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Everything posted by Tinalera

  1. I admit I never thought Id see a Harry Potter (universe) movie with that type of opening.
  2. Fantastic Beasts 3 Toronto Ontario Friday April 15 taken Thurs Apr 14 10 theatres 108 shows (14 added since last tally) Total Sold 2014 Total Remaining 25224 Total Seats 27238 0 Sellouts Percentage 7.39 Been seeing other trackers put amount of Sellouts on their tracking so thought I would do same to just give bit more information.
  3. Manual here. Its time consuming but it works and all I know about python is that its an animal that likes to give hugs lol
  4. Fantastic Beasts 3 Toronto Ontario taken Wed April 13 For Thurs April 14 Total Theatres 10 Total shows 70 Total Sold 1181 Total Remaining 16789 Total seats 17970 Percentage 6.57 For Friday April 15 Total Theatres 10 Total Shows 95 Total Sold 1475 Total Remaining 23677 Total Seats 25152 Percentage 5.86 Judging by other trackings of other cities seems about right in line with the percentages others are showing
  5. Its something we all enjoy doing (though sometimes "enjoy" might be too strong a word lol). Ive learned alot in my relatively short time since I came here, just things to look for and how numbers break down and just in general how the business works. Ill grant it isn't always a great convo starter at gatherings... "So what do you do for a hobby?" "Well I go to websites and track how many seats are being sold and share that info with other people and we try and predict box office numbers, did you know that *goes into spiel about how a certain movie made x amount vs another movie and speculate about demos, Marketing, ect" Response "uhhhh...yea...."
  6. Toronto Ontario Taken April 12 Fantastic Beasts 3 Thurs April 14 10 Theatres 71 shows Total sold 1111 Total Remaining 16876 Total Seats 17987 Percentage 6.18 Doctor Strange and Multiverse of Madness Thurs May 5 10 Theatres 82 shows Total sold 5498 Total Remaining 15586 Total Seats 21084 Percentage 26.08 Toronto seems to really like their Marvel movies. And just for context for both these shows these aren't theopening Friday, this is Thursday pre*cough*...previe*cough*..."previews" (though lets face it Thursday really is opening day now)
  7. Ah, looks like I can start tracking Doctor Strange for Toronto that's coolness.
  8. I think 2* will be close to a mega hit only in that kind of its been a long time since the original and people are pumped about it. HOWEVER, there are still some people who are going by the old (and I think Cameron has confirmed to the contrary as much) info that he was going after a Glasses Free 3D, it was an old idea and Cameron I believe has since said that no it won't be glasses free-but there will that old expectation from some who will no doubt come out "I thought it was supposed to be glasses free!" But they will be minority IMO. Majority IMO will be of the "well that was cool, but it wasn't as special as the 1st". Now the *-I think 2 will get that massive sales, however once people see the film, and if the 3D effects are not a major upgrade from the first, I think it WILL hurt the sequels of 3, 4, 5. And I think that will be where it hits the most.
  9. Sonic 2 Friday April 8(Taken April 7) Toronto Ontario 8 theatres 49 shows Total sold 771 Total Remaining 13965 Total Seats 14736 Percentage 5.23
  10. Okay thanks for the clarification . As for FB3....*scratches head* (a bit of an explanation here, but There's a reason I promise! lol) Its a little challenging, as Canada Box Office gets tied in with USA box office, but unlike the USA where you go to a website for a theatre and right from presale days you just pick your day, time and go from there. With Cineplex (admittedly I will speak only for Toronto but I think its pretty similar Canadawide), tickets will go on sale, but there's more a, locality issue to work with as far as seats. Ill use this example: I want to see FB3 in Toronto on the opening Friday. Because the theatres work on a week by week basis, then while there may be SOME tickets available, they only are for "regular" or similar theatres, but very very low "availability early in the presales because the majority of theatres they run are still "booking" seats for the shows currently in theatres and sometimes really aren't sure how many seats they want to make "available" until the Wednesday before opening-so presales from first day to that Tuesday, there might "only" be say 3000 seats (again almost exclusively