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Posts posted by StevenG

  1. 3 hours ago, AndyK said:

    I have a really bad feeling that they are going to have the invisible jet in this.


    The golden lasso of truth was also, for the longest time, something that a large segment of fanboys considered lame as fuck, and many claimed that Wonder Woman would be laughed off the screen because of the lasso and the jet. By now, we should be well acquainted with the notion of "it's all about the execution."  I can totally see a jet with a cloaking device that allows it to be "invisible" being a really cool gadget to introduce in a superhero movie. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, Spidey Freak said:

    Think this piece will be in the first or middle act as an armored costume was teased as well, which I figure will be her final fight ensemble.

    I am dying to know what the context will be for Diana to don a more armor-like ensemble. I wonder if at some point Cheetah will become mega-powered somehow. I think I recall a John Byrne WW issue in which Diana fought some sort of "super Cheetah" creature. I could be totally misremembering, though....

  3. Please gods of Olympus, let the battles between Cheetah and Wonder Woman be practical as opposed to CGI.

    Can they simply choreograph most of the physical fights and have them go at it on a set instead of making them fully CGI (and just "enhance" them and tweak them with CGI)? 

    I know that full-body makeup for Cheetah is most likely an impossibility, but there has got to be a middle ground that helps the fights be more realistic and less Black Panther-vs-Killmonger-ish...(or less Wonder Woman-vs-Ares-ish)...


    I know I sound like a broken record, but I wish Wonder Woman fighting Cheetah "feels" more like the fights between Uma Thurman and Vivica A Fox/Uma Thurman and Darryl Hannah in Kill BIll (or any of the fights in Atomic Blonde) than anything else. I want to see scratches and punches and kicks and shoves that don't feel weightless...






  4. 13 hours ago, dudalb said:

    If you don't get why a franchise like the MCU or DCU universes give writers a lot more options and space then the JP franchise does, your're pretty hopeless.


    As much as I love superhero films, I am not blind to the suppposed "more options" that CBMs gives writers.

    Ther are an infinite number of superheroes and supervillains for them to fight, but there is truth in what he said: once you have seen a world domination/world destruction plot in CBMs, there is not a whole lot you can vary. Let's not act as if each CBM has been incredibly distinct. I feel that everyone gives them a pass nowadays because audiences are still in the honeymoon phase with CBMs (yes, even after all these years). They are still a shiny new toy...and therefore, it's easier to overlook their flaws.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Spidey Freak said:

    [...]they made Dr. Cyber Japanese in Rebirth and such a plotline is totally in synch with the trend in 80's Japanese fiction of focusing on the "technology/innovation arms race paranoia" through seminal work like the (original) Ghost in the Shell.


    I was reading that the first time that Steve Trevor died in the Wonder Woman comics, it was at the hands of Dr. Cyber (in "1969's Wonder Woman" # 180). Maybe the screenwriters have taken that as a starting point and are bringing it full circle by indeed 'resurrecting' Steve in robot form thanks to Cyber.

    I like that, and I definitely love your suggestion regarding Minerva being a geneticist who wants to help cure AIDS and uses animal/human splicing in her work towards that goal. Can those two threads be combined? Maybe Cyber promises Minerva to fund her experiments? Or something... 

    I think it would be a nice break from all magical/gods stuff to have technology and science be at the core of this film's villains...


    Then for the third film they could bring in mind control, psychology, and gender roles/gender tropes/self-image issues with Dr. Psycho and Silver Swan.  LOL




  6. 5 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    Welcome. Yeah, I think she will be called Wonder Girl as someone on the show's costuming team leaked that she may be wearing the traditional red costume with yellow stars. No idea about Donna's origin as that continues to be a clusterf*** to this day.


    I am looking forward to see how they "translate" that look (which I love) to live-action.

  7. 56 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

    I prefer the Circe theory the best but I like the sound of the bolded part. Especially since they made Dr. Cyber Japanese in Rebirth and such a plotline is totally in synch with the trend in 80's Japanese fiction of focusing on the "technology/innovation arms race paranoia" through seminal work like the (original) Ghost in the Shell.


    But I think it's most probably magical hijinks thanks to Pedro Pascal playing a Deimos/Phobos type figure.

    I don't know if I like Pascal (potentially) playing Deimos or Phobos. I wish that they stay away from any Ares-related shenanigans. As much as I like the concept of Enyo, the Greek goddess of "war, destruction, conquest, and bloodlust"  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enyo

    , who has been associated with Ares...



    ....I feel that she might best be introduced in a Wonder Woman prequel TV show (yes, the one that we were promised ---Amazon---but never got). :ohmyzod:

    • Like 1
  8. 49 minutes ago, Spidey Freak said:

     Yay, a fellow Donna Troy fan! Did you know she's appearing on the upcoming Titans live action show?



    Though would love to see an actress of color play Donna on the big screen. 



    Thoughts on making Cheetah a geneticist who's searching for an AIDS cure through human/animal splicing and when denied the resources, is forced to experiment on herself, thus turning into a cheetah/woman hybrid monster? It would make her a pretty tragic figure and this origin is the same as the one in the Justice League Unlimited animated series (except for the disease being AIDS).

     Yes, I love me some Donna Troy, and nope, I had no idea about her appearing in the Titans show. Thanks for the heads up! Any clue as to how this iteration of Wonder Girl (is she even going to be called Wonder Girl?) will be related to DIana? Donna's origin has been changed/modified/rebooted so many times!!!


  9. There are some interesting theories out there for Steve Strevor being "back": beyond the expected "it is Circe's witchery!" and "it is Dr. Psycho playing with Diana's head," some people are theorizing that it could be how the film introduces a shape-shifting Martian Manhunter who wants to lure Wonder Woman for whatever reason. Other people are saying that he could be a super realistic robot doppleganger created by uber-advanced technology courtesy of [Dr.] Cyber.


  10. 2 hours ago, TheDarkKnightOfSteel said:

    The AIDS Crisis will add so much depth to a movie revolved around a character that among other things represents love.And i am sure Jenkins has put together a story to celebrate diversity and representation so given the AIDS crisis being involved the LGBT community will turn up in droves for this one.Patty...you magnificent woman,


    As for getting a first look during Comic Con i would not put it past WB.We got our first look at Justice League in Comic Con 2016 along with our first trailer for Wonder Woman.The same could happen with Wonder Woman/Shazam.That being said,could they master a teaser in time?

    I do hope that you are right about the whole AIDS thing, although it will be tricky to include it in a substantial way that doesn't trivialize it or make it an afterthough. Then again, it will also be tricky because of time constraints in a 2 hour film that needs to, first and foremost, focus on the characters and their stories as they pertain to the plot. I liked that the first film attempted to briefly touch on tricky subjects like colonialism and racism (through the characters of Chief and Sameer), but I know that some people felt that those topics should have elicited a more substantial reaction from DIana.

    Anyway, I cannot wait to see this sequel.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Barnack said:

    Does stand up even exist without an audience too ? That one is purely audience feedback mechanism even more so that movies, I would imagine that many people spend very small resources making small movies no one will see, but not jokes.

    Theatre is also nothing without an audience.

    Theatre without an audience is not theatre; it's just people talking out loud and acting out scenes.

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