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Everything posted by Nero

  1. The only movie which really broke out because of songs was Aashiq 2. Movie was eh but songs alone carried the movie
  2. Could be possible but Charlie had higher number and rival studios also seem to be pointing to a better number so it might increase. Even if it doesn't that's a good number 👍
  3. Current estimate is 90 no? I can definitely see it match R1 then maybe go past it
  4. I think 5 will definitely be different. Going by the trend 1st Thor was good, 2nd disappointed was very bad, 3rd was great , 4th again disappointed. So 5th seems to be heading for good territory atleast 😅
  5. Actually that would have been fine too if the character acted serious for some time. It's like almost every time something serious happens , it feels like someone is going to crack a joke. Ragnarok balances things very well. I believe not having Loki also affectes the film in some way.
  6. That won't change the point then lol. But I seriously don't see how Barbie will bomb. It feels like minions 2 situation. When Barbie opens lot of people will have posts like : tickets for Barbie please type of thing
  7. I don't think so. L&T felt like half baked product. Atleast MoM had signature Raimi with multiverse sheningas
  8. I did but that was initial idea it would have gone through changes for final product. I mean seeing how WF ended despite all that happened I would trust them.
  9. Most probably not but seeing how Ragnarok was, I expected L&T to be of same quality but it didn't live up to the hype. My ranking is same as your (1) but 2&3 swap places.
  10. I think WF can be excused because the beloved lead was gone. Entire script had to be changed and movie itself is sombre. It's disappointing because coogler delivers the goods but the movie is vastly different than what could have been (not talking about quality). Thor is disappointment no excuses there. Feels like taika wasn't serious while making the movie. DS2 has Raimi's charm but it needed to do more , it should have been longer with tight script. All MCU movies this year were disappointing BO wise.
  11. I think we shouldn't wait for actuals and declare the winner.
  12. Nah. Don't take him seriously. He bullshits mostly and will never give proof to what he claims. He will dodge it saying because of rumour I heard , some random guy said somewhere either on YouTube, facebook and what not.
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