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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-1 Th, T-2 fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #s how Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 99 6108 6207 0.0159 Fri 20 24 219 16898 17117 0.0127 Comp Thurs x.1367 Nope (123 thousand cdn, 2.5 mil Can/US) Fri x.2597 Nope (233 thousand cdn, 4,9 mil Can/US) Only did nope because stuff like MCU movies and kids stuff really aren't good comparable for my theatres-I tried earlier and the numbers were just too lopsided imo. At least Ill have Nope and Smile for Halloween Kills.
  2. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-1 Th, T-2 fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #s how Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 99 6108 6207 0.0159 Fri 20 24 219 16898 17117 0.0127 Comp Thurs x.1367 Nope (123 thousand cdn) Frix.2597 (233 thousand cdn) Only did nope because stuff like MCU movies and kids stuff really aren't good comparable for my theatres-I tried earlier and the numbers were just too lopsided imo. At least Ill have Nope and Smile for Halloween Kills.
  3. Halloween Ends (No Comps) Oct 13/14 (T-15 Thurs, T-16 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 66 52 12556 12608 0.004 Fri 8 24 59 16067 16126 0.003 No comps, but a direct eyeball compared to Smile's first day of sales I have, Halloween has almost as much seats sold for Thurs on first day of sales, as smile has at T-2 Thurs this week (52/60). For Friday 59 to Smile's 100. I am going to speculate that perhaps why SW/Toronto just isn't digging Smile is they were for Halloween tickets. Will do Smile numbers later today now that the Wed seat drop has occurred.
  4. Halloween Ends (No Comps) Oct 13/14 (T-15 Thurs, T-16 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 66 52 12556 12608 0.004 Fri 8 24 59 16067 16126 0.003 No comps, but a direct eyeball compared to Smile's first day of sales I have, Halloween has almost as much seats sold for Thurs on first day of sales, as smile has at T-2 Thurs this week (52/60). For Friday 59 to Smile's 100. I am going to speculate that perhaps why SW/Toronto just isn't digging Smile is they were for Halloween tickets. Will do Smile numbers later today now that the Wed seat drop has occurred.
  5. Sept 29/30 (T-2 Thurs, T-3 Friday) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 60 6147 6207 0.0096 Fri 6 24 100 6346 6446 0.0155 Comps Thurs x.0129 Nope (116 thousand cdn, 2.45 Can/US) x0061 Thor 4 (30 thousand cdn, 332 thousand can/us) x.0175 Jurassic World 3 (57000 cdn only, 1.03 Can/US) Fri X.0240 Nope (240 Thousand Cdn, 4.5 Can/US) X.0135 Thor4 (66 Thousand cdn, 445 thousand can/us) x,0253 Jurassic World 3 (125 thousand cdn only, 1.5 mil Can/US
  6. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-2 Thurs, T-3 Friday) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 60 6147 6207 0.0096 Fri 6 24 100 6346 6446 0.0155 Comps Thurs x.0129 Nope (116 thousand cdn, 2.45 Can/US) x0061 Thor 4 (30 thousand cdn, 332 thousand can/us) x.0175 Jurassic World 3 (57000 cdn only, 1.03 Can/US) Fri X.0240 Nope (240 Thousand Cdn, 4.5 Can/US) X.0135 Thor4 (66 Thousand cdn, 445 thousand can/us) x,0253 Jurassic World 3 (125 thousand cdn only, 1.5 mil Can/US)
  7. "We know how the sausage is made" is much more an apt description, thank you totally agree
  8. There definitely is a (take your pick educated and/or cynical lol) take from viewers now in regard to social media now. So much clickbait/bait and switch type of marketing that trying to do anything that maybe 10 years ago would get "oh that's interesting" is now replied to with "fake" or "is there a link to this/is this legit?" type of responses. Social media absolutely now relies on how many clicks/how many views (whether accurate or not), that for a movie like Smile to try that, the cynicism is very real. Movie studio marketing have to think of creative ways to market their movie now. A marketing campaign like Blair Witch had would absolutely flop imo in todays world because of that cynical nature.
