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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I don’t know how anyone can spin this movie’s numbers so far as a good thing. Sure, an opening like this would be great for most films, but it’s much lower than what its predecessors made, and considering that this is supposed to be the epic finale to the Skywalker Saga, that’s definitely underwhelming. This is just more proof that Disney’s Star Wars is experiencing some serious diminishing returns.
  2. As annoying as his constant changes to the OT were, at least he was willing to allow Star Wars to have a chronological end. Disney’s insistence on turning Star Wars into some Marvel wannabe is just annoying.
  3. I’ve gotta hand it to Disney, they’ve damaged the Star Wars brand worse than George Lucas ever could, and they’ve owned the franchise for less than a decade. That’s impressive.
  4. The show had more than its share bumpy moments, but I do think the last two seasons were a big improvement. It’s just a bit of a shame that the series as a whole has mostly just been remembered for the last minute lesbian hookup.
  5. As someone who’s been guilty of being a Negative Nancy in the past, even I don’t see why anyone would be freaking out over some list of most anticipated movies in China.
  6. I don’t see how this can’t be considered a sequel. It clearly takes place after the events of the first one.
  7. Birds of Prey? I didn’t even think that movie would be released in China.
  8. I’d rather Nolan stay away from franchise films at this point. I don’t want him to do a James Bond film, and I don’t want this film to be a stealth sequel to Inception.
  9. Does anyone remember when it was falsely rumored that this film would be a romantic drama? That was pretty funny.
  10. This doesn’t have anything to do with socialism. This has to do with tribalism, which both ends of the political spectrum have adopted to absurd degrees. This isn’t just the fault of liberal journalists. Conservatives deserve blame for this as well. For God’s sake, the President’s son (who happens to be a middle aged man) was encouraging people to troll their liberal family members for Thanksgiving. Both sides need to stop with this nonsense.
  11. That’s the 2010s for you. Everything has become a tribal war these days, and entertainment has become a political war zone. This is the kind of culture we live in now. In all honesty, I wouldn’t have personally cared for this movie one way or the other if all these conservative figures and publications didn’t insist that it’s the ultimate middle finger to “the libs”. I really wish people would stop treating Clint Eastwood like he’s a national treasure solely because he’s one of the most prominent conservatives in Hollywood. These are the same people who insist that celebrities need to shut up about their political beliefs, yet people like Clint Eastwood, James Woods and Kanye West get a pass from them. Gee, I wonder why...
  12. 2020 is the first year in a while where it’s a complete wildcard as to what the highest grossing movie of the year will be.
  13. The audience rating on Rotten Tomatoes has also been steadily climbing up. It’s still at 49%, but it was previously at 42%.
  14. In fairness, while I’m sure that Scruggs was a shady journalist, I don’t think the film needed to lie about her just to make her look extra bad, especially when she’s not even alive to defend herself. Her real-life actions should speak for itself, unless you’re going for satire in the style of South Park. It’s like if Vice had Dick Cheney beating his wife, even though there’s no indication of him ever having done that in real life.
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