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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. 2019 2017 2014 and 2011 had similarly late easters if anyone want to go comp diving.
  2. Damn, gotta say, kind of dissapointed with this Monday from Sonic
  3. I’ve got 848,454 for JJK actual but nothing for eeaao yet 😕
  4. Finally cracked the code of the two most recent MCU performances — they stumbled on Z but then wrapped around to AA, which is a mega success. The 703rd entry, AAA, will gross so much it causes a worldwide depression and human extinction.
  5. Upon further reflection, this answer may be unhelpful, so I’ll rephrase. It’s the prequel to V3, and if you want the name explicitly written out the long way — VLTBC
  6. Doctor Strange, Thor, Black Panther, Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy
  7. Much lower than kantmiss right -- would still be curious to see fb2 though
  8. Strong num for jjk. Top 9 should be: Dumbledore Sonic Lost City EeAAO Stu Ambulance Morbius Batman Uncharted JJK is probably favored to round out the top 10 if you don't mind the reporting. Otherwise there's NWH, getting pretty small.
  9. Tbf @SchumacherFTW, calling this series fan fiction was way out of line. I’m read so much HP fan fiction that was better than CoG
  10. Batman about 27% ahead in tickets vs 55% ahead in preview adjusting for Ontario. Some of diff comes in earlier showtime -> earlier final count.
  11. Holy shiiiiiiiit it missed £6M. Fookin incredible @charlie Jatinder
  12. Ah, I see that Batman has finally dipped below 50% of the overall market since release as of this Sun! That’s 37 days on the dot, tying Endgame for 2nd place. NWH +Batman ran for 114 straight days of a single-movie-dominated market, far and away the largest such stretch. But it will soon come to a close, as Sonic only has maybe 8 days of juice and Dumbledore will have 0. Since dec 17 through apr 7, CBMs are at 1.2B vs rest of market 950M. May be touch and go to see whether the streak lasts until DS2 can resuscitate it.
  13. The trailer angst in this thread has been absolutely delicious, but unfortunately I expect it will come to an end within 30 hours or so.
  14. Somehow jussssst put together that Natalie Portman is getting a starring turn in a Disney mega franchise the exact same year as Ewan and Hayden
  15. Don't necessarily want to turn this into a TR discourse thread, but I will just note that 300 is A LOT contextually. We are talking more than triple encanto, almost double sing 2, like 80% of Batman. I don't see anything in the online reception, Nielsen nums, overseas nums and reception, etc etc to suggest it would have been anywhere even close to that
  16. The regulars in this thread are pretty used to reading trends and pace (though of course it’s not an exact science). The problem is that even if it ends up with low 6s in previews that is not necessarily good enough to pass 40 on Easter.
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