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Everything posted by Cap

  1. WHYYYYYYYY does no one listen to me?!?!? Do I need to post more puppy pictures? @EmpireCity Stop. and to everyone else: Also going off of my previous moderation post, it’s totally cool if you’re frustrated and things are not going the way you expected it to be. Emotions are valid. But I just don’t think we need to go to extreme emotions before we have a full view of the situation. This goes for everything/everyone on this board. Maybe the past three years has fundamentally changed my outlook on life. But I do not see the need to Get yourself so worked up over a movie, or something that is not in your control. Because quite frankly, none of us know what is going to happen next, because it feels like every day something new and crazy happens that completely changes everything. So instead of acting like chicken little, or being a dick to your fellow posters, or just stirring the pot, why don’t we just look at puppy pictures!!!
  2. MODERATION first off, the anti-LGBTQ talk stops now. Even if you are “just talking about it in context of the box office.” That’s just an excuse. Stop. Move on second off, I don’t think any of us have seen the movie yet, and we know for a fact that not always the reviews in the audience opinions matchup, so I don’t necessarily know why we’re going to start doom posting about Pixar or the film before we even see any tickets sales from this weekend. I think there’s a very simple way that we can fix all of this: Look at this picture with Chris Evans in a puppy. It’s the most beautiful picture in existence. Isn’t it just heartwarming and comforting and don’t you just want to be happy. Be the puppy. It’s amazing. How can anyone be in a bad mood or having negative thoughts when looking at this picture. so cute. be this tweet.
  3. I had the privilege of getting to see company when we went down to New York This may. That number was outstanding. He deserved that Tony in ways I cannot describe. I honestly wish they had done it, not getting married today, instead of the opening number. I understand that the goal is to celebrate the entire cast. But I really would like that on film. It was insane. The staging of it was insane. His delivery was crazy. Everything was perfect. I also love Ariana so much. She was giving off such extreme theater geek living her best life vibes, and I cannot think of a better person to be living that vibe.
  4. @Ezen Baklattan @The Panda I think we need to add a “ @Brainbug the Dinosaur Award” to the BOFFYs — for the user that is most mature in face of sadness, and handles it like a champ. Model. Citizen.
  5. Because peoples’ opinions of what’s funny and is not funny sometimes are radically different, and not all humor is inclusive or… Funny. So I think a lot of the broad stroke comedies of the pass just don’t play anymore.
  6. https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/entertainment/celebrity/anna-faris-chris-pratt-accused-9351304.amp I don’t trust anyone who mistreats animals.
  7. All this means is that Chris Evans as Gene Kelly in that random movie is going to be perfection
  8. The only thing evil About that stash is how hot it is. I’ve seen it in person. It’s beautiful. I remember turning to my friend during intermission, and was like he can hide behind that monstrosity, but I can still see his jaw line. And he is the most beautiful man in existence.
  9. Two things are true here, related to your concerned trolling of the last two pages. 1. The Angela and Brad stuff Will have little affect on the box office since men like Brad Pitt are never really held accountable for their actions, and he has enough build-in good will in the media for this not to blow up in the next two months. 2. It’s asinine to say that Brad Pitt was never a movie star, when to Gen X and Millennials, his name is legit synonymous with “hot movie star” So I would suggest finding a different angle before getting banned from the thread. Cause, girl,
  10. look at these lost souls talking about reviews as if they mattered. Hey; honey. You could read the phone book for two hours and I would go see it at least twice. 🥵🥵
  11. Not enough Aldis Hodge as Hawkman. We didn’t sacrifice the OT3 and Hardison not being in the leverage reboot, for him not to be front and center in this movie. That said this looks like a total cheese fest, and it’s gonna be fun because the Rock is fun.
  12. Dear Everyone, @grim22 just alerted that due to his growing family responsibilities, he's going to step back from his moderation duties. Grim's been a staple of this board for longer than I've been here. It definitely feels like a changing of the guard, but family's family. Grim will be awarded permanent Gold Status. Grim, I hope that you continue to be a great part of this community, and to quote that famous wrestling term: We wish you luck in your future endeavors. The Mod Staff. In the meantime, @ZeeSoh will be appointed to Junior Admin. So it'll be me, ZeeSoh, and @Eric Mitchell. We are currently not looking for new mods, but if that changes, we will open applications.
  13. I am honestly so upset about this. CM Punk is my favorite wrestler, period. I watch wrestling cause of him. I like it for other reasons; and I have other favorites, but Punk > All. And so when they announced Forbidden Door, I was elated. This event is gonna be AMAZING. CM Punk back in Chicago. ON MY BIRTHDAY. So I booked my plane ticket before I got my tickets. Which was a disaster, because getting tickets was a disaster. And it was more money than I thought it was going to be, but I was like it’s fine it’s my birthday. I’m going to make this work. and now I’m just so upset. I like don’t even know if I should figure out a way to get a voucher for my plane ticket and like sell my tickets. It’s all going to be amazing. And like it’s still gonna be insane to be there and watch all of it. And I mean the cards still gonna be stacked. But I just feel like it’s not gonna be the same. And it’s not gonna be what I thought and imagined and I’ve been looking forward to. Like I’m just setting myself up for disappointment if I go. and I’m so angry because they just put the title on him. And there were so many storylines, and the momentum was so good. And we still haven’t resolved the MJF stuff, and you knew, you knew, that punk was going to get involved with that. And hopefully maybe he’ll still be there to talk/deal promos, but still like shit. This is fucking terrible. We waited seven years for him to come back. We can wait a little longer. And you certainly don’t want anyone to rush their recovery and then get hurt again. But this is just
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