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charlie Jatinder

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Everything posted by charlie Jatinder

  1. Guess PS are catching up now. Pace is considerably low now compared to previous hours, unless Maoyan is frozen or something. Seems like 1-1.025B OD.
  2. admits are still behind 2018 CNY OD, but can reach there. If they do, single day will be 1.663B or $257M.
  3. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-conversation="none"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackWidow?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BlackWidow</a> CNY Poster. <a href="https://t.co/z47hF4R5cj">pic.twitter.com/z47hF4R5cj</a></p>&mdash; andolanjeevi jat (@meJat32) <a href="https://twitter.com/meJat32/status/1360100631143350276?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 12, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Other Disney Poster - https://m.weibo.cn/status/K1q3U7x0e?jumpfrom=weibocom
  4. I just for once want to see biggest CNY film with best reception. Let's check the ceiling.
  5. those aren't previews on Thursday. they started post midnight, so should be considered as in rest of world. It is ironical, I prefer not including Thursday (starting from 6PM) previews in USA to OD but China previews are actually from midnight i.e. new day.
  6. Most watched film in single territory in single day beating Monster Hunt 2 14.24M. Current number is 14.6M, may reach 22M approx by end of day.
  7. 330M in 5 days wasn't all that bad but dailies sure were very ehhish. But that's more to do with workdays release. Not even Sunday was holiday. 9 Days total was higher than The Wandering Earth. So atleast that was something. Way I look at it, the 3 biggest single days were $265M or 1783M in span of 8 days. A proper non-holiday FSS would have probably meant 2000M or $300M weekend.
  8. So Avengers: Endgame will remain the last Hollywood film to have opening weekend record in single territory unless some Hollywood film go wild in China.
  9. Choose your adventure $357M or $407M or $457M or $507M In addition you can go for something like $407M without service charge gross.
  10. Detective Chinatown 3 Final Pre-sales Friday - ¥674M on 171k shows Saturday - ¥174M on 152k shows Sunday - ¥89M on 104k shows Total - ¥937M ($145M) <iframe width="570" height="375" seamless frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQeYCxFjCOf7ECULVp8rzmpuo6BSerz1LtsKvsBvXUKVmvc37dycGm0T96UUImpmWCxfDncA5PeH9C-/pubchart?oid=1633834891&amp;format=interactive"></iframe> Absolutely ridiculous numbers. Taopiaopiao has it even higher with ¥690M OD. Already the 2nd biggest opening day after Endgame, will beat it by morning. Expecting ¥1Bn opening day, with optimistic expectations of ¥1.1B. Saturday numbers are crazy as well. Expecting ¥2.65B ($411M) weekend, with optimistic expectations of ¥3.25B ($504M) Friday - ¥1000-1100M Saturday - ¥800-950M Sunday - ¥850-1200M Total - ¥2650-3250M
  11. Read the news and her previous tweets like mocking Masks. Good riddance.
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