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Old Spice

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Everything posted by Old Spice

  1. Those UK and Mexico numbers are particularly astounding. Japan must have had some great weekdays as well to more than double the OW number. Insane run.
  2. HUGE day in Salt Lake. Multiple front row sellouts tonight in the larger West Jordan Cinemark that had some auditoriums last night in the 70% range. Sugarhouse has been in the 98-100% range since 6:00 PM. I know it sounds crazy but some of these rooms look an awful lot like they did last Saturday. I'm guessing at least a 40% bump today.
  3. Salt Lake City counts at 2:00 PM local are doubling yesterday on average. Evening will be flat as it was already running at 95% capacity, but even so, I don't see how today comes in less than a 25-30% bump.
  4. Venom did great in SK with a $30M final, but Joker will finish the weekend in the $28 range, and pass it by the end of this upcoming week. They're both wins.
  5. Same here. The theater I track in Salt Lake City is going to be at or near-sellout for all of its evening shows, but that doesn't tell me a whole lot because it was already at 76% of capacity yesterday and they didn't add any screens for today. The other theater I track, however, the Cinemark West Jordan, is pretty revealing. I don't have exact numbers, but it's late afternoon shows look to be down about 35-40% from last Friday, while the prime evening shows, are down no more than 15-20% at the worst, with plenty of walk ups still to come. Maybe this theater is an anomaly nationally, but it's sure not indicating the 50% true Friday-to-Friday drop that Deadline is forecasting.
  6. Yeah, and it wouldn't match up with what appear to be great foreign holds either. @Heretic talking about a possible 2nd weekend drop of only 30% in the UK.
  7. Not buying those numbers at all. Joker is doing wayyyy more than 2.5x Gemini Man in Salt Lake today. (184 tix sold vs 11 is the current evening count.) In @keysersoze123 and @Charlie Jatinder we trust!
  8. Joker Salt Lake City Sugarhouse counts for Thursday night. 5:00 PM 26/62 6:00 PM 32/62 7:00 PM 48/50 8:00 PM 65/66 9:00 PM 64/66 Total 235/306 76.8% Previous Night 277/363 76.3% Drop from Wednesday 15.2% Strong hold in SLC on Thursday night. The main hit came from the 7:00 PM show as Cinemark switched Joker from its 107-seater to one half its size so that the 15 people who bought tix to Gemini Man could stretch out more comfortably. 😑
  9. Salt Lake Valley preview night report for Addams Family and Gemini Man, 3:40 PM local. Addams Family SLC Sugarhouse Cinemark, 4 showtimes. 53/232 22.8% West Jordan Cinemark, 4 showtimes. 104/328 31.7% Combined 157/560 28% Sugarhouse comps: 53.5% of SLOP2 = $24.98M OW 10.9% of TLK = $20.89 20.7% of Aladdin = $18.94 28.5% of Pika = $15.53 Gemini Man Sugarhouse Cinemark, 3 showtimes (Two in 3D HFR) 8/276 2.9% West Jordan Cinemark, 5 showings (Two in 3D HFR) 30/732 4.1% Combined 38/1008 3.8% Sugarhouse comps: There are no comps. Truly, there are no words.
  10. As @keysersoze123 reported earlier, Joker is having a terrific hold today. Here are the evening counts for SLC's Sugarhouse Cinemark. Last night was about 92% over the same period. 5:00 PM 29/62 6:00 PM 44/62 7:00 PM 80/107 8:00 PM 64/66 9:00 PM 60/66 Total 277/363 76.3% No more excuses about pent up demand coming into play, this thing is on 🔥
  11. Still not a single ticket sold for Gemini Man's preview night at SLC Sugarhouse. I don't think I've ever seen this before, especially not for a would-be blockbuster. Will Smith coming off a huge hit with Aladdin, intriguing yet easy to follow premise, respected director... you'd think it would be getting at least some degree of interest, even with the sinking RT scores. Theories?
  12. Based on what I'm seeing this week in Salt Lake, I'd take $5M away from Gemini Man and add at least that amount to Joker.
  13. Gemini Man still hasn't sold a single ticket for Thursday's preview night at the Cinemark Sugarhouse, so they decided to add another showing. 🤔 Friday isn't much better but at least they have sold some tickets. Thursday Total- 0/276 Friday Total- 3/629 Addam's Family previews aren't much to write about either but should surpass Rocketman (OW $25.7) by the time Thursday rolls around and if things really pick up, maybe Dark Phoenix (OW $32.8) as well. 4 screenings currently, the first one at 4:00. Thursday Total- 26/352
  14. Fantastic Sunday and Monday holds but the question is how much of that is the result of people who otherwise would have gone preview night or on OD but were scared off by fears of violence? I do think this is getting great WOM though. Was approached by someone today who doesn't know me that well who said, "Have you seen that new Joker movie? It's SO good!" 😀
  15. A lot of the Cinemark's around here are giving their biggest PLFs to Gemini Man this weekend and I'm sure they're not too happy about it at this point because GM is absolutely flatlining in presales.
  16. michaelfmoore Verified On Wednesday night I attended the New York Film Festival and witnessed a cinematic masterpiece, the film that last month won the top prize as the Best Film of the Venice International Film Festival. It’s called “Joker” — and all we Americans have heard about this movie is that we should fear it and stay away from it. We’ve been told it’s violent and sick and morally corrupt. We’ve been told that police will be at every screening this weekend in case of “trouble.” Our country is in deep despair, our constitution is in shreds, a rogue maniac from Queens has access to the nuclear codes — but for some reason, it’s a movie we should be afraid of. I would suggest the opposite: The greater danger to society may be if you DON’T go see this movie. Because the story it tells and the issues it raises are so profound, so necessary, that if you look away from the genius of this work of art, you will miss the gift of the mirror it is offering us. Yes, there’s a disturbed clown in that mirror, but he’s not alone — we’re standing right there beside him. “Joker” is no comic book movie. The film is set somewhere in 1970s Gotham/New York City, the headquarters of all evil: the rich who rule us, the banks and corporations whom we serve, the media which feeds us a daily diet “news” they think we should absorb. But this movie is not about Trump. It’s about the America that gave us Trump — the America which feels no need to help the outcast, the destitute. The America where the filthy rich just get richer and filthier. Thank you Joaquin Phoenix, Todd Phillips, Warner Bros. and all who made this important movie for this important time. I loved this film’s multiple homages to Taxi Driver, Network, The French Connection, Dog Day Afternoon. How long has it been since we’ve seen a movie aspire to the level of Stanley Kubrick? Go see this film. Take your teens. Take your resolve.
  17. Yeah, that's shocking to me. It did gangbusters at the Cinemark Sugarhouse that I track in SLC proper. One thing that may have influenced grosses here this weekend though was something known as General Conference. It's a two-day event that the LDS church puts on a couple of times a year that members of the faith are expected to watch on tv. It may be that in areas of SLC that are more LDS (Sugarhouse tends to be young, secular, and liberal) turnout was dampened somewhat. That's why I have started including West Jordan in my reports; it fits that young, LDS, movie-going profile to a 'T'.
  18. Significant Sunday increase, if it happens... and based on what I saw in Salt Lake yesterday, I feel pretty confident about that... will be the result of two things: excellent WOM, but also the belated realization among some that the constant media drumbeat about violence (roving gangs of incels? Really??) had been overblown and that it was actually safe to go to the theater again.
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