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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Does anyone else find it kind of depressing that WB is apparently courting J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves to be in charge of characters like Superman and Batman? Ugh, don’t tell me Michael Giacchino is going to score the next Superman movie...
  2. Live action superhero TV shows were extremely rare back when Smallville was airing. They’re everywhere now.
  3. Even though I’m not the biggest fan of the CW shows, Arrow does at least deserve credit for making live action superhero shows popular again.
  4. To move away the topic from Marvel and Scorsese for a bit, Is anyone else kind of impressed that Universal still has their Dark Universe trailer up for all to see? I kind of figured they would’ve preferred to just pretend that whole thing never happened.
  5. King Kong is arguably a bigger global phenomenon than Godzilla, so it remains to be seen if the novelty of him fighting the Big G would help this movie in anyway. In any case, I’m not expecting this movie to do huge business.
  6. I’d argue that being a network television show is a pretty big handicap, since there’s much less you can get away with compared to premium, streaming, or even cable. Of course, that’s not to say that the CW shows don’t have some...questionable writing, but network and cable television are a dying breed, so there’s probably not that much pressure to try and offer up something truly bold and groundbreaking. Frankly, I’m actually kind of surprised that the Arrowverse is still a thing.
  7. I actually hadn’t even thought of that. Isn’t he working on a Metal Gear Solid movie?
  8. Whatever the reason is for this delay, I would certainly hope it isn’t for the sake of reshoots. I don’t think it’d be a good idea to dump anymore money into this film. If the movie ends up flopping, the amount of money spent on reshoots would only exacerbate that issue. Beyond that, the movie finished filming a while ago. Unless they decide to digitally de-age Millie Bobby Brown, that might create a discrepancy. Then again, I suppose they could just establish the film as taking place over the course of a year.
  9. I assume this is a joke. I love me some Christopher Nolan, but not only is that most likely never going to happen, it probably wouldn’t be the best decision.
  10. At least November is less of an empty month now. This is now officially the first film of the MonsterVerse to not open on the same month as a Disney remake.
  11. That was supposed to be for a Cyborg solo movie, but those plans were pretty much abandoned after BvS.
  12. The movie never would’ve been green-lit if it hadn’t been for him.
  13. Yes. The Mad Love comic (which was written by her creators and came before the animated version of the story) established that she only got a PhD because she slept with her professors. Even ignoring that, you’d have to be pretty naive to fall in love with the Joker.
  14. It always baffles me how so many people can not only tolerate Harley Quinn, but can actually find her entertaining and endearing. To me, she’s as annoying as the Minions. I also hate that she forces the Joker into the abusive boyfriend trope. We already know that the Joker is an evil psychopath. We don’t need to see him manipulating and abusing some air headed woman with an obnoxious voice in order to get that point across.
  15. I don’t understand the love for that show. It’s pretty much the kid’s show embodiment of late 90s edge. It tries way too hard to be cool and hip and none of its characters are the least bit interesting. Also, the show established that Bruce got with Barbara at some point, so there’s that.
  16. It’s apparently a big event in places like Lebanon and Hong Kong, too. It’s certainly a film that’s left an impression on a lot of people.
  17. Well, Variety has chimed in and said that there are no other DC villain films planned and that while there may have been some early talks of a possible sequel, there’s apparently nothing set in stone yet.
  18. https://deadline.com/2019/11/joker-sequel-no-discussions-yet-todd-phillips-no-dc-origin-villian-films-planned-1202790774/amp/#click=https://t.co/vwhBEJkUVL I don’t know who to believe at this point.
  19. This news about WB developing a sequel to Joker is extremely disappointing. Why can’t anything be allowed to stand on its own anymore? It’s only a matter of time before we get a Batman 4.
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