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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. The egg isn't bad. Also a funny dynamic with this one where usually fans skew day 1 score high, but possible that the fanboys will be more divided than GA so curious to see how scores trend d2.
  2. Huge 262k start today, guessing we finish ~950k. Similar PS for FSS as NWH had but as we see PSm can be better because of the curfew diff. Sun holiday also help some. 2M+ FSS for 3.6+ 5d
  3. As discussed several pages ago, far from accurate. Came from deadline, but contradicts reporting at the time which matched what we can see. DS2 indeed ~60M mid yday. Similar point for Batman ~29M and NWH ~96M
  4. Still don’t understand how Vader interaction continuity is supposed to work with IV
  5. By next year we’ll have enough of these things for a BOT list
  6. So bad day in philly as well as Sacto. Guess reviews really do matter 😔
  7. Best finale I think, still leaves much to be desired. I loved the post-credits and am very hyped for S2 unlike Loki and WhatIf. below is an ep5 theory but spoiler it just in case:
  8. I would take more like 680-700 now. 690 690 469 690 769 nice OW ahead
  9. Tomorrow looks huge, I am happy with this OD considering it may be bit deflated by demand shifted to th.
  10. Rough phase start over here. SC and et with the cultural issues, DS2 seemingly just ole fashioned divisive.
  11. It just doesn't match up with data and previous statements for t-2.5 to be that high. It would end up with final PS Endgame level and open way over 300
  12. Discussing how a specific show might tie in with this movie and it’s potential reception/box office is on topic (though not much has been revealed so could be hard without spoilers!), but posts that just talking about shows in isolation or shows with zero connection not so much
  13. The DS number seems about right but the NWH and bat numbers looks almost impossible to be correct.
  14. Absolutely comical nums as usual from deadline, should be 420 minimum up to 500 if things get nuts
  15. Think a better PSm than that, maybe 750k day. OD always hardest to call of course.
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