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Everything posted by HeyItsMoses

  1. I lost bet #21, so I'm gonna change my name today to Infmpromous until July 4th. edit: fmpro, good call on AE. I was honestly hoping for m.night to have a come back, but it doesn't seem like it's going to happen anytime soon, if not ever at all.
  2. Just like how there were two IM films before TA, I see two MOS films before JL.
  3. It all can't be rumors though. Isn't it confirmed that JGL is playing the new Batman? I get the feeling that before this year is over, we will have some kind of confirmation towards a JL movie. I wouldn't be surprised of getting some news about it by July/August, cause we all know, MOS is gonna be huge.
  4. So we all know that Iron Man was the start of Phase 1 towards the Marvel Universe and ultimately leading up to the Avengers. With Man of Steel being the start of Phase 1 towards the DC Universe and ultimately leading towards the Justice League, which will win the Phase 1 battle?! Marvel Universe Iron Man: $318,412,101 The Incredible Hulk: $134,806,913 Iron Man 2: $312,433,331 Thor: $181,030,624 Captain America: $176,654,505 The Avengers: $623,357,910 Total: $1,746,695,384 DC Universe Man of Steel: ? Batman movie: ? Wonder Woman movie: ? Green Lantern movie: ? Flash movie: ? Man of Steel sequel?: The Justice League: ? With The Avengers, they pretty much just had 4 solo films of the heroes (iron man, hulk, thor, and captain), and introduced the rest in the actual movie. Not sure what heroes Warner Brothers wants to do a solo film on, to set up the Justice League movie. Superman and Batman are a given, but what other heroes will get a solo feature before the JL film? Anyway, the way I see it. Man of Steel needs to hit $318m or more to make this interesting. The sheer scale of it as already as big as The Avengers. With General Zod being a Villain that is bringing A LOT on the table, what could top it? Personally, I think the Justice League fighting against Brainiac, Darkseid, or Doomsday, that would be pretty epic. Anyway, what are your thoughts? [Note: Neo, I know what you said, but I figured this can be an ongoing discussion with other films leading up the Justice League].
  5. Looks like I MIGHT be fucked with our other bet. If I end up with a new name for 2 months, fuuuckkkk...lol. XD
  6. Just curious. What was Nikkis numbers for the weekend and what did Rth say?
  7. I bet MOS will have a better multiplier then IM3. Anyone? Anyone? ..Bueller?
  8. Just saw the teaser today. Stoked for this! "...where's the dubstep!" i literally LOLed to that.
  9. I haven't posted here in months, I wonder if I won a bet or not. Anyway, hmmm, lemme see... I bet Man of Steel will outgross Iron Man 3, domestically.
  10. I always knew that a new Star Wars film was gonna be released. Didn't think it would be this soon though! Regardless, I'm happy, very happy!
  11. ^From all the points you mentioned for me, at the end I just get...6k points. :/+8000-5000+10000+8000-15000Damn, TDKR just fucked my shit up.
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