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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Presumably will be beaten in not that long by any Avengers main cast member who survives. Boseman could easily end up with something like: CA3 BP A3 A4? BP2 A5 BP3 A6 appearance in some other solo franchise that passses a billion A7
  2. Just to be clear on the methodology, is this individual applying the TA/AoU multipliers to each country, or applying a multi to the total OS-China gross and then applying to each country proportionally? And what multi — the multi just off the third weekend or off the cumulative gross at this point?
  3. It's too bad we don't have Puerto Rico to fudge things a bit if needed. Any areas that could serve a similar role?
  4. I've thought about it for a bit now, and I simply cannot figure out what this is supposed to mean in the context of the comment you quoted.
  5. I wonder if we can get IW, BP, and TA all clustered 3 in a row on the adjusted chart. That would be quite funny.
  6. Might need a less than 3.25 multi from this weekend to hit 700 Could definitely miss that though. Next two weekends are absolutely critical.
  7. In case anyone was curious, the required Sunday drop would be 23.5%. The closest precedent from a past large pre-summer MCU movie is GotG2's 25.1% Mother's Day drop (2nd weekend).
  8. We’re looking at about 660-710 now, pretty clear from applying a bunch of different multipliers with comparable MCU films.
  9. This is probably not even going to be a top 5 single market opening weekend, so meltdown level might as well be nuclear
  10. “that's why i think that it should cost 1 or more likes to quote someone , then people will only quote if the post is worth replying to or poster is reputable or you add something relevant/funny/non-toxic enough to garner a few reactions and make up for the cost of quoting.” Then you just get people quoting like this, @A2k Raptor
  11. Really weird to me how some people can’t just let others be disspointed and move on without comment, rather than spending a bunch of time trying to change a subjective personal experience and then complaining that the thread is cluttered — even though the people saying “you shouldn’t be disappointed” take up way more space than a couple people who say “I’m disappointed.”
  12. Well hey now, that’s going a little far. There were definitely people who saw it doing 650+ and 2B+, even if they were a minority.
  13. Oh, wow, those 64th and 128th best weekends come out better than I thought. So going 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 would actually be a pretty solid set of drops
  14. Don’t understand the face, both of those tweets seem quite reasonable.
  15. 1st 2nd 4th I hope next weekend doesn’t come in at 8th best or we’ll have solidified a very worrying trend.
  16. I think sometimes competition is overly focused on, but this is going waaaaay too far in the other direction.
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