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Posts posted by VENOM

  1. 15 minutes ago, Menor said:

    You seem to be really desperate to call this a disappointment. 100 was never the expectation from a 13.2 million Thursday.

    Read what I wrote again.. what I said is people were expecting 100 OW (even on this very thread some still are) so 88 has to be a big let down because it’s not even close. What’s wrong with that?

    • Like 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, Cmasterclay said:

    It is def a disappointment if you were expecting 140m OW prior to the pandemic, but if you were expecting 115m OW for an Ant-Man esque minor solo film, 90ish is not that bad considering pandemic + premiere access. I def think it would have hit 100m without the Disney+ bullshit.

    They were expecting 100 up until a few hours ago.. can’t use the pandemic card this time, America is vaccinated and fully open.

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  3. I think I have pretty thick skin, I can deal with criticism about movies I like. I’ll even shrug off posters personally attacking me with names “bully “troll” “evil” “villain” for not liking something they do but I’ll never stoop down to their level because once you start personally attacking someone you’ve already lost the argument.

    • Astonished 1
  4. 20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

    As for VENOM... He randomly went into the TROS thread


    Should I have knocked first? :sparta:

    20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

    stating it was gonna get 75% reshot..When people called him out, asking for reciepts, but put out this dodgy excuse of "you already know it's out there, go look it up", not even bothering to give out a source when people asked him to. All it seemed like to me was him making stuff up and trying to make people angry.


    Not sure how I could have made it up when JJ came out in the EW interview at the end of November saying it’s still going through reshoots and it would be a race against time to get it done. That’s what people were arguing about already before I even said anything,  I just gave a number and I mean just watch the movie if you still don’t believe it, it’s a hot mess 


    20 hours ago, Eric the Hedgehog said:

    We gave him all the chances he needed, and when he wasn't cooperating and making things even more miserable, we had to threadban him. Besides, the man's a bully anyways. It's really a bad idea to defend him.

    Haha just because I poked fun at some movies or companies you like it doesn’t make me a bully, that’s just called a difference of opinion dear.

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  5. 14 hours ago, JB33 said:

    He's saying giving a simple not cool reaction is lazy and not conducive to productive discussions. Makes sense to me. 

    You guys really want to have your cake and eat it.. you can’t handle people disagreeing with you in words and now you can’t handle emojis disagreeing with you.. how do you manage real life people disagreeing with you? 

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  6. 5 hours ago, grey ghost said:

    So people are feeling insulted and offended by this tame debate?


    This is getting ridiculous. 


    I haven't seen any insults, just disagreements. Are we going to ban disagreements now?

    They have effectively banned disagreements by banning the one place you couldn’t be accused of offending anyone or get called a troll for not liking a movie they liked. Now it’s just a place full of complainers and yes men.

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  7. 6 hours ago, narniadis said:

    Case in point of the behavior my post noted.... 😂 I dont read that dadgum thread as its a waste of my time. My point that you so conveniently avoided was that the users there cant figure out how to keep that behavior there where it belongs. If they would have behaved this wouldnt even be a point of conversation. 🤷‍♂️

    You are a perfect example yourself actually. I simply told you to stick to something you can handle and now I’m being accused of having “behaviour”. I can imagine you in a real war asking both sides to have a polite exchange of bullets and complaining when firing begins. Well it worked, you got mods to ban the Fanboy Wars thread for daring to be what it said on the tin which was apparently too much for people. 

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  8. 7 minutes ago, narniadis said:

    Its decisively gotten worse over time since the threads creation. For those of us that have been here since day 1 this is a very different forum (and not necessarily for the better.) 

    Part of the issue is the fact that franchises have become king, the other factor is that the worst of internet behavior wraps itself up in the franchise crap and they are not happy keeping it in the one spot. 

    Not sure what more the mods can do at this point and my ignore list has gotten ridiculous the last year or so. 🤷‍♂️

    How about you stop reading the thread you are complaining about and stick to something you can handle?

    • Haha 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, Eric Sionis said:

    I changed the wording in the OP and went into more specifics that people were upset over. I'm very sorry that I caused confusion to many of the members here, and I will try harder to make sure that I'm as clear as possible.


    It's because I want people to show they are willing to listen and change. If they want to contribute to the conversation, then they'll clean up their act or at least try and be more courteous. If they don't want to and just want to troll and spread toxicity and unpleasantness (and right now, there are a couple people who seem to just want to do that), then we'll ban them.


    And hey, if they don't like that idea, then they can just go somewhere else. There's hundreds of other forums and web sites people can visit to talk about box office. We're not forcing people to stay here.

