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Everything posted by CoolioD1

  1. Ben Affleck's directorial debut - I Killed My Lesbian Wife, Hung Her on a Meathook And Now I have A Three Picture Deal At Disney
  2. I think Thomas Newman deserved to win on his first nomination, but alas it wasn't to be, as great as The Lion King's score is. He should definitely have a whole draw full of oscars by now.
  3. He's an author, written plays and books (like No Country For Old Men) but this is his first film.
  4. Lawyer gets involved in the drugs trade. Shit gets fucked up... written by the great Cormac McCarthy. He'll be my year early call for screenplay because he's v. respected.
  5. It's a good enough script. Probably more likely to be a contender than any of his other recent flicks.
  6. August Osage County and Fruitvale (<won the big stuff at sundance)
  7. That came out over here in the UK last year. It got awful reviews and it looked horrendous too.
  8. Michael Fassbender for Slave mayb? That film gonna be difficult and apparently his character makes Leo in Django look like a saint...
  9. Clooney, O. Russell if his movie comes out this year, John Wells, nobody knows who this guy is but if August Osage County is gonna be big.... Also maybe Alfonso Cuaron if Gravity ends up being that directorial achievement everything thinks it's gonna be, also maybe Ridley Scott... though it's more likely someone making some movie I know nothing about yet.
  10. But he's already got an Oscar, and he's gonna get another one when Argo wins Best Picture...
  11. OK, this'll look stupid in a year. Yay! Christian Bale - ABSCAM movie Steve Carrell - Foxcatcher Bruce Dern - Nebraska Leonardo DiCaprio - Wolf of Wall Street Tom Hanks - Saving Mr. Banks
  12. Can't give it a like. DeNiro has 7 nominations, not 5.
  13. Tina Fey won't do it. They've asked her like past 3 years. Globes are a lot easier so I can see why she would do that and not this.
  14. I thought she was pretty funny. Her and Jon Stewart were the best oscar hosts of all the 2000s shows, even if they're the two with the least to do with movies.
  15. haha, I remember watching that live and about 30 seconds into it I was all "ohhh. This isn't going to be a fun night..."
  16. Anonymous director tells us what he/she is voting for in every category... and I sure hope the way they think is not representative. Yeah, this director is not voting for Quvenzhane because he can't say her name and he's not voting for Lawrence because he didn't like her on SNL. Dumb. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/race/oscar-voters-brutally-honest-ballot-422546
  17. This is wonderful. They oughta play it at the Oscars on Sunday. Would be a great way to kick things off. http://vimeo.com/60050642#
  18. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/oscar-producers-seth-macfarlane-plan-422474 Oh, they're gonna finish the show with a big musical number w/ Macfarlane and Kristen Chenoweth! It's like they don't want me to watch the show!
  19. Yeah, it'll win the poll because people like it.... So it shouldn't bother you? Why does the poll matter? Just a bit of fun, man. Go take five.
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