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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Exactly. I was sort of expecting last Saturday’s “highest admissions” status not to last, whereas I think today will in fact keep the title, but I don’t really have more justification than “just a hunch.”
  2. Isn’t it a bit early for this “highest admissions day on the 4th weekend” business? We haven’t even seen the 5th weekend yet 😉
  3. Well folks, that’s the thread for ya. Turn up tomorrow to find out exactly how yawn, if you’ve got nothing better to do. Spoiler alert: I don’t.
  4. We’re only 5 days away from TS4 open now. Nobody would say 200 is quite impossible, but it would be a big (huge) surprise based on current data.
  5. We’ll see how it plays from here, but this is giving me vibes of unplanned — the people who wouldn’t like it just flat out didn’t go, and aren’t around to drag scores down. That 93% is out of just 299 reviews.
  6. I assume I’ll like this just fine, but I do hope #3 can move past Steve and into the present day.
  7. Same time last week for folks to compare, it’s 1k higher. Decent odds for new highest admission day?
  8. I’ll pick back up whenever there’s something to pick back up with 😛
  9. I know this is a bit late, but Endgame presales absolutely were indicating mid 300s. People then manually adjusted down because they couldn't believe it.
  10. 77% is actually unbelievable bad. The way numbers tend to get presented in drops rather than holds kind of masks that, but if it did double that much money it would still be a 54% drop. 77% is: 2 weekends worth of dropping at 52% each 3 weekends worth of 39% drops 4 weekends worth of 31% drops 5 weekends worth of 25% drops
  11. ... or if Phoenix loses to Rocketman Newest update also has RM 8M and Aladdin 14.7M. Frankly these are too early to take seriously and I expect that Shaft, MIBI, Aladdin, Phoenix, and Rocketman will all rise from the numbers in this update.
  12. 😎 Back to #1 on the weekend charts, good times.
  13. Wow, just woke up and my head is spinning with this news. Seems very bad for CBO and artistic expression to be tightening the reigns on censorship like that. And if they actually totally barred US imports+overcensor locals, I imagine theater owners would be livid. Silver lining I suppose is that Better Days+800 were making me pretty nervous for FFH.
  14. It’s finally here. The logical conclusion. The final evolution of all that has come before. 2019-06-14 15:00:24.986704 UTC 1 100% Rocketman
  15. ~ 100 US+C? ~100 OS-C? Would be surprised to go over 250 tbh
  16. Using Uncle Drew as a Pulse comp Shaft’s numbers would be about an 800k previews and 3.6M true Fri.
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