    For anyone who couldn’t be bothered to read this nonsense the message is clear, “go somewhere else if you are not on the same team”

  10. 6 minutes ago, DAJK said:

    There's a difference between "I hate Batman v Superman" (which I do) and "I hate people who like Batman v Superman" (which I don't). You can be passionate, biased, and expressive of your opinions on movies without insulting or putting down the people who have different viewpoints. 


    As for being PC, I think you are misunderstanding what PC is. When I come on this site, as I have since I was in middle school, of course I expect the people I interact with to not throw around insults about another user's race/gender/religion/age etc. I really do not care what you believe at home or when you're not on these forums (take me and JB33 for example; we have very very different views on many things, but our rapport on these forums has been very civil. Do I have some issues with the ways he has expressed his views? Sure, and I've called him out for it, and I'm sure he disagrees with a lot of the things I believe, but that doesn't matter on a forum dedicated to box office! But we have one thing in common: we both like movies. And that is what this site is all about). So I don't understand how "PC" comes into a conversation about how people discuss movies with one another. 

    DAJK, Nobody threw around comments about race or gender so throw that out your straw man argument. Now if we move on to movies, after all, that’s where this all went sour, everyone should be able to express their resentment for any poorly made movie whether it’s from Disney, MCU or Lucas film but shouldn’t have to face bans because it hit a home run against those opposing fans. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:

    Am I?  Currently not on Staff here last time I checked.  And the site I'm an Admin of isn't a SW one. ;)


    (not that it matters, but I do tend to pride myself in making sure I remove my own emotions when it comes to modding and/or seeking second and third opinions when it IS something I'm emotionally invested in)

    Even if I believed that speech it wouldn’t mean much because one person who was impartial wouldn’t be able to run this site, so the better option is just go elsewhere where it isn’t a problem

  12. 1 minute ago, Water Bottle said:


    Cause all it was doing is splitting up users against other users. People accuse staff of being biased based on their movie tastes. It's ridiculous.

    If you want to stop being accused of anything let it be a free for all on all movies or you could just become irrelevant and only allow PC comments that paint a pretty picture but don’t show what people really think.. I don’t care what you decide since I can live without this place now I see the mindset of the people running things, plenty of other places will give the people the freedom to express them selves, a lot of people have already jumped ship

    • Astonished 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Porthos said:


    You might have missed this bit in my post.  Let me highlight it for you.


    Also, speaking as an Admin on another site I am VERY used to allowing points of view that I vehemently disagree with.  Just don't be rude or trollish about it is all I want to see. :)



    You are trying to be the judge of something you are invested in yourself, what could possibly go wrong..

    • Astonished 1
  14. Just now, Water Bottle said:


    What is wrong with you? I said posting your opinion of a movie is fine. But it's okay for people to enjoy a movie you don't like and to hate a movie you like. 


    This is a box office site. Not a "my movie franchise is the best" site.

    If it’s ok for people to hate a movie you like why are you getting rid of a thread for that reason? It’s a bizarre angle you guys are trying to play 

    • Astonished 1
  15. 1 minute ago, Porthos said:

    Fantastic to see this, IMO. 👍




    Folks can disagree, even passionately, without being rude.  That's it.  Don't be rude.  Don't be unpleasant.  And for fucks sake, don't troll.


    It's really not that hard to do.  


    And if you find you MUST talk about how you feel about certain critics/film franchises/studios and can only do it in a way that isn't welcome here?  Well plenty of other places to talk on the net.  I hear reddit is making something of a comeback, for instance.

    That’s the problem with your dogmatic view, you think anything that doesn’t match up with your view is ‘rude’ ‘unpleasant’ ‘trolling’! To quote a comedian, just because you are offended doesn’t mean you are right. 

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  16. Just now, Water Bottle said:


    To add to this "do I need to say I hated or loved a movie this user loved/hated?" Like it's fine to state your opinion. But you don't always need to defend/attack a movie just because someone liked/didn't like it. 

    I mean If you want to stifle people’s opinions of a ‘effin’ movie be my guest but watch your forum crash and burn harder than solo

    • Astonished 1
  17. It was all going so well until certain theme park franchises started getting the most gunfire then it became a problem.. maybe it’s time for some people to step down from their position of power if they can’t appropriately handle fire at those franchises they like when the shoe is on the other foot.. 


    I find it funny I was thread-banned from the Star Wars threads for spreading news Rise of the skywalker went through extensive reshoots in November and now it’s clear it did but no repercussions for those responsible for that decision

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