regular or similar seats) available. But when Wedneday hits, they've decided at that point to relase say 10000 more seats for the Thursday show (your AVX/IMAX/DBOX) higher tier theatres. SOOOO back to original question-it can get hard to get a determination alot of times on how a show will do if many people are "waiting" for that Wednesday when the fancy theatres get released. I will say numbers seem to do doing pretty well as there's a higher percentage of people who have bought tickets (again mostly regular and smaller amount of seats) for FB3, which opens in a week, than for Sonic 2 which is opening this weekend. It doesn't hurt that the Harry Potter World IP is as big as it is. Anyway, hope that explains a bit in my awkward way that I have lol
  11. I did not mean for that to be in french? How the heck did that happen???? OH you're in France, so prolly national translation. The numbers themselves are number of seats sold, seats remaining, Total seats (sold plus remaining) and percentage as in the percentage of seats sold of the total amount. Theatres-number of theatres Ive included in the count Shows-How many total screenings through those theatres I am covering. I am covering an area of Toronto, Ontario Canada, up to 10 theatres for presales for those shows. EDIT Or am I on the recieving end of some humor here? If so well done lol
  12. Toronto Ontario Taken April 6 Sonic 2 (Thurs April 7) Total Theatres 8 Total Shows 24 Total sold 133 Total Remaining 7925 Total Seats 8058 Percentage 1.65 Friday April 8 8 theatres 43 shows Total Sold 507 Total remaining 13603 Total Seats 14110 Percentage 3.59 Fantastic Beasts 3 (Thurs April 14) 10 Theatres 65 shows Total sold 676 Total remaining 15261 Total Seats 15973 Percentage 4.24 May have miscounted previous theatres for Sonic 2- a couple of theatres I usually cover ARENT showing Sonic 2 Thurs or Fri! Which is weird considering those same theatres are covering FB3 just fine. Also a bit telling that FB3 has more sold 1 week out than Sonic does for Tomorrow and Fri.
  13. Toronto Ontario Taken April 5 Fantastic Beasts 3 Thurs April 15 10 theatres 44 Shows Total Sold 549 Total Remaining 10829 Total Seats 11378 Percentage 4.83 Sonic 2 Thurs April 7 10 Theatres 21 Shows Total sold 87 Total Remaining 6811 Total seats 6898 Percentage 1.26 The tough thing with Cineplex when tickets go on sale, many theatres hold back alot of seating until the Wed before an opening, so most advance seats before then are of the "regular" and AVX type with some IMAX-but it really is a limited amount. Its only on the Wed before when ALL seating is released-as a result theres a strong chance many people, unless it's an absolute monster like an MCU tentpole or similar film, wait until the "good seats" become available on the Wed before opening, so sometimes the numbers of shows and seats tend to seem lacking. Interesting to note that Sonic 2 has kind of hung around the 1 percent mark, whereas Fantastic Beasts is already up to almost 5 percent, no doubt to the difference in popularity of the IPs.
  14. Something something Confirmation Bias. I see the REAL tricks of the trade now on Box Office Tracking thread! Im shocked, SHOCKED! LOL Looks like FB3 (you know it took me to today to realize that FB3 was the Secrets of Dumbledore?) tracking Ill be doing this week for Toronto.
  15. Toronto Ontario Morbius Friday April 1 taken March 31 10 theatres 91 shows Total sold 894 Total Remaining 24107 Total Seats 25001 Percentage 3.58 Sonic 2 Thurs April 7 Total theatres 13 Total Shows 29 Total sold 74 Total Remaining 10757 Total seats 10831 Percentage .68 I didn't do the Wed this time as there wasn't much change at all for Sonic 2, and the Wed seem to right now be that "Special 1 show preview" that Cineplex seems to do more on Wednesdays now. Can't say much on the Morbius other than perhaps this will be a WOM movie, as Im not seeing alot of movement on presales for tomorrow.
  16. Morbius Toronto Ontario THURS March 31 taken Wed March 30 13 theatres 76 shows Total sold 812 Total remaining 18614 Total seats 19426 Percentage 4.18 So here's Thurs numbers with 13 shows, now that I am navigating cineplex a bit better with the changes. I will TRY to get Numbers for Thurs and Friday tomorrow. I am going away for weekend so I won't be near computer. Sonic 2 isn't budging too much but its still early so not sure Ill do an update of Sonic 2 numbers till next week, but who knows maybe in a rush of endorphins I do all those seats before weekend....
