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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Ah, the Brazil thread is popping again. Now we just gotta get @pepsa and @Fullbuster in here for the OW
  2. What is a decent OW for WSS anyway. BOP has 14-22. It’s 21 on HSX. It’s priced around 16 for FML. I guess anything above Gucci seems okay to me, but in the “okay given that my expectations have been in the basement” way rather than “this is a 100M film from a revered director and doing actual solid numbers ina vacuum” way.
  3. What in the fucking hell is going on in this theater. These are like 40M final comps
  4. I swear to god if the comps are thrown off by fucking NFTs I will… [redacted to avoid warning] Adam Aron
  5. https://www.mediaplaynews.com/amc-theatres-ceo-we-broke-the-internet-selling-spider-man-no-way-home-movie-nfts/
  6. T-17 for TROS is comping vs like 5 weeks of cumulative sales, it’ll pop way over in tonight’s report 😛 Also I just noticed those nums I had above would make it the 2nd movie (after endgame) to hit 200 off 2 days. Would probably also claim 2nd fastest to: 250 300 350 After which it might start falling behind TFA
  7. If you’re at 230, and you still don’t see IM below 6, that is sub IW previews?
  8. When reviews leak that there’s no T&A, everyone will cancel tickets+ sue for emotional damage, several billion dollar loss to become by far the least profitable movie in human history
  9. The tele predict is immortalized via Porthos quote on page 1 and the OD will beat its OW.
  10. Nothing is binding for two weeks, but I guess an updated look at where my head is at (I know previews are locked for contest purposes, but I’m going to keep updating that field to give a cleaner picture for the full weekend): USERNAME PREVIEWS TRUE FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY TOTAL Legion 48M 75M 81M 69.69M 273.69M I truly didn’t realize what these were going to sum to until I did the sum at the very end. But it is what it is I guess 🤷‍♂️
  11. By the way I think that’s 33 submissions+one header row rather than 34 submission 😛
  12. I think it was Tele before we got into a zoomer vs boomer kerfluffle (point: zoomers) and they are now evidently deleted.
  13. I think you misread — I am sad I don’t get to coinflip. I will make sure my Fri, sat, sun, and ow are exactly matched to pre-existing entries to maximize my chances 😘
  14. Some random stats ‘cause I can: Mean — 29.7M standard deviation — 7.57M 2 sigma range — 44.9M geomean — 28.7M geometric SD factor — 1.3225 geometric 2 sigma range — 16.4M to 50.2M geo is really more apt for this context imo, and we probably won’t breach the 2 sigma ceiling. But if we end up 1-2 sigma (38-50.2) that still implies some likely systematic issues.
  15. We won’t get a hard num, but fandango/deadline should do an “over tfa, 2nd beat ever, almost endgame” kind of article.
  16. Like 50 days vs 16 , but also SW vs MCU — TROS Sacto final was 2.4x D1. If NWH does 2x Day 1 we’re in the 40s 🤣
  17. The reacc is gold Money is as money does, I didn't force WB to release M4 streaming on NWH's 2nd weekend 🤷‍♂️
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