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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Extremely unlikely given the available information. Maybe it can leg to 180+ but color me skeptical.
  2. Loki, What if, Hawkeye were already slated to do that (well, not taking into account a potentially hoped for July 2021 movie).
  3. 170 DOM, ~375 OS-C, maybe 165 China, call it 710 or so. Not losing money, probably not making much either.
  4. Halfway point was about 15:20, that’s wild for an OD sat. Sun 00:00 PS will be about 25% down from FFH. Should be able to do 160-180ish I should think.
  5. This was my understanding as well. Yeah, last 2 hours were solid, looks like it will be more night heavy and do around double the 15:00 number. Depending on Sun hold mid-high 90s USD.
  6. 107.2 at 14:30, looks like another 16 hour. I think it’ll be roughly N(215, 49), but gotta go to sleep now.
  7. I feel like your new avatar is repeatedly headbutting me 😛 I was surprised to see that one of my go to theaters had converted fully to reserved seating just in the past few weeks.
  8. It’s not hitting 100 in China OW. There were signs of frontloading in the presales ramp up and they’re playing out in the hourlies today.
  9. Yeah, +10.3 from noon to 13, vs 12.2 for FFH. With the same multiplier from the 3 to 13 period it would be 209. Next two hours will be crucial, strongest hours of the afternoon and 2nd one should contain doubling point for the day. FFH did +21 and +20, I’ll edit in what H&S seems to be doing. 13-14: +15.7 for 99.2
  10. I thought it was the same with respect to school as AM&TW, which was -55% first Mon and -65% 2nd Mon. Not sure though, will be happy to hear the definitive answer on school timing. I have a tough time seeing a flat Sat at this point too. Has been trailing FFH every hour, overall added 26.5 from 3 to noon vs 29.7 for FFH. With same multiplier to rest of day would be 211, looking to fall further behind this hour.
  11. Rumor is it will only get juicier in 13 hours
  12. Wow, it’ll be a 10.1 in no time the way things are going 😮 Maybe 200+ after all if the trade tensions don’t have any effect, let’s see how today goes first though.
  13. Dear god, they’re going full steam ahead. I feel like 80% of the projects I’ve seen rumored have been officially announced in the last 2 months.
  14. WandaVision sounds like the wackiest Phase 4 Project tbh. Da fuq is this cast? (I mean that in an approving way)
  15. 23 EPISODES !?!?!? Losing my goddamn mind. 🚨🎉🥳🚨🎉🥳 🚨🎉🥳🚨🎉🥳
  16. I still haven’t figured out whether I should be rooting for my faves to get shows (more screentime, development, etc) or movies (bigger budgets(?), BO glory, more conventional prestige). I really like Wanda and Vision and I think I’m happier with their show than a movie. Like Kate Bishop, probably prefer her intro as a show vs a movie. OTOH I think I might have preferred a movie for Sam’s first appearance as Cap. I guess I’ll just have to wait and see the first couple before really getting a feel for it.
  17. It’s a pretty widely used slang variation...
  18. We were told that the previous shows would be connected to the MCU. That was pretty much a lie, but it was 6 years and (literally) 11 shows of “it’s all connected... sike!” Some people are understandably burned. But those were all produced by non-Marvel Studios entities. They didn’t occupy half of the official phase announcement at SDCC. I’m confident we’re entering a glorious new era.
  19. The MCU has more Billie ideas than they can schedule in a year, so they’re forced to shunt half the Billie ideas to streaming. It’s a curse 🤣
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