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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. This is my approach when I care enough about an EA release to really get into the nitty gritty
  2. Remaining steady isn’t how anything starts though. I literally don’t understand how this number prompted or is logically related to the following posts.
  3. ??? TLM was like 2% behind on the weekend, 2% behind on Monday wouldn’t exactly be crumbling.
  4. Great Mon. Going to wait for 2nd fri to look too much at legs because gotg has consistently been having great weekdays and relatively weaker wknds
  5. Yeah it’s not like Flash doing poorly can cause a universe reboot — a universe reboot can cause Flash to do poorly.
  6. I am always projecting out to the end, not just using the present straight comp values. There seems to be a real chance to finish below 11 and 11.0 is not necessarily enough to pass BA OW. As I said above though I would still take the over for now.
  7. Gotg would have passed 400 with a 120 open on this weekend I suspect. Day 4-7 will boost OWeek a good bit more.
  8. Of course it could— you’re not going to do 8.8x with higher previews in summer! If it previewed to say 8.0 (higher than BA) then a weekend below BA would be a lock. But more likely still is that it will be low double digit previews and scrape by for the full weekend.
  9. Looking like 9-12 previews and maybe 5.8-6.8 IM imo. Say 60-75ish. If things are ever going to turn around and head for more like 90 we’ll probably start to see it around tues.
  10. Updated SV2 nums: 37.4 sat/34.5 true fri (+8.4%). Est is a very reasonable -16 sun, probably won’t rise too much from 120.5
  11. Pretty healthy, I would guess 625-650 but not sure how much summer-y trends may change walkup growth patterns for sat/fri relative to school
  12. If you just rewatch the same good movie a bunch and maybe spend later viewings in the back of an empty showing on your iPad I guess I could see it… tbh <2/day makes that feel like a very breakable record. I would kind of assume that it would be >1000/yr just from some unemployed weirdo who thinks settings obscure records is funny
  13. Projecting based on data available at the time is normal responsible BO engagement, not “overreacting.”
  14. Oh my gosh, were people making reasonable predictions based on data at the time? Later updated based on the different set of data available at a different point in time? Wild
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