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Posts posted by StevenG

  1. 2 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

    Do you guys think these movies will every show Wonder Girl?

    Interesting question.

    If it were up to me, I would definitely work on building a supporting cast of "Wonder characters" that could potentially be spun off into their own cinematic adventures in the future. Wonder Woman is an iconic character, and her film's success clearly proves that despite Hollywood's legendary reluctance to give her a solo movie, there was/is a huge moviegoing audience for her mythos.  Hollywood needs to nurture her brand even more, and yes, a Wonder Girl appearance could certainly lead to other solid moneymaking endeavors for WB/DC.

    Especially with the success of Superhero Girls and Teen Titans Go.

    I would love a Donna Troy Wonder Girl appearance, not a Cassandra Sandsmark one.

    Or, they could combine Vanessa Kapatelis with the concept of Wonder Gilr....

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, The Futurist said:

    The Last Jedi has less conncetive tissue than Hereditary agreed, Johnson's movie makes so little sense people will be able to watch Episode 9 by skipping 8 : great stoy telling right there.

    You and your Jlaw-and-MCU loving arse is the last person who should be complaining about storytelling flaws.


  3. 2 hours ago, Pure Spirit said:

    I'm relatively new to BOT, so can someone explain to me if The Futurist is a parody account or what?

    All you need to know about him/her/whatever:

    • he is obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence and thinks that even "Passengers" is good
    • his definition of masterful cinema is the Marvel Cinematic Universe
    • he thinks that every movie not helmed by any of the MCU's  rent-a-directors is "pretentious"
    • 98 % of his posts elicit "WTF!" or "Is this a parody account?" from half the board. The other half just ignores him.
    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Mojoguy said:

    I can see Steve being brought back to life in the end of this movie, and he could go on to have a long life and die of old age around the time whenever BvS was. That way Diana and Steve can have a happy life together, and Chris Pine can return for a possible Wonder Woman 3 which would be another period piece.

     It will be released in 2021 and set in 2000, and touch on important topics like the ascent of Britney, NSync and the new, new, new bubblegum pop movement, the Playstation 2, "Survivor"  and Castaway

  5. 7 hours ago, TombRaider said:

    LOL. this franchise relies on jumpscares, it's not smart or atmospheric


    the trailer was..meh

    Nowhere in the post you quoted was it mentioned that that the franchise is "smart." 

    Also, what's with horror fans and their insistence on always looking for something to belittle horror films? What are horror films supposed to do? Seems like they are not supposed to have too much gore because they are accused of being "torture porn," and they should not have jump scares because those are now allegedly a bad thing (since when?). Then, if a horror film is too atmospheric or takes its time to unfold its horror elements, they are called "boring" or "dull." WTF? Since when is gore, atmosphere, and fucking jump scares a bad thing ina  horror film?

  6. Anyone betting on what percentage of this thread will become a "Gal Gadot cannot act" bitchfest from trolls out to poison the well? Since we all know that her allegedly sub-par acting skills did not impact in the least the box office success of the first film (and in fact, her acting, performance, and overall screen presence was widely considered one of the main reasons for the film's gigantic artistic and commercial success), I am really curious as to what exactly is added to the box office discussion for WW84 by repeating the "Gal Gadot cannot act" diatribe? I suspect it is just about trolling/poisoning the well...

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  7. 2 minutes ago, Chewy said:


    We already knew haha


    Anyway Dumbo looks cute, which was the most important thing I suppose



    By the way, I was not sure about Dumbo.

    Captain Marvel? Sure...

    The MCU is just on fire, and since she will certainly be a huge aspect of the next evolution in the MCU, definitely.

    But Dumbo was a big question mark to me.

    After seeing that teaser, I have no doubt that it will be a gigantic hit.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DMan7 said:

    Ahhh ok I thought you meant spinoffs. lol

    Well, if the WW sequel is as successful (critically and comercially) as the original, and if, once again, the DCEU fails with everything else (Aquaman, Shazam, the 235 planned Joker/Harley films, etc), maybe it will be time for DC/WB to truly commit to a Wonder Woman cinematic universe that indeed has everything from an Amazons Adventures film to spinoffs for Steve Trevor, Etta Candy and some of Wondy's best known villains. :hahaha:

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