sam. On Your Left." Oh god, oh god, oh god. Did The Russos just say #SamSteveRights? Oh, god, oh, god, What is happening? And then there's T'Challa exiting that Portal backlit like a fucking Jesus. And Sam's flying out, and the portals are opening, and Alan Silversti's score is killing it, and the wide shot's surveying the battlefield, and I'm quietly under my breath muttering: Say it. Say it. Say it, say it, saaaaaaaay IT. Then I hear someone else behind me starting to scream at the screen: Say It. Suddenly, a group of 250 strangers, who have never met before, and will never meet again, who are only bonded by our love and excitement over a movie, are all screaming SAY IT. Because we all have waited seven years for two words. We all know what's coming. My audience screamed so loud I thought the roof would blow. It was magic. It was such a strange, euphoric experience that I doubt I will ever recreate in a movie theater. What is the greatest cinematic experience of my life? Getting to see, and feel, and hear pure joy. I love this movie. I could easily write another 5k squee fest scene-by-scene breakdown on how much I love this movie. I even wonder if my years of being Officially Over It regarding the MCU made me love it more. I love that the Wakanda Battle Sequence and Avengers Assemble Battle Sequence have the exact same beats; there's such satisfaction in knowing "I have watched this before and watched them loose, but now because they're working together, they're going to win." I love how everything feels like such a natural progression, so that when Tony Stark "is the one to lie down on the wire" and Steve Rogers is the one to "cut the wire" it makes complete sense. I love that use the Time Heist sequence to playfully balance shameless fan service and showing off how these characters have changed/evolved over the twenty-two movie arc. It was absolutely my favorite movie of the year. It might even be my favorite movie of the decade… LOL JK Winter Soldier #1 4EVA. It is the capstone to a truly monumental piece of work. Whether you just want to call it a production factory, or the greatest television series of all time, or nature step in comic book episodic storytelling, the staggering work, dedication, and faith in their proof of concept that Kevin Feige, Louis D'Esposito, Victoria Alonso, and everyone at Marvel Studios — displayed over the past 10 years is remarkable. The truly mind-blogging 357M domestic opening weekend, and 1.2 Billion Global Total Opening Weekend is something we'll likely never see again. Not for a very, very long time unless a Chinese film blows up. Avengers: Endgame could be the crescendo of Kevin Feige's cinematic symphony or only the end of its first movement. Who knows what will happen in the next decade? Hell, who knows if we'll even be here in the next decade? (LMFAO, Note: I wrote this before COVID, so that's extra funny to me.) All I know is that for one crazy weekend in April, everyone in the world went to the cinema.
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