  9. Numbers for Smile in SW/Toronto Ontario havent budged appreciably. Thurs and Fri both have haven't even made it to 1 percent sales yet. Pretty much the numbers stayed static so no real point posting what is almost identical to yesterdays. People just aren't buying seats. That may change comes the Wednesday madness when more theatres and seats start dropping. Im still keeping track for comp purposes for future movies, but today just no change really. Hopefully I have some numbers that might reach 1 percent sales? Maybe?
  10. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-7 Thur, T-6 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 14 6195 6209 0.0022 Fri 6 24 28 6422 6450 0.0043 Comps Thurs Bullet Train (missed) x.0696 Nope (approx 69,000 cdn only), 1.3 million Can/US Fri Bullet Train(missed) x.0125 Nope (approx 125 Thousand cdn only) 2.3 million Can/US Not much to smile about so far in SW Ontario.
  11. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-7 Thur, T-6 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 14 6195 6209 0.0022 Fri 6 24 28 6422 6450 0.0043 Comps Thurs Bullet Train (missed) x.0696 Nope (approx 69,000 cdn ) Fri Bullet Train(missed) x.0125 Nope (approx 125 Thousand cdn ) Not much to smile about so far with a week out-maybe people waiting for bigger screens to drop next week, but yea...not much more.
  12. Smile Taken Sept 23 (T-8 Thur, T-7 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 11 6198 6209 0.0017 Fri 6 24 17 6450 6467 0.0026 Comps Thurs x .0696 Nope(approx 62 thousand cdn) 830 thousand Can/US x.0666 Bullet Train( 66 thousand cdn) (estimating a 1 Mil OD for Canada as the numbers seemed similar to Nope) 800 Thousand can/us Friday x.0939 Nope (approx 84 thousand cdn) 1.12 mil Can/US x.0949 Bullet Train (approx 94 thousand)1.13 mil Can US NOTE- THE BT numbers I used I was approximating at 1 mil OD for Canada, it tracked almost same as Nope except maybe touch higher, so take the BT numbers as they are for education purposes lol
  13. Smile Taken Sept 23 (T-8 Thur, T-7 Fri) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 11 6198 6209 0.0017 Fri 6 24 17 6450 6467 0.0026 Comps Thurs x .0696 Nope(approx 62 thousand cdn) x.0666 Bullet Train( 66 thousand cdn) (estimating a 1 Mil OD for Canada as the numbers seemed similar to Nope) Friday x.0939 Nope (approx 84 thousand cdn) x.0949 Bullet Train (approx 94 thousand) As I said, unless there was a huge different take, my numbers show that BT and Nope tracked close to identical (maybe BT a touch more), so fair to say BT had a 1 Million OD est compared to Nopes Estimate of 900k I guess?
  14. I personally am not tracking the EA just because Ive got enough going on just to get the Thurs/Friday numbers in there-even then Im not getting those every day yet-hopefully now at a week out I can get some daily counts.
  15. I will never not be intrigued when Openings for movie opening predictions that haven't/or barely started selling tickets. That whole thing of trends, observing numbers from trailers ect, combined with using past history to make a call on a movie that is over a month away-theres some really funky demo numbers/trends/math/magic/mojo combination going on to bring forth the numbers, always tickles me to see it.
  16. I somewhat excitedly went to Cineplex to see that Black Adam poster and......."coming soon". The way Cineplex runs though, it makes sense, pretty much any movie not named Disney/Marvel doesn't get advance tickets a month out so I expect probably first or 2nd week in Oct for those tickets to go on sale sadly 3pm preview....heck why not just make them noon and be done with it lol.
  17. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-9/T-8) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 9 6208 6217 0.0014 Fri 6 24 11 6455 6466 0.0017 Comp x.0370 Nope (33,000 cdn only, 700k Can/US Thursday) x.0723 Nope (65,000 cdn only, 1.37 Mil Can/Us Friday) Reminder or for those that are new, Canada is combined with US for domestic usually, but I also do the Canada only and Can/US combo with my Canada numbers if for no other reason than its some more data and an interesting comparison point for those comparing and seeing how Canada does compared on its own-and sometimes shows the surprising difference between the numbers. More Seats but not much more sales for Smile. Really hard to read a week out, Ontario seems like voodoo when it comes to horror, never know what you're going to get.
