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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Beat It 1, agree. Will this actually turn out to have enough horror elements that it gets classified under that genre on record sites, I doubt it.
  2. Venom was talking OWs. It’s unlikely BP2 will drop much if at all on that front.
  3. There is a consistent throughline there though, if you’re somebody who just has a philosophical stance that lighter movies about Nazis/Hitler/holocuast should just never ever be made and are automatically awful no matter what their message is.
  4. 1)Frozen 2 Black Widow Onward Soul WW84 Jumanji Mulan Charlie’s Angels Terminator 10)Bird of Prey 
  5. Tbf that was still the Perlmutter era. I don’t actually think there’s a connection between more sex related stuff and that era, but IM3 would be a point in its favor rather than against.
  6. Ah, I see. That seems a defensible way of scoring but I would have liked to have known about it in advance, since it does affect predicting slightly. I’m pretty sure that without that capping Team Asgard would have won this week
  7. Wait, were things capped at 100% error? I assumed that if actuals were 400k and someone put 1.2M that would be counted as a 200% error for averaging.
  8. It wasn’t. People have been quiet on that front since it’s a stupid argument and the movie already came out.
  9. So it was just a Maoyan issue in the end. Today’s PS are probably also higher than real
  10. Sac was +20.8% today, you’re +22.7%. If you had comps I guess they’d have bumped up but nothing huge.
  11. Jesus Christ, no wonder shows get cancelled so much. On the other hand this makes it even harder to understand how many stupid show concepts get greenlit.
  12. Oh, dailies as well as weekend figures this time, that’s neat. 2nd place by .02 and then .06 this week is a bit...
  13. Looking back, the pronoun is technically ambiguous. Makes more sense as Avengers though, TLK obviously can’t make it ‘til 2029 if it’s only landing at 7th.
  14. Probably will. Needs 3 films to pass it by May 2022 or so to miss, so Avatar 2 doesn’t even come out fast enough to matter. The main movies taking shots will be like... Frozen 2, TROS, JW3, BP2?
  15. I seem to recall that over MDW they were showing the OS total including Monday for Endgame, but had it mistakenly displayed with the Sun date?
  16. 57 Spider-Man: Far from Home Sony $4,303,733 1.1% 3,162 $1,361 $386,098,875 7/2/19 58 Captain Marvel BV $4,282,244 1.0% 2,243 $1,909 $426,829,839 3/8/19 Funny coincidence of the all-time 9th weekends chart with the 2019 MCU solos in consecutive places. Of course, I’m sure @captainwondyful will berate if I don’t point out that Carol did it without any expansion 😛
  17. Maybe something like 175 DOM, 385 OS-C, 200C for 760. Better legs than I was expecting, should be good for 2019 WW 9 or 10.
  18. So Maoyan is showing 3AM sales as up 100% from yesterday, that’s pretty odd. Especially since NZ PS seem normal. Is there some kind of special event today which could explain that?
  19. Ah, I was just thinking of this thread. If some people were actually saying that elsewhere, all I have to say is 2 years is a lot in PS land. Not totally incomparable yet, but enough that the correlation between higher PS and higher OW becomes quite weak.
  20. Life is Beautiful was a box office success that’s certified fresh and has a 4.6/5 audience score with 250k votes, so I dunno how bad this really is...
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