  17. Morbius Toronto Ontario Fri April 1 Taken March 29 10 Theatres 64 shows Total sold 570 Total remaining 16413 total seats 16983 percentage 3.36 But wait, dear Tinalera, I hear you saying, what about your Thursday count?? And why only 10 instead of 13 theatres I hear you cry to the heavens. Well Ladies and Gents, Cineplex went and changed around the format for seats-Pros: Instead of having to press button for every single seat preview, previews are sorted by screen types now (Imax, regular ect) and for each screen type is multiple shows I can just click one to the other to the other. The not great is that each screen type takes up a whole screen (IE I can only do Imax before backspacing to regular-or I would, but instead backspace sends me right back to near beginning of the page. And when I simply change "theatre location" well because Im nowhere NEAR Toronto (London area) it auto goes back to Theatres IN MY AREA, so I have to type "Toronto" again every time to get the Toronto locations every time I change location). So Why only 10 instead of 13? Long story short algorithms are weird with the keywords. As for why no Thursday? Because the numbers weren't making sense compared to the seating I had for previous thursday count at all, and with the whole changearound for Cineplex site I got flustered (And oh yes, now instead of clicking a seat icon for seating, you have to click preview, okay, fine, except accidently clicking on a showtime automatically takes you to a "buy ticket screen"...and more screen hopping ensues. ANYWAY, rant over, I'll try and get a final clean sheet of Thurs numbers tomorrow-but the new setup exhausted me a bit
  18. As a variant to what someone earlier said, how long before heck Monday is the new opening "week(end)? Then they can pile all their amounts from Mon to Fri and say WOW look at our MASSIVE opening "Friday"! It really is getting out of hand
  19. The Lost City Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto area Friday March 25 Taken Thurs March 24 13 Theatres 86 shows Total sold 500 Total Remaining 21293 Total seats 21793 Percentage 2.29
  20. Sonic 2 Wed Apr 6 taken march 21 Toronto Ontario 6 theatres 6 shows Total sold 25 Total remaining 2214 Total seats 2239 Percentage 1.12 Thurs April 7 9 Theatres 27 shows total sold 4 Total remaining 9629 Total seats 9633 Percentage .04 The Lost City March 24 13 Theatres 40 shows Total sold 70 Total remaining 10683 (note due to possible error one show was marked as 321 seats instead of 231, so there might be small variation from previous of about 100 seats) Total seats 10753 Percentage .65 Morbius March 31 13 theatres 53 showings Total sold 480 Total Remaining 12737 Total seats 13217 Percentage 3.63
  21. The Lost City Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto Area Thurs March thurs 24 taken March 18 13 Theatres 40 Shows Total Sold 36 Total Remaining 10616 Total seats 10652 Percentage .34 Morbius Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto Area March thurs 31 taken March 18 13 Theatres 53 shows Total sold 412 Total Remaining 12895 Total Seats 13307 Percentage 3.1
  22. Double Header! Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto Area Morbius Thurs March 31 taken March 15 13 Theatres 53 shows Total Sold 277 Total Remaining 12912 Total Seats 13189 Percentage 2.1 percent The Lost City March 24 13 Theatres 20 shows Total Sold 10 Total Remaining 7185 Percentage .14 percent Too early to judge anything but Morbius is already in single digits percentage wise despite being a week later whereas Lost City...is what it is, something minor to see there
  23. It aint much yet but... The Lost City Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto area Thurs March 25 taken March 11 6 Theatres 21 Shows Total Sold 3 Total Remaining 6804 Total seats 6807 Percentage .04 (had to break out the abacus for that one ) Its the start of a track on this end, more seats as time goes by but its a start.
  24. So further update on Ontario-most mask mandates ending March 21 (places like buses, senior residents, and related end April 27). I do know that we've already had the other mandates lifted, but I thought Id add this, if for only reason as lifting of masking mandates may now encourage those who were hesitant before to head to theatres. I mean I don't think the increase will be THAT much more than already was after attendance restrictions lifted, but thought it should be noted.
  25. The Batman Toronto Ontario Greater Toronto area Friday march 4 taken Wed March 2 13 theatres 242 shows Total sold 9102 Total Remaining 52009 Total Seats 61111 Percentage 14.8 Won't be around for weekend, but this should give a snapshot 2 days out from friday showings in Toronto
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