  18. Smile Sept 29/30 (T-9/T-8) SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 18 33 9 6208 6217 0.0014 Fri 6 24 11 6455 6466 0.0017 Comp x.0370 Nope (33,000 cdn) Thursday x.0723 Nope (65,000 cdn) Friday More Seats but not much more sales for Smile. Really hard to read a week out, Ontario seems like voodoo when it comes to horror, never know what you're going to get.
  19. Just an FYI-havent posted since T-14 for Smile in SW/Toronto Ontario because....well the currently only 6 of the theatres I cover have presales, that wouldn't be an issue except between friday and today a whopping 3 extra seats have been sold-basically its been flat. We will see if Wed opens up more theatres and seats, but yes in my neck of the woods right now its sales are pretty much not moving at all.
  20. Smile Sept 29 SW/Toronto Ontario # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 6 12 4 3280 3284 0.001 Fri 6 23 3 6075 6078 0.0004 IM.....working on the comp I have for thor 4, I hesitate to put up at moment because 1 the short time off has turned my brain to mush calculating comps, and 2 if I AM right, there are some funky numbers-for comparison Thor on Thursday at same had 6,798 seats to Smiles......4 EDIT: So someone tell me if I did something wrong or if these would be numbers for Thursday: I tried to a comp for Thor, and I think I forgot about calculating, so I may have gotten this wrong, but Thor had 6798 for the Thursday at the same time period two weeks out. So Thor having 6798 seats sold and Smile having....er 4, this was the comp-funny numbers Thurs x ,04 Thor 4 (which had 4.9 million gross CDN) ( the percentage is .0021 so.....2 thousand 1 hundred dollars? Sound about right? LOL) If not can I get very quick referesher on calculating comps because all that time off my brain went to mush lol I will do friday one I know that Im the doing the comps right lol
  21. Smile Sept 29 SW/Toronto Ontario(taken Sept 14) # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 6 12 4 3280 3284 0.001 Fri 6 23 3 6075 6078 0.0004 I tried to a comp for Thor, and I think I forgot about calculating, so I may have gotten this wrong, but Thor had 6798 for the Thursday at the same time period two weeks out. So Thor having 6798 seats sold and Smile having....er 4, this was the comp-funny numbers Thurs x ,04 Thor 4 (which had 4.9 million gross CDN) ( the percentage is .0021 so.....2 thousand 1 hundred dollars? Sound about right? LOL) If not can I get very quick referesher on calculating comps because all that time off my brain went to mush lol I will do friday one I know that Im the doing the comps right lol
  22. Oh hey, its September...lessee....oh found this kicking about: SMILE (No comps) SW/Toronto Ontario Thurs Sept 29 and Fri Sept 30 4 Theatres, 8 shows Thurs, 4 theatres 16 friday: # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 4 8 2 1950 1952 0.0010 Fri 4 16 2 3810 3812 0.0005 Yes, not much but though Id count SMILE. Dont have tracking till Friday for comps.
  23. Oh hey, its September...lessee....oh found this kicking about: SMILE (No comps) SW/Toronto Ontario Thurs Sept 29 and Fri Sept 30 4 Theatres, 8 shows Thurs, 4 theatres 16 friday: # theatre #show Seats Sold Seats Rem Ttl seat Percent Thurs 4 8 2 1950 1952 0.0010 Fri 4 16 2 3810 3812 0.0005 Yes, not much but though Id count SMILE. Dont have tracking till Friday for comps.
  24. Think Ill track Smile-would be a interesting comparison for Nope
  25. Im probably overreacting (wouldn't be first time), but while I totally get the reason for these older rereleases (and yes I think Jaws Rerelease CAN outgross revenge lol), I do wonder if the studios see these little rereleases start getting ideas. Ideas as in going through their streaming catalogue and, no not necessarily remaking movies (though that too), but if these rereleases do gangbusters, do theatres start pumping older movies back in theatres, not as a 1 night thing like I know they do sometimes, but man what better way than make some extra Covid-lost cash by getting a few extra million on movies they don't have to make? I mean video game studios already essentially rehashing or prettying up older releases and charging full price-Im concerned studios might start saying "hey, what a great way to get a few extra million a movie without doing the work!" Like I said, Im probably overreacting.....I sure hope so.
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